Cell Biology Interest Group Meeting time: Varies, meetings restricted to NIH scientists Contact: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, NICHD Clinical Research Meeting time, place: Varies Contact: Cliff Lane, NIAID Genetics Interest Group
Immunology Meeting time: Wednesdays, 4:15 p.m. (see NIH Calendar of Events) Contact: Pierre Henkart, NCI Molecular Biology/Biochemistry Interest Group Meeting time, place: Varies Contact: Reed Wickner, NIDDK Neurobiology Meeting time: Not available Contact: Ron McKay, NINDS Structural Biology Interest Group Meeting time, place: Announced by e-mail and regular mail Contact: Alasdair Steven, NIAMS To register for e-mail announcements: |
[Groups in brackets are just getting started. Umbrella groups are affiliated major faculties, or other coordinating or oversight groups]
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Alzheimer's Interest Group Meeting time: First or second Thursday Contact: Gerald Ehrenstein, NINDS |
Antisense Interest Group Umbrella Group: Clinical Research |
Apoptosis Interest Group (AIG) Meeting time: Once a month on Monday, 4:00 p.m. Contact: Yves Pommier, NCI |
Behavioral and Social Sciences Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly Contact 1: Jaylan Turkkan, NIDA Contact 2: Ron Abeles, NIA |
BSSR Methodology and Measurement Interest Group Umbrella Group: Behavioral and Social Sciences Contact: Jared Jobe, NIA |
Bioinstrumentation Interest Group Meeting time: First Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. Contact: Steve Leighton, NCRR |
Birth Defects and Teratology Group Meeting time, place: Varies Contact 1: Kenneth Warren, NIAAA Contact 2:
James Hanson, NICHD |
Breast Biology Interest Group Meeting time: Fourth Monday, 4:00 p.m. Contact:
JoAnne Zujewski, NCI |
[Carcinogenesis Interest Group] Contact: Umberto Saffiotti |
Cell and Molecular Neuroscience Interest Group Umbrella group: Neurobiology Contact:
Ron McKay, NINDS |
Cell Cycle Interest Group Umbrella group: Cell Biology Contact:
Patrick M. O'Connor, NCI |
Cellular and Molecular Biotherapy Interest Group Meeting time: Quarterly half-day symposia Contact 1:
John R. Ortaldo, NCI-FCRF Contact 2:
Jack Greiner, NCI |
Chaos and Biocomplexity Interest Group Meeting time: Once a month on Thursday, 4:00 p.m. Contact:
Julio Licinio, NIMH |
Cytokine Interest Group Meeting time, place: Varies Contact 1:
Howard Young, NCI Contact 2:
Alan Sher, NIAID |
Developmental Biology Interest Group Umbrella group: Cell Biology Contact 1:
Igor Dawid, NICHD Contact 2:
Joram Piatigorsky, NEI |
DNA Repair Group Umbrella group: Molecular Biology Contact 1:
Kenneth Kraemer, NCI |
Drosophila Interest Group Umbrella group: Developmental Biology Contact:
Sue Haynes, NICHD |
Drug Discovery Meeting time: Once a month on Thursday, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Contact:
John Weinstein, NCI |
Economics Interest Group Umbrella Group: Behavioral and Social Sciences Contact 1:
James A. Schuttinga, OD Contact 2:
Agnes Rupp, NIMH |
Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly Contact 1:
Martina Vogel, OD Contact 2:
Dick Havlik, NIA Listserv:subscribe to Epidem-L at listserv@list.nih.gov |
Extracellular Matrix Interest Group Meeting time, place: Varies Contact 1:
W. Stetler-Stevenson, NCI Contact 2:
Larry Wahl |
Fluorescence Interest Group Meeting time: Fridays, 4:00 p.m. Contact:
Jay Knutson, NHLBI |
Gene Therapy Interest Group Meeting time: Second and fourth Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Contact:
R. Michael Blaese, NCHGR |
Glia Club Meeting time: Bimonthly on second Wednesday, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Contact 1:
Vittorio Gallo, NICHD Contact 2: Joan Schwartz, NINDS |
Glycobiology Interest Group Meeting time: Once a month on Thursday, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Contact:
Diana Blithe, NICHD
Listserver: subscribe to GLYCO-L@LIST.NIH.GOV |
Hard Tissue Disorders Interest Group Umbrella group: Clinical Research Contact:
Pamela Robey, NIDR |
Image Processing Meeting time, place: Varies Contact:
Bonnie Douglas, DCRT |
Integrative Neuroscience Interest Group Umbrella group: NeurobiologyMeeting time: Alternate Thursdays, 4:00 p.m. Contact:
James Olds, NINDS Listserv: subscribe to JLS@LSR.NEI.NIH.GOV |
Lambda Lunch (Bacterial and Phage Genetics) Meeting time: Thursdays, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Contact:
Susan Gottesman, NCI
Anonymous FTP site: FTP.CU.NIH.GOV directory "LAMBDA_LUNCH" |
Lymphoma and Leukemia Interest Group Meeting time: Second Monday, 2:00 p.m. Contact:
Ivan Horak, NCI |
Mass Spectrometry Umbrella group: Structural Biology Contact:
Lewis Pannell, NIDDK |
[Molecular Modeling Interest Group] Meeting time: To be decided Contact:
Robert Pearlstein, DCRT |
Motility Interest Group Meeting time: First Monday (except July and August) Contact:
Leepo Yu, NIAMS |
Mouse Club Umbrella group: Developmental Biology Contact:
Heiner Westphal, NICHD |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Club Meeting time: First Tuesday (see NIH Calendar of Events) Contact:
Gordon Guroff, NICHD |
Nerve-Muscle Interest Group Meeting time: Every other Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Contact:
Matt Daniels, NHLBI |
Neuroimmune Interactions Interest Group Meeting time: Once a month on Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. Contact:
Esther Sternberg, NIMH |
Nucleic Acid Biochemistry Interest Group Umbrella group: Molecular Biology Contact:
Janet Yancey-Wrona, NIDDK |
Pigment Cell Research Interest Group Meeting time: Third Monday, 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Contact:
Vincent Hearing, NCI |
Postdoctoral Structural Biology Interest Group Meeting time: Once a month on Tuesday, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Contact:
Teresa Strzelecka, NIDDK |
[Prostate Cancer Interest Group] Contact:
W. Marston Linehan, NCI |
Protein Folding Meeting time: Thursdays, 4:00 p.m. Contact:
Joe Bryngelson, NCI/DCRT |
Protein Trafficking Interest Group Umbrella group: Cell Biology Contact:
Harris Bernstein, NIDDK |
Human Retrovirus Interest Group Meeting time: Third Wednesday, noon-1:00 p.m. Contact:
Fatah Kashanchi, NCI |
RNA Club Umbrella group: Molecular Biology Contact 1:
Carl Baker, NCI Contact 2:
Susan Haynes, NICHD |
Signal Transduction Interest Group Meeting time, place: Not available Contact 1:
John Northup, NIMH Contact 2:
Jim Battey, NIDCD |
Social Structure & Demographic Issues in Health Interest Group Umbrella group: Behavioral and Social Sciences Contact 1: Laura E. Montgomery, NCHS/CDC Contact 2:
Julie Reid, NHLBI |
Transcription Factors Meeting time: First Thursday (except July-Sept.), 2:15 p.m. Contact 1:
Stoney Simons, NIDDK Contact 2:
U. Siebenlist, NIAID Listserv: subscribe to TFACTORS |
Virology Interest Group Meeting time: Third or fourth Thursday, 3:30 p.m. Contact:
Edward Berger, NIAID Listserv: contact CBuckler@nih.gov |
Washington Area Yeast Club Umbrella group: Molecular Biology Contact 1:
Reed Wickner, NIDDK Contact 2:
Alan Hinnebusch, NICHD |
WorldWideWeb Interest Group Meeting time: Second Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. |
Xenopus/Zebrafish Interest Group Umbrella group: Developmental Biology Contact:
Tom Sargent, NICHD |
X-ray Crystallography Umbrella group: Structural Biology Contact 1:
James Hurley, NIDDK |
Youth and Family Interest Group Umbrella group: Behavioral and Social Sciences Contact:
Carmen Moten, NEI
To make additions or changes, contact
(fax: 402-4303; e-mail: catalyst@od1em1.od.nih.gov).
Wanted: Grad-School DirectorIf shaping a curriculum interests you as much as designing an experiment, the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) may have the perfect job for you. FAES is seeking a scientist to serve as the new director for its Graduate School at NIH, a 37-year-old education program that has an enrollment of more than 2,500 students and offers nearly 100 courses. The part-time position is being vacated by NIDDK's Louis Cohen, who is stepping down after leading the school for the past 35 years. FAES says the new director must be a scientist who is familiar with NIH and its science-education needs, but he or she does not need to be employed by NIH. Among the director's responsibilities will be developing a new curriculum for the school, including courses that use a modern molecular biology teaching lab. For more information on the directorship, contact Lois Kochanski at FAES (phone: 496-7975; e-mail: KochanskiL@FAES.OD.NIH.Gov). |