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On the purpose of SBRS

"Please have an article on the Senior Biomedical Research Service (SBRS) in a future issue [see article on page 1]. It was my understanding that the original purpose of the SBRS was specific - to make the NIH intramural research position pay scales and other aspects of employment more like those at universities. It seems now only to be for recruiting - why bother? Why even tell us about it? It's not for us." - J.M. Ward, NCI

The Senior Biomedical Research Service was always intended as a personnel mechanism for recruiting and retaining scientists of exceptional merit and for rewarding scientists within the intramural program with an improved career track and with higher salaries. The current formulation of SBRS emphasizes the recrutiment activity but certainly does not limit SBRS appointments to outside recruits. Many of our colleagues will be placed in SBRS "tracks." We thought you would want to know about this.

- Michael Gottesman,
Deputy Director for Intramural Research

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