T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J U L Y - A U G U S T 1 9 9 8 |
IntraMall On-LineThe NIH IntraMall electronic shopping center is open for immediate use by all NIH staff who have registered for an IntraMall account. IntraMall provides streamlined, desktop, on-line catalogue shopping for scientific supplies and equipment that simplifies use of the IMPAC credit cards for payment. There are more than 60 vendors and more than 20 complete catalogues on-line today at <http://intramall.nih.gov>. To stimulate IntraMall use, VISA U.S.A. will make a donation to the National Foundation of Biomedical Research, The Foundation for the NIH, for every transaction made through Intramall from June 25 through September 30, 1998. To receive your IntraMall password for immediate access, please contact your administrative officer to confirm your institute’s IntraMall participation or Jeff Weiner at 496-7058. |