Maryland Young Scientists Awards

R. Craigie (picture)

Robert Craigie

Robert A. Craigie, chief of the Molecular Virology section in NIDDK's Laboratory of Molecular Biology, is the 1996 winner of Maryland's Outstanding Young Scientist Award. Craigie recently received the honor for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of retroviral DNA integration-a critical step in the replication cycle of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other retroviruses-and for his contributions to work that determined the structure of the catalytic domain of HIV integrase. The $2,500 award, which recognizes cutting-edge scientists under the age of 40 who live and work in Maryland, is sponsored annually by the Maryland Academy of Sciences. Also cited this year was
A. Wolffe (picture)

Alan Wolffe

Alan Wolffe, chief of NICHD's Laboratory of Molecular Embryology. Wolffe was named one of Maryland's Distinguished Young Scientists for his work on the structure of nucleosomes and on how the architecture of chromatin regulates transcription-factor access to DNA. He is particularly interested in the role these nuclear components play in controlling gene expression during the various stages of embryonic development.

Guess Who's Coming

It's not quite "The David Letterman Show," but FELLOW-L, an electronic forum that provides announcements relevant to the postdoctoral community, recently started a lively new feature showcasing the views of invited "guests." In May, the first guest, NINDS's Joan P. Schwartz, who is co-chair of NIH's Committee on Scientific Conduct and Ethics, answered anonymous questions and comments on the subject of mentoring. The starting point for the discussion was Schwartz's article in the March-April 1996 issue of The NIH CATALYST. Schwartz's responses were posted on FELLOW-L and the ftp archive ( Anyone with an interest in postdoc issues is welcome to subscribe to FELLOW-L. Postings on the list regularly include scientific questions, offers and requests for equipment, conference and seminar-related an-nouncements, and discussions about jobs. To sign up, send an e-mail message that reads



OHSR Home Page

Thanks to the power of the World Wide Web, it's now even easier for NIH scientists to get timely information on the regulations and ethical guidelines governing research involving human subjects. The Office of Human Subjects Research's (OHSR's) new home page on the Web offers intramural researchers ready access to a variety of resources, including electronic versions of its "Gray Booklet" that contains guidelines for human-subjects research and NIH's Multiple Project Assurance document. Also available at the site are a collection of 12 information sheets prepared by OHSR. To reach the OHSR site, go to the NIH home page on the Web and click on "Institutes and Offices" and then click on "Office of the Director." The page can also be accessed directly at the uniform resource locator (URL):

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