T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | M A Y J U N E 2008 |
The purpose of the Translational Research Interest Group (TRIG)
is to bring together physician-scientists and basic scientists, particularly
intramural investigators, to discuss efficient ways of accelerating the application
of biomedical discoveries to clinical practice for the benefit of patients.
Conversely, it is also aimed at promoting the translation of clinical
observations to the development of improved preclinical strategies and of
disease models.
The first meeting of the TRIG will be held on May 29, 2008,
10:00 a.m.–12:00 noon, at the Natcher Conference Center (Building 45),
Balcony A. A tentative meeting
agenda follows:
NIH intramural and extramural scientists are invited
to become members of the TRIG at
the Interest Group website <http://www.nih.gov/sigs/sigs.html>. The invitation to join the TRIG is extended to staff at the
Food and Drug Administration and other federal government agencies and to
scientists from the extramural research community outside of government. An
e-mail message will be sent to encourage a new member to complete subscription
to the NIH ListServ. TRIG events
will be announced through this ListServ.
Staff Scientist/Staff Clinician (SS/SC) Organization was conceived in 2004 with the intention of
providing representation for the more than 1,000 staff scientists and staff
clinicians dispersed across the 22 NIH institutes and centers (ICs) with
intramural research programs.
The organization will hold
its first Town Hall Meeting on Friday, May 30, 2008, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Lipsett Auditorium, NIH Clinical Center.
The meeting is open to all
members of the NIH community, with videoconferencing available at the following
locations: Frederick, Md. (Bldg. 549, Boardroom), Baltimore (BRC, Rm. 03C219),
Rocky Mountain Labs, Hamilton, Mont. (Bldg. 11 conference room), and Research
Triangle Park, N.C. (Executive Conference Room).
After introductory remarks by
Michael Gottesman, deputy director for intramural research, the SS/SC Council
of Representatives, composed of one to two members from each IC, will present
an overview of the activities of the past year, including ratification of the
organization’s constitution and bylaws.
Council members and a diverse panel of
individuals from across NIH will then discuss key issues facing staff
scientists and clinicians. Questions for the panel discussion can be submitted
prior to the meeting at
To find out more about the
organization, visit the website or send questions here.
INITIATIVES TO PROMOTE SCIENTIFIC SUCCESS IN THE INTRAMURAL PROGRAM All employees are invited to attend the forum "Initiatives to Promote Scientific Success in the NIH Intramural Program," Monday, June 2, 2008 at 1:30 in the Lipsett Amphitheater, with a reception to follow. The forum is sponsored by the Office of Research in Women's Health and the Women Scientist Association As part of the continuing effort to recruit the highest quality individuals and ensure success for all employees, NIH Director Elias Zerhouni has called upon NIH leadership to develop a variety of programs to improve many aspects of the NIH working environment. These programs will be presented by Raynard Kington, NIH deputy director; Vivian Pinn, director of the Office of Research on Women's Health; and Joan Schwartz, assistant director of the Office of Intramural Research. Many of the initiatives will benefit all NIH
employees and involve new programs that address mentoring, childcare and family care issues,
workplace flexibilities, and recruitment of-dual career couples. Some initiatives focus on developing a evidence-based data on the effectiveness
of programs to advance the careers of women in science and engineering and on
promoting improved understanding of the factors that might explain the current
patterns of careers of men and women in these fields.
A trans-NIH systems biology meeting will be held at
Natcher on June
26–27, 2008, sponsored in part by the Office of Intramural Research and organized by Rafael
Daniel Camerini-Otero (NIDDK), David Levens (NCI), Alan Michelson (NHLBI), and
1 features talks by 16 individuals who were instrumental in establishing a
systems biology program at their host institution.
2 is a half-day meeting for the speakers and a smaller group of NIH
WORKSHOP ON VASCULOPATHY Aworkshop on Vasculopathy in Sickle Cell Disease will be held August 27–28, 2008, at the Natcher Conference Center. |
NCI ANIMAL PRODUCTION PROGRAM The NCI Animal Production Program has implemented a price increase. The new Price List, effective May 5, 2008, can be found at the website. |