The Pharmacology Research Associate (PRAT) Fellowship Program is currently accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowshipS at NIH. Completed applications are due Oct. 1, 1994 for two-year fellowships beginning on Oct. 1, 1995. The goal of the PRAT Program is to develop future leaders in pharmacological research. The procedure involves co-application of a potential fellow with an approved preceptor in the PRAT Program. A brief research plan is required, as well as a statement of how the research will advance the field of pharmacology, along with transcripts and letters of recommendation. Applications must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and cannot already be fellows at NIH at the time of application, but may join NIH prior to Oct. 1, 1995. For information on the eligible preceptors and for application forms, please call Sandy Cain, PRAT Program Assistant, NIGMS at 4-7808 or fax inquires to 4-7728. For further discussion of the PRAT Program, contact Alison Cole or Rochelle Long, PRAT Program Co-Directors, NIGMS, at 4-7808."