T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J A N U A R Y F E B R U A R Y 2005 |
Add to the body of knowledge about normal and abnormal biological functions and behavior
Identification of disease genes
Variants in a single gene on chromosome 20 (hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a,
or HNF4a, a transcription factor that influences
insulin response to glucose) found to confer a 35 percent increased risk of
type 2 diabetes in Finnish populations (NHGRI)
Identification of two genes through microarray screeningezrin and
SIX1that regulate the metastatic phenotype of rhabdomyosarcoma
cells in mouse models, suggesting the possibility of clinical interventions
to prevent metastasis (NHGRI, NCI)
Identification of five chromosomal regions that harbor attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder susceptibility genes (4q13.2, 5q33.3, 8q11.23, 11q22, and 17p11) (NHGRI,
A polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene found to be associated with
anxiety and a risk for depression in the face of adversity in female, but not
male, rhesus monkeys, possibly helping to explain the increased incidence of
certain stress-related disorders in women (NIAAA)
The cloning of dardarin (LRRK2), a new gene for Parkinson's disease,
mutations in which cause autosomal dominant Lewy body disease and account for
approximately 5 percent of cases (NIA)
A new Fanconi anemia gene for FANCB, the only one transmitted in a sex-linked
manner, identified through biochemical techniques that recovered components
of the purified complex of interacting Fanconi proteins (NIA)
Identification of a polymorphism in the promoter of the CYP2J2 gene that
increases the risk of coronary artery disease, the first evidence of disease
relevance for this P450 gene (NIEHS)
Identification of a variant in a gene that governs the activity of the brain
chemical messenger glutamate that increases the risk for schizophrenia; the
gene codes for the glutamate receptor GRM3, which is responsible for regulating
glutamate in synapses (NIMH)
Important new animal models
A transgenic mouse model with reduced levels of Notch protein exhibited impaired
communication at neuronal synapses in the hippocampus critical for learning
and memory but responded to Notch activation by another protein, suggesting
Notch as a new target for therapeutic interventions to improve learning and
memory (NIA)
Development of a natural-challenge mouse model for plague infection and testing
of an experimental plague vaccine that proved to be 100 percent effective; the
model will be used to test other plague vaccines in development and to track
the spread of plague bacteria through a host to study possible therapeutic interventions
Development of a mouse model of SARS replication that demonstrated that mice
produce neutralizing antibodies to the SARS virus that protect them from re-infection
and that immune sera from infected mice protected other mice from SARS infection;
thus far, the mouse model has been used to demonstrate the efficacy of a DNA
vaccine, an inactivated vaccine, a vectored vaccine, and three candidate immunotherapies
A small dose of cholera toxin protected a rodent model of uveitis from developing
the disease (by countering the Th1 immune response), offering proof of concept
for an immunomodulatory approach to this autoimmune disease that may prove a
safer alternative to chronic administration of immunosuppressive agents (NEI)
Improved heart function after ischemia-reperfusion injury in transgenic mice
with cardiac-specific overexpression of the heart enzyme CYP2J2pointing
for the first time to an endogenous role for this enzyme in the heart, with
implications for the treatment of ischemic heart disease (NIEHS)
Injection of a glutamate receptor agonist into the ventral tegmental area of
the brain diminished contextual cueinduced relapse to heroin seeking in
a rat-relapse model, suggesting that group II metabotropic glutamate receptors
be targeted in the treatment of relapse to heroin and other drugs of abuse (NIDA)
Discovery and evaluation of a novel dopamine D3 receptor antagonistthe
first water-soluble compound in its classin animal models of cocaine abuse
to elucidate the role of D3 receptors in drug reinforcement (NIDA)
Basic discoveries in cell, molecular, and structural biology with implications for the treatment of human disease
Advances in understanding the developmental pathways involved in bone and joint
formation, namely, the balanced interplay in Wnt signaling that results in osteoblast
tissue that eventually becomes segments of bone separated by regions of cartilage
that become joints (NHGRI)
Identification of two novel mechanisms that allow human antibodies to overcome
HIV-1's defenses and enhance recognition of the virus, thus providing new targets
for HIV-1 vaccines and therapeutics (VRC)
Demonstration that CCR5-tropic HIV preferentially infects certain dendritic
cell populations, possibly enhancing infection, contributing to immune evasion,
and providing a selective advantage for CCR5-tropic virus that may explain its
preferential transmission in nature (VRC)
Enhanced oligodendrocyte progenitor differentiation found to promote remyelination,
suggesting that drugs designed to target the sigma-1 receptor may be useful
in treating demyelinating diseases or other myelination-related pathopsychiatric
disorders (NIDA)
Identification of the basolateral complex of the amygdala as a key factor in
environmental triggers of drug-induced brain reward and therefore a key target
for antirelapse therapies for alcoholism and drug addictionhitherto poorly
understood and poorly treatable (NIDA)
Elucidation of the underlying mechanism of mental retardation in Down's syndrome
through the finding in Drosophila that overexpression mutants in the homologous
relevant human region results in severe learning defects induced by biochemical
alterations, not by maldevelopment of the brain (NINDS)
Use of the hunger hormone ghrelin found to inhibit proinflammatory cytokine
expression upon immune activation in vitro and within in vivo sepsis models;
strategies to treat human inflammatory and autoimmune disorders might be entertained
The finding that autophagy is a key immune cell death mechanism and is, paradoxically,
induced by inhibiting one of the very enzymes that initiates apoptosis, caspase-8along
with the identification of beclin1 and ATG7 as key genes involved
in autophagysuggests the protein products of these genes as targets for
drug discovery in the effort to inhibit this form of cell death; awareness of
this previously unrecognized pathway may also aid in the design of treatments
for autoimmunity (NIAID)
Identification of critical basic molecular mechanisms whereby small GTP-binding
proteins of the Rho family coordinate rapid changes in cell shape, motility,
and overall cytoskeletal function with the nuclear expression of growth-related
genes involved in both normal and cancerous cell growth (NIDCR)
Demonstration that estrogen promotes angiogenesis and tumor growth by downregulating
a naturally occurring soluble "decoy" protein, suggesting that inhibition
of sVEGFR-1 expression represents a novel mechanism of an estrogen-driven "angiogenic
switch" that is responsible for breast carcinoma progression (NIDCR)
Demonstration that SLPI, a protease inhibitor in mucosal secretions, inhibits
HIV from infecting macrophages by binding to annexin 2, a newly recognized HIV
cofactor (NIDCR)
The discovery that human cells can splice proteins, strongly enhancing the understanding
of protein antigens and T-cell immunology (NCI, NIAID)
Demonstration that growth factors interleukin-2 and interleukin-15 have contrasting
roles in the life and death of lymphocytes, which allows understanding of the
maintenance and survival of T cells that confer long-term specific memory immune
response (NCI)
Infusions of nitrite ions into several mammalian species shown to induce production
of nitric oxide and resultant blood flow changes, suggesting that pharmacological
use of nitrite solutions for various diseases may be possible (NIDDK, CC, NHLBI)
Demonstration that the mouse X chromosome is enriched for all genes preferentially
expressed in sexually dimorphic tissues (such as the uterus, ovaries, prostate),
thereby reconciling all previously published data on this subject from flies,
worms, mice, and humans (NIDDK)
Shuffling the prion domain of Ure2p (randomizing the amino acid sequence without
changing the amino acid content) found to produce sequences that can still form
prions (NIDDK, NIAMS)
Demonstration through mutation studies and quantum chemical calculations that
Ser113 of heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is critical for the binding of the anticancer
compound geldanamycin to HSP90 (NCI, CIT)
Overexpression of the enzyme Cdk5 found to decrease the activity of the Src
enzyme and inhibit cell migration and wound closure in corneal epithelium, suggesting
a new approach for treating persistent corneal ulcers and other conditions with
impaired wound healing (NEI)
Discovery that adiponectin, an adipokine secreted by adipose cells, directly
activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and stimulate production of nitric
oxide in vascular endothelial cells, providing a molecular basis for the ability
of adiponectin to improve insulin sensitivity and oppose accelerated atherosclerosis
in diseases associated with insulin resistance (diabetes, obesity, hypertension,
dyslipidemias, and coronary heart disease) (NCCAM)
First report to demonstrate that it is the human pregnane X receptor that mediates
induction of the drug-metabolizing enzyme CYP2C9 by rifampicin, phenobarbital,
and hyperforin (found in St. Johns wort), explaining how concomitant exposure
with certain prescribed drugs (such as anticoagulatory, antidiabetic, and antihypertensive
agents) leads to increasing the rate of disappearance of drugs and compromised
efficacy (NIEHS)
Endocannabinoids demonstrated to tonically suppress cardiac contractility in
hypertension and to normalize blood pressure in three different models of experimental
hypertension, suggesting the endocannabinoid system as a novel therapeutic target
in hypertension (NIAAA)
Interleukin-6 found to ameliorate alcohol- and obesity-associated fatty liver
disease and to prevent ischemia-reperfusion injury of fatty livers, suggesting
therapeutic potential for IL-6 in human fatty liver disease (NIAAA)
Interleukin-22, a T cellderived cytokine, demonstrated to be a novel hepatoprotective
cytokine that may have therapeutic potential in treating acute liver failure
Establishing that a major role of WRN, the protein found to be deficient in
Werner syndrome (WS), is at the telomere end, where it functionally interacts
with other telomere proteins and where it participates in maintenance and repair,
the lack of which leads to genomic instability, a key feature of WS cells (NIA)
Determination of a series of high-resolution structures of sequence-specific
as well as nonspecific endonucleases, thereby resolving the dilemma of substrate
specificity and metal ion requirement and gaining insights into DNA repair,
phage restriction, retroviral replication, and integration (NIDDK, NICHD)
Evidence from a decade-long MRI study of normal brain development from ages
4 to 21 that the prefrontal cortex, the center of reasoning and problem solving,
is among the last areas of the brain to mature and does not fully develop until
young adulthood (NIMH)
Findings suggesting that the basal ganglia are involved in both initiation and
suppression of saccadic eye movements in complex behavioral contexts (NEI)
Elucidation of the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in synapse formation
and in achieving long-term hippocampal plasticity (NICHD)
Findings in an ex vivo human lymphoid tissue system that suggest that triggering
in vivo HIV viral production in latently infected cells in combination with
therapies may become a meaningful strategy to purge latent viral reservoirs
Enhanced understanding of the kainate receptor gene family: solving the structures
of the GluR5 and GluR6 ligand-binding cores, demonstrating that kainate receptor
efficacy is controlled by domain closure, and elucidating their slow recovery
from desensitization (NICHD)
Further elucidation of the role of mammalian mitochodrial fission and fusion
mediators in apoptosis (NINDS)
Demonstration that multivesicular release at mammalian ribbon synapses is coordinated
among release sites (NINDS)
Develop new or improved instruments and technologies for use in research and medicine
Advances in imaging
Development of an automated, fault-tolerant system to enhance high-throughput
NMR protein structure determination (CIT, NIDDK, NCI, NHLBI)
Development of a novel functional MRI technique for measuring cerebral blood
volume, blood flow, and blood oxygenation signals in a single scan (NIDA)
Demonstration that MRI can detect single particles (single, micrometer-sized
iron oxide particles) and that single-particle detection should prove useful
for cellular imaging (NINDS, NHLBI)
Development of a dynamic micromagnetic resonance mammolymphangiography
method to visualize lymphatic flow from breast tumor tissue to draining lymph
nodes to identify a sentinal lymph node and determine the presence or absence
of nodal involvement; this approach may provide surgeons with a precise map
of involved and uninvolved lymph nodes (NCI, NIDDK)
Development of the technique of picosecond time-resolved X-ray crystallography,
achieving stunning agreement with molecular dynamics simulations (NIDDK)
The use of atomic force microscopy to visualize individual rhodopsin molecules
(a key vision signal transduction protein) in native disk and reconstituted
membranes, providing a foundation to study medically important proteins in biological
membranes, with possible applications in nanotechnology (DBEPS, NIAAA)
Novel fluorescence and photoactivatable imaging tools to document that the behavior
of chromosomes, cytoskeleton, and Golgi during mitosis is coordinated through
the activity of the small GTPase Arf1, elucidating the activity of organelles
and raft-associated plasma membrane proteins (NICHD)
Identification of a new series of compounds with extremely high affinity for
a4 b2 nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors (nAChRs) that show promise as imaging agents for extrathalamic nAChRs
Development of a new PET radioligand for 5-HT1A receptor to use in the study
of the molecular basis of mood disorders (CC, NIMH)
Advances in bioinformatics
Implementation of a web-based protocol-tracking system that enables PIs to manage
clinical studies as well as monitor review processes, view status changes, and
respond to requests for additional information and allows protocol coordinators
to manage the entire Institutional Review Board approval process (NINDS, CIT)
Advances in biotechnology
Identification of stem cells in human postnatal periodontal ligament that regenerate
cementum-like and periodontal ligamentlike structures when transplanted
into im-munocompromised mice; these findings suggest that these easily accessible
cells may be useful in repair of periodontal tissue (NIDCR)
Development of a simple plasmid transfection method for efficient intracellular
production of papillomavirus-based gene transfer vectors utilizing the viral
L1 and L2 proteins; the availability of high-titer papilloma-virus vector stocks
should facilitate future studies of papillomavirus replication and tropism,
and the vectors may have future utility as vaccine or gene therapy vehicles
Demonstration that highly proliferativeprecursor cells for islets of Langerhans
can be generated from cadaver pancreases and then redifferentiated in cell culture
Development of new pepitomimetic ligands for integrin targeting that will provide
a new approach for targeted delivery of nanoparticles into human vasculature
Develop new or improved approaches for preventing or delaying the onset or progression of disease and disability
Genetic counseling shown to improve adherence to recommendations for colon cancer
screening and prevention in both mutation-positive and mutation-negative individuals
in families with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, supporting the clinical
practice of genetic susceptibility testing (NHGRI, NCI, NNMC)
Dietary fiber intake, especially from grains, cereals, and fruit, found to lower
the risk of colorectal adenoma among individuals enrolled in the Prostate, Lung,
Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (NCI)
Determination that breastfed babies in the United States have a 20 percent lower
chance of dying between one month and one year of age across all causes of death,
including the most common at that ageSIDS, infections, and trauma; about
720 deaths could be prevented if all children under one were breastfed (NIEHS)
Finding that asthmatic children with a genetic deficiency of glutathione S-transferase
M1GSTM1 may be more susceptible to the deleterious effects of ozone on the small
airways and might derive greater benefit from antioxidant (vitamins C and E)
supplementation (NIEHS)
The finding that intake of fiber, specifically from fruits and soy products,
is related to a decreased risk of developing persistent cough with phlegm production
Decreasing levels of free testosterone among men enrolled in the Baltimore Longitudinal
Study on Aging found to predict increased risk of developing Alzheimers
disease (NIA, NCCAM)
The first direct experimental demonstration in humans that calorie restriction
increases psychoactive drug self-administration, using cigarette smoking (nicotine)
as the drug (NIDA)
Establishment that exposure to benzene at levels even lower than the U.S. occupational
standard of 1 part per million results in lowered white blood cell and platelet
counts, with especially marked effects on progenitor cell colony formation;
individuals with genetic variants in two metabolizing enzymesmyeloperoxidase
and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductaseidentified as especially susceptibility
to benzene hematotoxicity (NCI)
Establishment of the magnitude of risk for subsequent uterine cancer among breast
cancer patients treated with tamoxifen who survived 5 years or more: an 8-fold
relative risk of rare but aggressive malignant mixed müllerian tumors,
as well as a 2.3-fold risk for endometrial adenocarcinoma (NCI)
Vaccine development
Development of a recombinant DNA vaccine against SARS coronavirus that induced
neutralizing antibodies in mice; a Phase I clinical trial is underway (VRC)
Phase I clinical trials at various stages to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity
of a DNA vaccine against Ebola virus in adult volunteers, a recombinant adenoviral
vaccine against multiple clades and genes of HIV-1 in uninfected adult volunteers,
and a six-plasmid DNA vaccine against multiple clades of HIV-1 in uninfected
adult volunteers (VRC)
Ongoing clinical trials, in Baltimore and Costa Rica, of an HPV 16 (human papillomavirus
type 16) L1 virus-like particle vaccine to prevent cervical cancer(NCI)
Develop new or improved methods for diagnosing disease and disability
Development of a "lab-on-a-chip" rapid immunoassay for the measurement of hormones
in real time, enabling rapid patient assessment with minimal intervention during
other clinical or surgical procedures (DBEPS, NICHD, NIDDK)
Development of a minimally invasive sample procurement needle, based on a 32-gauge
acupuncture needle, enabling in vivo sampling of skin, muscle, or other organs
while causing no discomfort beyond that associated with acupuncture (DBEPS,
Development of a new microanalytic technique to distinguish patients with and
without painful myofascial trigger points through continuous myofascial fluid
sampling (CC)
Temporarily disabling dopamine receptors in monkeys brains found to result
in the performance of all tasks as if a reward were anticipated for each one,
suggesting that highly specific manipulations of brain receptors could be a
useful approach in discerning the molecular mechanisms that control other cognitive
functions (NIMH)
Brain imaging to pinpoint the site of a defect in a brain circuit associated
with a specific thinking deficit in Williams syndrome, a rare genetic disorder,
offers clues on how genetic flaws may translate into cognitive symptoms in more
common and complex major mental disorders (NIMH)
Identification of an area near the left temple of the monkey brain as the site
of processing species-specific vocalizations suggests that this is not only
a higher-order auditory processing area but also one that is a precursor for
acoustic language circuits in humans (NIMH, CC)
The finding that an emotion-regulating brain circuit is overactive in people
prone to depression and that depression relapse is induced by a depletion of
tryptophan, the chemical precursor of serotonin, suggests that tryptophan depletion
unmasks an inborn trait associated with depression and that a genetic predisposition
to inadequate serotonin activity may be at the root of the mood disorder (NIMH,
The finding that couples diagnosed as clinically infertile due merely to not
having achieved pregnancy after a year of trying (without additional clinical
indicators of reproductive dysfunction) should continue attempting for up to
two years before considering potentially risky assisted reproductive technologies
Gene expression patterns
Development of an expression microdissection instrument that facilitates more
rapid and precise genomic and proteomic analysis (NCI, NICHD, CIT)
Development of a novel model for quantitatively analyzing cell cycle gene expression
that promises enhanced understanding of tumor cell growth and the effects of
genotoxic agents on specific cell cycle checkpoint genes (NIEHS)
Identification of transcription factor nuclear factorkappa B (NF-kB)
as an important mod-ulator of the altered gene expression profile and malignant
phenotype in squamous carcinoma; inactivation of NF-kB
inhibited malignant phenotypic features, including proliferation, cell survival,
migration, angiogenesis, and tumorigenesis (NIDCD, NCI)
Patterns of genes active in tumor cells shown to predict whether patients with
diffuse large B cell lymphoma are likely to be cured by chemotherapy, suggesting
that gene expression profiling may facilitate clinical treatment options for
standard or other therapies (NCI)
Identification of a target RNA motif for RNA-binding protein HuR by immunoprecipitation
of HuR-RNA ribonucleoprotein complexes, cDNA array analysis of target RNAs,
and elucidation of the primary and secondary structures of the bound transcripts
Continuing development of a microfluidic, flow-through immunoassay for simultaneous
quantification of multiple proteins in sub-microliter samples; advantages over
existing array technology include protein detection by single-point capture
and reusable capture antibodies (DBEPS, CIT)
Develop new or improved approaches for treating disease and disability
Clinical trial evidence that retroviral gene therapy yields gene-corrected lymphocytes
and clinical improvement in patients with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency
disorder who have failed standard bone marrow transplant and have no other therapeutic
options (NHGRI, NIAID)
A clinical trial of humanized anti-CD25 (daclizumab, developed in the NCI intramural
program) shown to inhibit disease activity (both on imaging and in daily activities)
in multiple sclerosis patients not responding to interferon-b,
the standard therapy (NINDS, NCI)
A novel magnetic resonance imaging biomarker identifies blood-brain barrier
disruption early enough in the course of stroke-induced ischemia and reperfusion
to inform decisions regarding adjunctive therapy to reduce complications associated
with acute thrombolytic therapy (NINDS)
Evidence supporting the potential role of regulatory T cells in the diminution
of HIV-specific immune responses in HIV-infected individuals may lead to improved
therapeutic and vaccination approaches designed to enhance or elicit HIV-specific
immune responses (NIAID)
Monoclonal anti-IL-12 proved to be an effective treatment of active Crohns
disease in an early-phase clinical trial, paving the way for a phase III trial
in a large patient cohort; the trial also provided solid proof that a Th1 process
is the final common T-cell pathway of inflammation in Crohns disease (NIAID)
Allogeneic T lymphocytes from a genetically matched donor found to induce tumor
regression in patients with metastatic breast cancerdemonstrating for
the first time that a graft-vs-host tumor effect may have therapeutic value
in metastatic breast cancer (NCI, CC)
The launching of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial to determine
if dark chocolate (which contains antioxidants, including polyphenol epicatechin)
lowers blood pressure and improves insulin resistance and endothelial function
in people with essential hypertensionrelevant to the treatment of diabetes,
obesity, hypertension, and atherosclerosis (NCCAM)
Expansion of a clinical study of electro-acupuncture for the treatment of delayed
nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy in patients with pediatric solid tumors;
the study is now a multicenter study in collaboration with the Childrens
Oncology Group (NCCAM, NCI)
The launching of the first clinical study of a mistletoe-chemotherapy (gemcitabine)
combination in patients with advanced solid tumors; this phase I trial is a
model for the study of botanical-drug interactions in combination regimens for
treating cancer (NCCAM, NCI)
Launching of the first "proof of principle" clinical trial to test the ability
of the CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant to reduce the desire to drink in heavy
drinkers (NIAAA)
** For this years IRP research roundup, IC scientific directors were asked to limit their selections to four to six "discoveries/new models/new tools reported in 2004 that . . . most advance the knowledge base in the field or have a significant impact on diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of heretofore poorly understood conditions or conditions that are important from a public health standpoint . . . . [also] clinical trials of new therapies/strategies launched in 2004 that address the types of conditions noted above."