T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | S E P T E M B E R O C T O B E R 2005 |
Hispanic Heritage As part of the 2005 Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrationsand in honor of the 10-year anniversary of the NIH Hispanic Employee Organizationthe NIH-HEO is sponsoring three fall events.
For more information,
contact Maria Hessie at 301-435-1680 or 301-496-3981. |
The third annual NIH History Day will be held Thursday, September 22, beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the Lipsett Amphitheater, Building 10, and will feature NIH historian Victoria Harden, director of the Office of NIH History, speaking on "An Indescribable Experience: NIH Researchers and the AIDS Epidemic, 19811990." Harden is hoping that all the intramural investigators involved in AIDS research at the time will be the audienceto stand and be recognized (and photographed for the archives). NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and Michael Gottesman, deputy director for intramural research, will deliver welcoming remarks. Two panels from the now-historic AIDS Memorial Quilt will be displayed. Harden has co-edited two AIDS history booksAIDS and the Historian (NIH, 1989) and AIDS and the Public Debate: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (OS Press, 1995). For more info, visit
this website.
Duncan, professor of cell biology and drug delivery and director of the
Centre for Polymer Therapeutics, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University,
Wales, will present the next lecture in NCI Nanotechnology Seminar Series,
Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 3:004:00 p.m., in the Natcher
Conference Center, Room E1/E2. The event will be webcast.
For more information, visit this website.
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Inadvertently omitted from the Interest Group Directory in the July-August Catalyst: Neural
Cell Function Interest Group
Of Clinical Research Registration for the 20052006 "Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research" is underway; the deadline for registering is October 5. The course runs from October 17, 2005, through February 21, 2006; classes will be held Monday and Tuesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to approximately 6:30 p.m in the Lipsett Amphitheater, Building 10. There is no charge for the course, but students must buy the required textbook. A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the course, including a final exam. More than 700 students registered for the 20042005 program, which was also broadcast to several domestic and international locations. For additional information or to register, visit the website or call the NIH Clinical Center, Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education, at 301-496-9425. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to those accepted into the program. For reasonable accommodations, call 301-496-9425 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at least seven business days prior to the event. Course Objectives
The course is designed for physicians and others training for a career in clinical research. Interested persons
are strongly encouraged to take a course in biostatistics such as STAT
200 or STAT 500, currently offered by the NIH/Foundation
for Advanced Education in the Sciences, which is accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide CME
for physicians. |
Demystifying Medicinea course to bridge the gap between PhDs trained in basic science and the medical problems to which their skills and insights could be appliedwill be offered again in 2006. Starting January 10 and ending May 2, the course will be held each Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the ground-floor auditorium of Building 50 (rooms 1227 and 1233). All presentations will be videocast and archived. The course is geared toward graduate and medical students, clinical and PhD fellows, and staff. Those seeking academic credit can register with FAES. Others may register at the Listserv. The course schedule
will appear in the November-December issue of The NIH Catalyst. The deadline for late registration for the FAES 20052006 session is October 7. The late fee is $10. The FAES Course Catalog is available at at the FAES Scientific Bookstore in the Clinical Center, Bldg. 10, B1 level, and the FAES office, One Cloister Court, Bldg. 60, Suite 230and online. For more information,
call 301-496-7976. FAES welcomes suggestions for classroom space. The eighth in the NCCAM Distinguished Lectures series"Is Spirituality Good for Your Health? Historical Reflections on an Emerging Research Enterprise"is set for October 28, 2005, from 11:00 a.m. to noon in Masur Auditorium, Building 10. The lecture, delivered by Harvards Anne Harrington, will be videocast. For more information
or for reasonable accommodations (sign language interpretation will be
provided), call 301-594-5595 or the Federal Relay at 1-800-877-8339. .More
information about the series can be found at this website.
Seeks Mentors Intramural scientists interested in mentoring an NCCAM Directors Fellow are invited to add their name to a list of potential mentors. The mentor-fellow match will be determined by the fellows research interest and the mentors willingness to host the fellow, who will be selected in early 2006 from among NIH and non-NIH applicants. The two-year fellowship, fully funded by a Prince of Wales Foundation grant, is expected to begin in summer 2006. Under the mentors guidance, the fellow will serve as a "bridge" between the mentors intramural lab, where the work will be performed, and NCCAM. The mentor will supervise the fellow in conducting clinical, translational, and/or laboratory research as he or she would any other fellow. It is suggested but not required that this researchwhether at the bench or the bedsidebe related to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The intramural lab that hosts the fellow will need to provide space and the mentors time but will incur no cost in supporting this collaborative opportunity. The fellowship offers full salary, benefits, professional travel, and two years of research support. The selected fellow must have an MD, DO, PhD, DC, ND, or equivalent degree and be committed to a career in CAM research. Those interested in joining a list of available mentors or in recommending a qualified candidate for this fellowship are encouraged to contact Ruth Kirschstein, senior advisor to the NIH director. Fellowship details
are available at the
Town Hall Meeting on Taking Care of Business A Town Hall Meeting to acquaint scientific and administrative staff with the NIH Business System (NBS) will be held Monday, October 31, 2005, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Natcher Auditorium. The event begins with a plenary-session discussion of scientific and administrative management perspectives, followed by a series of concurrent sessions of system demonstrations in three functional areas: acquisition/supply (iProcurement, Prism & Oracle Systems), property (Sunflower System), and finance (Oracle System). Information about
registration will be provided via e-mail closer to the date of the event.
Sign language interpreters will be provided. Individuals with disabilities
who need reasonable accommodation to participate in this conference should
contact Leslie Linden in the NBS Project Office at 301-451-0004 or via
On the NIMH MAP: Manji Named Director
Husseini Manji, chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology in the Mood and Anxiety Program (MAP), NIMH, has been appointed MAP director. Manji is a psychiatrist by training, with a special emphasis in psychopharmacology and cellular and molecular biology. The major focus of his ongoing research is the investigation of disease- and treatment-induced changes in gene and protein expression profiles that regulate neuroplasticity and cellular resilience in mood disorders. His laboratories' scientific goals are to build on recent insights into the signaling pathways mediating the effects of mood stabilizer to better understand the pathophysiology of severe mood disorders and to develop improved therapeutics. The recipient of numerous distinguished research awards in his field, Manji has also been honored at NIMH with awards for excellence in clinical care and research, and Mentor of the Year and Supervisor of the Year awards. He developed and directs the NIH Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences graduate course in the neurobiology of mental illness. He has published extensively on the molecular and cellular underpinnings of severe mood disorders and their treatments, authored many textbook chapters, and edited a book on the mechanisms of action of treatments for bipolar disorder. He is a councilor for the Collegium Inter-nationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum and a fellow of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP); he chairs the ACNPs Task Force on New Medication Development, and is a member of ACNPs Credentialing Committee. Manji serves on
the advisory boards of several scientific and research organizations,
is editor of two academic journals, and is a visiting professor in the
Departments of Psychiatry at Columbia University in New York and Duke
University in Durham, N.C.