In this issue we are asking for your feedback on: scientific ethics, laboratory waste disposal, tips for our Hot Methods Clinic, and intramural researchers who are couples. Fax your responses or comments on other intramural research concerns to 402-4303 or mail them to us at Building 1, Room 334.
1) What do you think of the NIH intramural program's guidelines for investigating allegations of scientific misconduct? What additions or revisions do you suggest?

2) Do you have any questions about the procedures for medical pathological waste disposal (MPW) outlined in this issue? Can you offer any other advice to labs trying to cut down on MPW bulk?

3) Do you have any suggestions or comments about the tissue-microdissection techniques featured in this issue's Hot Methods Clinic? What updates can you provide on previous Hot Methods? What techniques would you like to see covered in future issues?

4) In a future issue, we plan to talk with couples in which both partners are intramural researchers. We would like tips on couples to interview, as well as suggestions on specific topics to cover.

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