T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | N O V E M B E R D E C E M B E R 2006 |
Demystifying Medicine for Ph.D.s, 2007 | ||
The Demystifying Medicine course will be held every Tuesday from January 9 to May 7, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Building 50 ground-floor auditorium. All presentations will be videocast and archived. For academic credit, register with FAES; otherwise, registration is at the Listserv. The schedule can also be seen at the website. |
Date | Speakers | Subject |
9 | John Coffin (NCI) Lori Wiener (NCI) Lauren Wood (NCI) |
HIV: new clinical and basic problems arise from success |
16 | Anthony Fauci (NIAID Jeffery Taubenberger (NIAID) |
Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases: challenge to global health |
23 | Roger Glass (FIC) Albert Kapikian (NIAID) |
Enteric infections: deadly challenges at all ages |
30 | Richard Johnson (Johns Hopkins) Ramanujan Hegde (NICHD) | Prions: biology and diseases |
6 | John Schiller (NCI) Herbert Kotz (NCI) Christina Annunziata (NCI) |
Human papilloma virus: cervical cancer and prevention by vaccination |
13 | John Gallin (CC) and colleague | Chronic granulomatous disease: phagocytes misbehave |
20 | Gabor Illei (NIDCR) Rachel Caspi (NEI) |
Autoimmune disease: lupus erythematosis, scleroderma |
27 | John Hardy (NIA) Katrina Gwinn-Hardy (NINDS) |
Dementias: losing oneÕs mind in the genomic era |
6 | Toren Finkel (NHLBI) Richard Cannon (NHLBI) |
Coronary heart disease: a major killer |
13 |
Owen Rennert (NICHD) |
Infertility and assisted reproduction: clinical and basic advances |
20 | Peter Jahrling (NIAID John Robbins(NICHD) |
Agents of potential bioterrorism: small pox, anthrax |
27 | Elias Zerhouni (OD) Sriram Subramaniam (NCI) |
Imaging: frontier for 3D and 4D study of organs and cells |
3 | Henry McFarland (NINDS) and colleagues | Multiple sclerosis: an immune challenge |
10 | Michael Gottesman (NCI) Win Arias (NICHD) |
ATP binding cassette proteins: expanding scope of their diseases |
17 | Phillip Gorden (NIDDK) David Harlan (NIDDK) |
Diabetes: new clinical and basic dimensions (obesity, immunity, cancer) |
24 | Jack Liang (NIDDK) and colleagues | Hepatitis C: comes of age globally and in culture |
1 | Joseph Apud (NIMH) and colleagues | Schizophrenia (the Òshattered mindÓ disease): clinical and basic aspects |
7 |
Participants to be named |
Finale: What does the future hold for Ph.D. postdoctoral fellows? |
NIH/Duke Clinical Research Program |
are being accepted for the 20072008
NIH-Duke Training Program in Clinical
Research, Designed primarily for physicians and dentists who desire formal training in the quantitative and methodological principles of clinical research, the program calls for part-time study, allowing students to integrate their academic with their clinical training. Courses are offered
at the NIH Clinical Center via videoconference. Credit earned may be applied
toward satisfying the degree requirement for a Master of Health Sciences
in Clinical Research from Duke University School of Medicine in Durham,
N.C. Applications are available in the
Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education, Building 10,
Room B11403. Additional information on coursework and tuition costs can
be found atis available at the website. or
by mail; send questions to this address Interested individuals should check with their institute or center regarding funding for participation in this program. The
deadline for applying is March 1, 2007.
Successful applicants will be notified by July 2, 2007. |
Applications Due for PRAT 2007 |
The NIGMS Pharmacology Research Associate (PRAT) program is accepting applications for positions to begin October 2007. This competitive research fellowship program supports training at NIH or FDA laboratories for postdoctoral candidates and focuses on the pharmacological sciences and related research areas. PRAT fellowships are three-year appointments that include competitive salaries as well as supply and travel funds to support research in preceptors laboratories. Applicants must identify a preceptor in their application. Preceptors may be any tenured or tenure-track scientist at NIH or FDA who has agreed to host the applicant. Postdoctoral fellows who have more than one year of research experience at NIH or FDA are not eligible. Applications must be received by December 15, 2006. For more information
or application materials, contact the PRAT program assistant at 301-594-3583
or by e-mail. |
A meeting on "The Evolution of Pulmonary Hypertension: Emerging Diseases and Novel Therapeutics" will be held December 78, 2006, in the Natcher Conference Center. Sponsored by NHLBI, the OD Office of Rare Diseases, and the CC Critical Care Medicine Department, the meeting will focus on the pathobiology, pathogenesis, and therapy of pulmonary hypertension. For more information,
visit this website. . |
Pain Interest Group Regroups |
The NIH Pain Interest Group is now meeting monthly for seminars on emerging research related to pain and pain control. Topics includes the basic physiology of nociceptive sensory systems, the molecular neurobiology of pain and pain control systems, medicinal chemistry of pain control agents, the neuroanatomy of the systems, neuro-immune interactions related to tissue damage, human and animal imaging, translational studies and clinical studies. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail notices of meetings, please contact Michael Iadarola.at 301-4096-2758 or by e-mail. Meetings will be held monthly on the second Tuesday, at 3:30 p.m., in Building 49 Room 1A51 (first -floor conference room). The next meeting, sponsored by the Pain Interest Group and the End of Life Interest Group is on December 12 and features Dorothy Cimino Brown, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and School of Veterinary Medicine, |
NIH Catalyst
is looking for a few good writers: Contribute your time writing stories
for the Catalyst based on your interviews with NIH researchers and
your notes covering NIH meetings and lectures. In exchange, you hone your
science journalism skills and build a portfolio of published bylined articles.
Call 301-402-7248 or
e-mail. ![]() |