that add to the body of knowledge about normal and abnormal biological
functions and behavior
of disease genes
in a genome-wide association study of new genetic variants in a previously
unsuspected region on chromosome 8q24 associated with increased risk of
prostate cancer in men of European ancestry (NCI-DCEG, NCI-CCR)
in a genome-wide association study of breast cancer of four single-nucleotide
polymorphisms in the FGFR2 gene that are highly associated with
sporadic postmenopausal breast cancer in women of European ancestry (NCI-DCEG,
Discovery of HAX1 mutations in some cases of autosomal recessive
severe congenital neutropenia (NCBI/NLM)
of a homozygous point mutation in the 31 untranslated region of the p14
gene (also known as the MAPBPIP gene) as the cause of a newly characterized
syndrome combining severe congenital neutropenia, hypopig mentation, B-cell
defects, and short stature (NCBI/NLM)
of mutations in the STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription
3) gene as the cause of hyper-IgE syndrome, also known as Jobs syndrome
using retrovirus-mediated RNA interference of several unexpected roles
of the DISC1 (disrupted-in-schizophrenia–1) gene in the development
of new neurons in the adult hippocampus (NICHD)
of the genes that cause—and elucidation of the pathways leading
to—recessive osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a relatively rare form
of OI at the most severe end of the clinical spectrum (NICHD)
in a genome-wide association scan of genetic variants in the FTO gene
associated with obesity-related traits in BMI, hip circumference, and
body weight, providing a novel entrée to corresponding pathways
and a target for possible therapeutic approaches (NIA)
of a deletion mutation of ITPR1 as the cause of spinocerebral ataxia
15, an inherited adult-onset neurological disease, further implicating
calcium regulation in the pathobiology of this disorder and enabling an
accurate molecular diagnosis that can be applied presymptomatically (NIA,
of a new gene, FANCN, that is defective in Fanconia anemia patients
of complementation group N and also resembles PALB2, suggesting
it is also a breast cancer susceptibility gene (NIA)
of a single ancient allele of the insulin-like growth factor gene as the
major contributor to small size across dog breeds, shedding light on the
evolution of complex traits (NHGRI)
of at least four new genetic variants associated with increased risk of
diabetes (IGF2BP2, CDKAL1, CDKN2A, and CDKN2B), bringing
to at least 10 the number of genetic variants confidently associated with
increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes (NHGRI)
Identification of a common variant of the STAT4 gene, which encodes
a protein involved in immune cell activation and differentiation, as a
contributor to susceptibility to two autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis
and systemic lupus erythematosus (NIAMS)
Identification in a genome-wide association study of a locus on chromosome
9 that includes two rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes, TRAF1
(TNF receptor–associated factor 1) and C5 (complement component
5) (NIAMS)
finding on FMRI scans that two gene variants implicated in schizophrenia
interact to degrade the brain's ability to process information and consequently
impair working memory in otherwise normal adults (NIMH)
new animal models
Demonstration in a mouse model that anthrax lethal
toxin produces shock that is insensitive to fluid administration and that
the anthrax edema toxin produces much greater decreases in blood pressure
than lethal toxin, suggesting that both the pathogenesis and the response
to conventional therapy for anthrax-induced shock differ substantially
from conventional septic shock and require new management approaches (CC,
Development of an experimental uveitis model by exposing mice to the same
retinal antigen but under different inductive conditions, eliciting a
disease that differs from the currently used model clinically, histologically,
and immunologically and shedding light on the heterogeneous nature of
uveitis in humans (NEI)
Demonstration in mice of a potential new route to prevention of salivary
gland damage—by protecting the microvascular endothelial cells in
the gland—in patients undergoing irradiation for head and neck cancer
Demonstration for the first time that siRNA as expressed by a lentiviral
vector is both safe and efficacious in a large- animal model in a study
that achieved downregulation of CCR5 expression in nonhuman primates,
with evidence of continuing SIV resistance to simian immunodeficiency
virus in transduced cells for at least two years (NHLBI)
Identification in animal models of infection that the production of high
concentrations of the novel phenol-soluble modulins is key to the severity
of community-associated methicillin-resistant staph infections (NIAID)
Study in mouse models of neurodegeneration of the newly identified protective
pathway—called preemptive quality control—that attenuates
the adverse consequences of protein misfolding in the endoplasmic reticulum
Demonstration of a potential role of glutamate-dopamine interactions in
a mouse model of schizophrenia lacking functional GluR1 (AMPA) glutamate
receptors (NIAAA)
Description of a novel, brain-penetrant, orally active corticotropin-releasing
factor receptor antagonist with efficacy in animal models of alcoholism
Demonstration in a rat model of human metabolic syndrome that the green
tea polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate lowers blood pressure, improves
endo-thelial dysfunction, increases insulin sensitivity, and protects
against myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury as well as conventional
therapy with the ACE inhibitor enalapril (NCCAM)
Findings in mouse studies that neurons express several Toll-like receptors
(TLRs), whose levels increase and promote cell death in response to stroke-induced
energy, establishing an adverse effect of TLR activation in neurons and
inflammatory immune cells that may worsen the outcome of a stroke and
providing a rationale for therapeutic stroke interventions that target
TLR-signaling pathways (NIA)
The finding that resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound found in red grapes,
improves health and survival in middle-aged overweight male mice on a
high-calorie diet, the first demonstration of health and survival effects
of resveratrol in mammals (NIA)
The finding in a rat-reinstatement model that injections of peptide YY3-36,
a gastrointestinal-derived hormone, decreased typical cue-induced high-fat
food seeking behavior, suggesting a role for this peptide in preventing
relapse of poor eating habits among people on a diet (NIDA)
discoveries in cell, molecular, and structural biology with implications
for the treatment of human disease
of the molecular composition of tip links, which connect the tops of stereocilia
found on sensory cells in the inner ear and are thought to convey the
force to gates in mechanoelectrical transduction channels (NIDCD)
study evidence that dichotic listening—the ability to identify and
distinguish different stimuli presented simultaneously to each ear, which
is related to normal interhemisperic information processing—is a
highly heritable trait (NIDCD)
understanding of ABC transporters with the finding that "silent"
mutations in a multidrug-resistance gene affect cancer diagnosis and treatment
insight into DNA damage with the visualization of DNA breaks in living
cells and the finding that ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated kinase)
prevents the persistence and propagation of DNA breaks (NCI-CCR)
of the role of chaperones in the identification of an acetylation site
in the middle domain of Hsp90 that regulates its function, coupled with
the finding that asymmetric deceleration of ClpB or Hsp104 ATPase activity
unleashes protein-remodeling activity (NCI-CCR)
that junctional adhesion molecule–C regulates the vascular endothelial
barrier, advancing the understanding of angiogenesis (NCI-CCR)
of nonhistone Scm3 as a crucial component of the core of yeast centromere,
advancing knowledge of chromosome biology (NCI-CCR)
that frequent engagement of the classical and alternative NF-kB
pathways by diverse genetic abnormalities promotes cell survival in multiple
myeloma (NCI-CCR)
in a well-characterized clinical model of acute inflammation that inhibition
of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by drugs such as ibuprofen modulates gene
expression besides the COX-2 cascade; these changes in gene expression
may be associated with both the analgesic and the toxic effects of these
widely used drugs (NINR, NIDCR)
that acetaminophen, widely used for pain management as an alternative
to drugs like ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors, alters the release of inflammatory
mediators and expression patterns of genes related to COX-2 much as drugs
like ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors do, raising the possibility of similar
adverse effects as well (NIDCR, NINR)
of novel mechanisms by which omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids and macular xanthophylls influence angiogenic, inflammatory, and
cell-survival pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of age-related macular
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinopathy of prematurity (NEI,
that expansion of Th17 cells in normal human blood by IL-2 is a cause
of human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and that antagonism of Th17
by IFN-g and IL-27 could be used for treatment
of two human chronic ocular inflammatory diseases, uveitis or scleritis
of progenitor cells residing in a unique extracellular niche in human
and mouse tendon that have universal stem-cell characteristics, including
clonogenicity, multipotency, and self-renewal capacity, thereby opening
up new approaches to help mend torn or degenerating tendons (NIDCR)
of the existence of a dysregulated signaling network in head and neck
cancer, thereby identifying novel molecular targets for the prevention
and treatment of these malignancies (NIDCR, NCI)
of random cell migration and self-organization during gland development
that lead to tissue engineering of three-dimensional salivary gland precursors
by self-assembly of dissociated cells (NIDCR)
of a much more extensive mitochondrial phosphoproteome signaling pathway
than previously recognized, including the identification of specific phosphorylation
sites within the entire oxidative phosphorylation processes and the demonstration
that phosphorylation is a regulatory mechanism of MnSOD activity (NHLBI)
of the catalytic process by which hemoglobin converts nitrite to nitric
oxide, with implications for the understanding of normal physiology and
the therapeutic application of this "new chemistry" (NHLBI)
of a novel immunogenic antigen encoded by human endogenous retrovirus
type E that is selectively expressed in the majority of clear-cell kidney
cancers but not in normal tissues and elicits immune responses resulting
in regression of metastatic kidney cancer after allogeneic hematopoietic
transplantation (NHLBI)
of a regulatory role for CD40 ligand in loss of bone mass, revealed in
a study involving patients with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome (NIAID, CC,
insight into potential cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the
genetic link between CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 and atherosclerosis, suggesting
that this chemokinechemokine receptor pair may be considered a pro-inflammatory
target in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis (NIAID)
of the first component, called TRC40, of a novel membrane protein insertion
pathway for tail-anchored proteins, adding to the knowledge of normal
cellular function (NICHD)
related to the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in depression
and anxiety that suggest that BDNF is a target of antidepressants (NICHD,
Findings that several amino acid derivatives of b-cyclodextrin
block ion conductance through pores formed by both anthrax lethal toxin
and Staphylococcus aureus a-hemolysin,
raising the prospect of new effective therapies against various pathogens
that use pore-forming proteins (NICHD)
of mammalian genes involved in iron-cluster synthesis and development
of methods to assess cluster biogenesis, with implications for treatment
of neurodegenerative and hematologic conditions such as Parkinsons
disease and refractory anemias (NICHD)
that cannabinoids mediate analgesia largely via peripheral CB1 receptors,
which may help guide the development of peripherally restricted CB1 agonists
as analgesics without any central side effects (NIAAA)
of excessive telomere loss and reduced T-cell immune function among caregivers
of Alzheimers patients, establishing a link between chronic stress,
lymphocyte lifespan, and aging (NIA)
elucidation of the DNA repair functions of FANCJ, the Fanconi anemia protein
associated with FA complementation group J, based on studies demonstrating
its interactions with proteins associated with breast and colon cancer;
and the identification of replication protein A as the first regulatory
partner of FANCJ in DNA repair and the maintenance of genomic stability
in a genome-wide search for genes with RNA polymerase II stalled within
the promoter-proximal region, that regulated stalling of polymerase elongation
occurs at hundreds of genes that respond to stimuli and developmental
signals, establishing that polymerase stalling is an important mechanism
in the regulation of gene transcriptional responses to dynamic environmental
and developmental cues (NIEHS)
the crystal structure of DNA polymerase m, providing new insights into
the repair of potentially cytotoxic double-strand DNA breaks that can
be induced by chemotherapeutic agents and by physical and chemical agents
in the environment (NIEHS)
of a detailed molecular model of the retromer cargo-recognition subcomplex
by combining X-ray crystallography, computer-enhanced electron microscopy,
and bioinformatic analysis, elucidating many of the cellular functions
performed by the retromer complex, such as iron-transporter recycling
and processing of the amyloid precursor protein (NIDDK, NIAMS, NICHD)
of a new function for RNA: playing a direct role in the repair of double-strand
breaks in chromosomal DNA by serving as a template at the break site,
potentially leading to new directions in gene targeting given that RNA
can be amplified at will within cells (NIEHS)
that the high-mobility group box 1 protein specifically interacts with
the base excision–repair intermediate and accumulates at sites of
oxidative DNA damage in living cells, suggesting that it serves as a novel
base excision–repair cofactor (NIEHS)
of an enzymatic pathway that freezes the chromatin environment to ensure
that DNA lesions are properly repaired (NIAMS, NCI)
that interleukin-2, acting via the transcription factor Stat5, promotes
the differentiation of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells but inhibits
the generation of proinflammatory T cells that produce IL-17 (NIAMS, NIAID,
demonstration that the "master" regulator MyoD requires an RNA
helicase and a noncoding RNA to promote muscle gene expression and differentiation
of skeletal muscle cells (NIAMS)
of the sphingolipid sphingosine-1-phosphate as an important regulator
of allergic responses and the discovery of its possible role as a determinant
of anaphylaxis (NIAMS, NIDDK)
finding of reduced occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder among
combat veterans who sustain damage to either of two brain areasthe
ventromedial prefrontal cortex or an anterior temporal area that includes
the amygdalasuggesting that these two areas are critically involved
finding that GABAergic circuits are not engaged by thalamocortical input
in the neonate, but are poised for a remarkably coordinated development
of feedforward inhibition at the end of the first postnatal week, a critical
event in the development of a functional circuit in the mammalian brain
that voltage-sensor paddle motifs are modular structural motifs in ion
channels and in other voltage-sensitive membrane proteins and that they
are important pharmacological targets (NINDS)
that new cell lines from mouse epiblast share defining features with human
embryonic stem cells and can enhance understanding of how pluripotent
cells generate distinct fates during early development (NINDS, NCI)
of biochemical mechanisms underlying the ability of the green tea polyphenol
epigallocatechin gallate to stimulate production of nitric oxide from
vascular endothelial cells and to inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis, findings
relevant to potential cardiovascular and metabolic health benefits of
drinking green tea (NCCAM)
of a new endoplasmic reticulum chaperone protein, called the sigma-1 receptor,
which under normal physiological conditions, senses and transmits the
ER calcium level to mitochondria to increase bioenergetics and in deteriorating
conditions translocates to the whole ER to promote cell survival by preventing
protein aggregations—with implications for diseases in which sigma-1
receptors have a role, such as addiction, depression, amnesia, stroke,
and cancer (NIDA)
that blockade of brain endocannabinoid CB1 receptors by AM251, a novel
CB1 receptor antagonist, alters the breakpoint for intravenous cocaine
self-administration and attenuates cocaine-enhanced electrical brain-stimulation
reward, suggesting that AM251 or other more selective and potent CB1 receptor
antagonists deserve further study as potentially effective anti-cocaine
medications (NIDA)
by pharmacologic MRI that a novel dopamine D3 receptor antagonist blocks
the targeted receptors in the nucleus accumbens, the likely mechanism
by which it produces anti-cocaine-like effects in vivo, suggesting that
such compounds may be used to further elucidate the role of dopamine D3
receptors in drug abuse and may serve as leads for therapeutic agents
to treat addiction (NIDA)
on MRI that in youth with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the
brain matures in a normal pattern but is delayed three years in some regions,
on average, compared with that of youth without the disorder, suggesting
that ADHD may be a disorder of brain-maturational delay (NIMH)
of the first prospective study of cortical brain development before and
after the onset of pediatric bipolar disorder, revealing a distinct pattern
of developmental change—asymmetric gains and losses of gray matter—compared
with that of healthy youth and of those with childhood-onset schizophrenia
finding that a variation in a gene called GRIK4, which codes for
a kainic acid–type glutamate receptor, appears to make people with
depression more likely to respond to the medication citalopram than are
people without the variation, suggesting that the glutamate system plays
a role in modulating response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
of a key step in the silencing of the FMR1 gene that causes fragile-X
mental retardation syndromeSIRT1 deacetylation, a late event in
gene silencing—suggesting that SIRT1 inhibition and reactivation
of FMR1 in neurons may be possible (NIDDK)
of new or improved instruments and technologies for use in research and
of novel techniques to map human histone methylations that showed correlations
between chromosome banding patterns and unique histone modifications,
as well as associations with chromosome breakpoints detected in TY cell
cancers, providing new insights into the function of histone methylation
and chromatin organization in genome function (NHLBI)
Development of an ultrasensitive, faster method for detecting infectious
prions using seeded conversion of recombinant prion protein, which should
facilitate improvements in the practicality of diagnostic prion assays
as well as in fundamental studies of structure and formation of the scrapie
prion protein isoform (NIAID)
of an automated lab-on-a-chip immunoassay for inflammatory biomarkers
in newborns (NIBIB)
of a microcalorimetric method to determine the thermodynamics of multiprotein
complex assembly, with applications to signaling complexes important in
T-cell activation (NIBIB, NCI)
of a combination of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance data and electron
microscopy data to develop a full model of the molecular structure of
amylin fibrils, a pancreatic peptide that may contribute to the destruction
of insulin-producing cells in patients with type 2 diabetes, elucidating
the generic propensity of peptides and proteins to form amyloid fibrils
and potentially facilitating the development of therapeutic agents (NIDDK,
of a novel procedure that allows rapid and accurate determination of a
protein's three-dimensional structure using only chemical shifts as input
data, applicable to proteins of up to 130 residues, but can be extended
to larger sizes when supplemented with a small fraction of the commonly
used regular NOE restraints (NIDDK)
of a new equation to determine the cumulative energy deficit required
to lose a pound of body weight that includes initial body fat in the calculation
and accounts for why individuals with lower initial body fat require less
than the 3,500-kcal deficit per pound of weight loss (NIDDK)
of a third-generation human mitochondria-focused cDNA microarray (hMitChip3)
and its bioinfor-matics tools: the chip consists of the 37 mitochondrial
DNA-encoded genes, 1,098 nuclear DNA-encoded and mitochondria-related
genes, and 225 controls, each in triplicate; the bioinformatic software
includes data-analysis procedures and a customized database for interpretation
of results (NCCAM)
in imaging
of a real-time system for intraoperative visualization of fluores-cently
labeled tissue, demonstrated on surgical resection in metastatic murine
ovarian cancer (NIBIB, NCI, CIT)
that MRI can be used to guide X-ray procedures using conventional equipment
to test cell therapies for heart disease (NHLBI)
Development of an easily implemented imaging technique in the spatial
frequency domain capable of acquiring both the scattering and the absorption
distributions in a single exposure, which should help broaden the imaging
applications of X-ray scattering (NHLBI)
of a new fluorescence collection device—total emission detection—that
greatly increases fluorescence light collection in a two-photon microscope,
with the potential for decreasing photodamage and allowing for deeper
imaging in thick tissue and faster imaging for dynamic studies (NHLBI)
Development and demonstration of scanning transmission electron tomography
for imaging cellular proteins labeled with heavy-atom cluster nanoparticles
use of novel fluorescence imaging approaches combined with quantitative
analysis and mathematical modeling to further elucidate cellular processes,
such as membrane partitioning and its role in protein sorting and transport
in the Golgi apparatus, biogenesis and turnover of peroxisomes, mitochondrial
morphology and its regulation of cell-cycle progression, control of primary
cilia dynamics, intercellular transfer between stem and niche cells, origin
of autophagosomes, and PALM (live-cell photoactivation localization microscopy)
for single-particle tracking (NICHD)
elucidation of blood and lymphatic vessel formation during vertebrate
embryogenesis through the development of confocal microangiography and
high-resolution in vivo imaging of zebrafish blood vessels, elucidating
a pathway of artery specification, establishing a role for neuronal guidance
factors in vascular patternings, illuminating vascular tube formation
in vivo, and identifying a lymphatic vascular system in zebrafish (NICHD)
MRI contrast and resolution that allows visualization of laminar
cortical architecture of human brain based on magnetic properties of tissue
of a method to combine measurements of intensities and photon trajectories
with theory and simulations to rigorously determine distances in single-molecule
FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) experiments (NIDDK)
on matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS)
with MALDI-ion mobility orthogonal time-of-flight MS (MALDI-IM-TOFMS)
as a means to directly probe tissue to map and image distribution of analytes
and elucidate molecular structure with minimal preparation (NIDA)
in bioinformatics
of dbGaP (database of genotypes and phenotypes) to archive and distribute
genome-wide association studies and other data that explore the connection
between phenotype and genotype, with the aim of facilitating research
into the genetic causes of disease and accelerating the advance of personalized
medicine (NCBI/NLM)
by the ENCODE Consortium of landmark papers that advance the collective
knowledge of human genome organization, function, and evolution, including
elaboration of transcriptional regulation and chromatin structure (NHGRI,
of new or improved approaches for preventing or delaying the onset or
progression of disease and disability
of rapamycin as an effective agent for the prevention of tobacco carcinogen–induced
lung tumors (NCI-CCR)
that complications of sickle cell disease, such as pulmonary hypertension,
priapism, leg ulceration, and stroke, are directly linked to the intensity
of hemolysis, providing new insights into treatments (CC, NHLBI)
of a risk-assessment tool, called the CARE model, that provides a more
accurate assessment of
breast cancer risk in African American women than the currently available
NCI Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (NCI-DCEG, NICHD)
of two new components of the Fanconi anemia (FA) core complex: FAAP 24
and FAAP 100, with implications for further understanding of the FA–breast
cancer–associated DNA damage repair pathway and for screening potential
anticancer drugs that facilitate or block interactions between the FA
core complex and DNA (NIA)
finding that gynecomastia in three otherwise healthy prepubertal boys
with normal serum concentrations of endogenous steroids was associated
with the topical application of products that contained lavender and tea
tree oils, both of which were found to have estrogenic and antiandrogenic
activities in human cell-line studies (NIEHS)
finding that patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were treated with
hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to develop diabetes mellitus
than those not treated with hydroxychloroquine, suggesting this medication
may be useful to prevent development of diabetes in those at risk (NIAMS)Completion
of recruitment for the first phase I study of a whole-plant mistletoe
extract given together with chemotherapy in patients with advanced solid
tumors (NCCAM)
of an exploratory study to evaluate the ability of the green tea polyphenol
epigallocatechin gallate to simultaneously improve metabolic and cardiovascular
actions of insulin in healthy, obese, hypertensive, or diabetic subjects
of a clinical study of the role of endocrine-immune dysfunction in patients
with active rheumatoid arthritis, aimed at gathering data that may provide
further support for investigating selected CAM interventions, such as
DHEA and stress-reduction techniques in similar populations of RA patients
and structural definition of a site of vulnerability on the HIV-1 Env
gp120 glycoprotein that is recognized by the broadly neutralizing antibody
b12 and is involved in the attachment of gp120 to CD4 (VRC/NIAID, NCI)
of mutations in influenza A subtype H5N1 (avian) hemagglutinin (HA) that
alter its specificity for sialic
(SA) either by decreasing a-2,3-SA or increasing a-2,6-SA recognition,
a finding that can guide the development of preemptive vaccines and therapeutic
monoclonal antibodies that can be evaluated before the emergence of human-adapted
H5N1 strains (VRC/NIAID)
in patient sera of a potent and broad HIV-1 neutralization capacity mapped
to the primary receptor CD4 binding region of HIV-1 Env gp120 glycoprotein,
a finding that could lead to improved vaccine immunogens (VRC/NIAID)
that preserved central memory CD4+ T lymphocytes are associated with prolonged
survival in pathogenic SIV-challenged monkeys immunized with plasmid DNA
and replication-defective adenoviral vectors encoding SIV proteins, with
implications for immune correlates of vaccine efficacy in humans (VRC/NIAID)
in a mouse model that the highly lethal 1918 pandemic influenza virus
is susceptible to immune protection by a preventive hemagglutinin DNA
vaccine (VRC/NIAID)
of new antigens that may be potential targets for new therapeutics or
vaccines to help control malaria (NIAID)
of a vectored vaccine delivered nasally that protected rhesus monkeys
against Ebola virus challenge, in the first study in which topical immunization
through the respiratory tract achieved prevention of a viral hemorrhagic
fever infection in a primate model (NIAID)
of the immunogenicity and induction of protective immunity by recombinant
hepatitis C viruslike particles (HCV-LP) in chimpanzees; immunized
animals developed HCV-specific cellular immune responses (NIDDK)
of new or improved ways to diagnose disease and disability
expression patterns
profiling to develop new biomarkers for liver cancer and to reveal a signature
of high cancer risk in benign tumor (NCI-CCR)
of the clinical manifestations of children with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria
syndrome, including sclerotic skin changes, joint contractures, bone abnormalities,
alopecia, growth impairment, elevated blood pressure, reduced vascular
compliance, low-frequency conductive hearing loss, functional oral deficits,
abnormal prothrombin times, and elevated platelet counts, setting the
stage for the evaluation of interventional therapies (NHGRI, CC, NHLBI,
finding that gene-expression patterns derived from blood cells are a near-match
to liver gene-expression patterns and predict acute acetaminophen exposure
in rats more reliably than traditional clinical parameters, suggesting
a means to ascertain exposure levels well before liver damage is detected
by classical parameters and supporting the potential use of genomic markers
in the blood as surrogates for clinical markers of potential acute liver
damage (NIEHS)
of new or improved ways to treat disease and disability
levels of NF-kB–related serum factors
found to be biomarkers of therapeutic response and survival in patients
treated for advanced oropharyngeal cancer (NIDCD, NCI)
of darunavir (approved by the FDA) and other protease inhibitors that
block the dimerization process of HIV-1 protease (NCI-CCR)
data from adult nephropathic cystinosis patients seen at the NIH Clinical
Center from 1986 to 2006 showing that chronic oral cysteamine therapy
results in taller and heavier individuals with lower cholesterol levels
and lower frequencies of myopathy, diabetes, pulmonary dysfunction, hypothyroidism,
and death, pointing to cysteamine as the treatment of choice for cystinosis
patients of all ages (NHGRI)
in the rate of gene transfer in patients with adenosine deaminase deficiency
by using chemotherapy to reduce the number of patient marrow cells to
make room for the corrected ones, with subsequent marked improvement in
T-cell numbers and immune function (NHGRI, NCI, NHLBI, NIDDK)
idebenone shown to improve neurological outcome in patients with Friedreichs
ataxia in a randomized controlled trial (NINDS) 