Trimming Down The Bulk Mail

We all know what it's like to find our mailbox stuffed with ad after ad for products we don't use, and those of us who work in offices have the additional annoyance of getting multiple fliers and catalogs addressed to staff who left NIH long ago.

Unwanted bulk mail also constitutes a major burden and expense for the NIH Mail Service, and throwing it out is environmentally unfriendly and contributes to waste-disposal costs. To make it as easy as possible to stop unwanted bulk mail at its source, NIH has developed a new postcard that staffers can use to request cancellation of undesired mailings.

All you need to do is tape or paste the address label from unwanted mail on the card, address the card to the sender, and drop it in the mailbox. Vendors will probably be glad to save some money (and do the environment a favor) by canceling mailings of unproductive sales literature. Result: less "junk" mail to clutter scientists' lives and wastebaskets.

To get a packet of postcards, ask your administrative officer for NIH Form 2759, "Request for Deletion from Mailing List," or call customer service at the NIH Mail Services Branch (496-3586). For an introductory period, the cards - but not the postage - will be provided free of charge. Get 'em while they last!

- Jane Sayer, NIDDK

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