T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | M A Y J U N E 2006 |
P E O P L E |
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received his M.D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia
University in New York in 1990 and completed a residency in general surgery
at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York in 1995. He then joined the Surgery
Branch, NCI, as a clinical associate and after completing his surgical oncology
fellowship in 1996 joined the senior staff. In 2001, he became a tenure-track
investigator with a focus on tumor angiogenesis and the tumor microenvironment.
He is currently a senior investigator and the chief of the Tumor Angiogenesis
Section in the Surgery Branch, Center for Cancer Research, NCI.
In order for a tumor to grow larger than a few millimeters,
it must develop a blood supply. This process of new vessel growth from pre-existing
vessels is termed "angiogenesis," and it is important not only for
the growth of the primary tumor but also for tumor invasion and spread to distant
Aiming to identify novel targets for cancer therapy, my
laboratory has focused on understanding the tumor microenvironment, the molecular
processes involved in the development of new vessels, and the complex interactions
between the tumor and host cells.
We have developed some new techniques and assays to help
us model and measure these processes.
We contributed to the creation of a technique for isolating
endothelial cells from tissues that have been fixed or frozen. This adaptation
of a novel laser capture approach termed expression microdissection. or xMD,
has allowed us to study DNA, RNA, and protein changes in tumor-associated endothelial
cells in situ.
We were able to demonstrate that tumor endothelial cells
exhibit differential patterns of promoter methylation compared with endothelial
cells in adjacent normal tissues.
This provided the first definitive evidence in vivo of epigenetic
alterations in tumor neovasculature. We hope this observation will lead to a
better understanding of the mechanisms that result in phenotypic alteration
of endothelial cells and thus facilitate the identification of new therapeutic
The use of angiogenesis inhibitors in the clinic has faced
several challenges. Although the anti-VEGF antibody Avastin (bevacizumab) has
recently been approved by the FDA for the treatment of colon cancer, many other
antiangiogenic agents have shown mixed results. This may be due, in part, to
the need to deliver such agents directly to the tumor microenvironment to exert
sustained paracrine effects.
We have therefore explored the use of targeted gene therapy
to deliver antiangiogenic gene products to tumor vessels. In collaboration with
investigators at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
we have been developing a phage-based vector system that is capable of targeting
tumor vessels selectively.
We are now testing this vector in animals within the NCI
Comparative Oncology Program by delivering vascular-targeted, TNF-expressing
phage to dogs with spontaneous cancers. Data from this study will be submitted
to the FDA to support an IND (investigational new drug application) to conduct
the first clinical trial of this vector.
Along with others in the angiogenesis field, we have pursued
the identification of unique targets in the tumor vasculature.
Utilizing genomic and proteomic approaches, we have attempted
to elucidate common pathways involved in the response of endothelial cells to
angiogenesis inhibitors.
This work has enabled us to characterize more completely
the activity of two important mediators of endothelial cell apoptosis.
We recently elucidated the mechanism by which EMAP-II (endothelial
cell monocyte-activating polypeptideII) gets into endothelial cells and
exerts its effects via an HIF1-amediated
pathway. By enhancing HIF1-a degradation, EMAP-II induces endothelial cell apoptosis.
We have also identified the putative tumor-suppressor gene
DOC1 as an important mediator of endothelial cell apoptosis and a common link
between the effects of several different angiogenesis inhibitors.
our laboratory became a part of the new Tumor
Angiogenesis Section in the Surgery Branch, opening up new opportunities
to better translate our findings to the clinic. We believe the next one to two
years will bring the translation of several new vascular-targeted therapies
to our patients with cancer.
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Su received his Ph.D. in parasitology from the University
of Georgia in Athens, Ga., in 1990. He did postdoctoral training at the University
of Georgia before coming to the Laboratory
of Parasitic Diseases, NIAID, in 1992. He is currently the head of the Malaria
Genomics Section and a senior investigator in the Laboratory
of Malaria and Vector Research.
of an effective vaccine and widespread parasite resistance to multiple antimalarial
drugs have led to a resurgence of malaria worldwide. Indeed, after decades of
research and much progress in molecular biology, we are not much better off
in treating and controlling malaria than we were 50 years ago. Dynamic and rapidly
evolving parasite populations present tremendous problems for developing effective
control measures.
Under the guidance of Thomas
Wellems, my initial research as a postdoctoral fellow at NIH involved genetic
mapping of a gene linked to chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum
I developed various tools and methods, including a high-density
microsatellite map, and mapped the locus of resistance to a 36-kb region. I
realized then how much remained to be discovered in malaria genetics and genomics
and decided these were areas I wanted to explore for years to come.
My laboratory applies genome-wide approaches to fundamental
problems of parasite biology and evolution.
Current goals are to develop genome-wide single-nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) and microsatellite genetic maps and to use these maps to
identify genes affecting such phenotypes as parasite drug resistance, red blood
cell invasion, and sexual development.
Collections of genome-wide polymorphisms from malaria parasites
worldwide will also provide a useful database for studies of parasite origin,
transmission, and evolution.
Using malaria parasite lines adapted to in vitro culture
and large numbers of genotypes obtained from both nuclear and mitochondrial
genomes, we studied parasite population structure, recombination rate variation,
linkage disequilibrium, and evolutionary history. We have shown that P. falciparum
probably migrated with humans out of Africa to other parts of the world about
50,00000,000 years ago.
Our studies also found that parasite population expansions
probably occurred in Africa 5,00010,000 years ago, along with changes
in mosquito ecology and species distribution from agriculture and its impact
on the environment.
Malaria parasites can be grouped into populations according
to their continental origins, yet no obvious population structure exists in
Africa due to high transmission and recombination rates.
We have collected thousands of SNPs from geographically
diverse parasite isolates and are in the process of developing a microarray
chip to genotype additional isolates from field sites, including a new field
site in Cambodia. Our plan is to perform association studies with well-characterized
parasite phenotypes.
For example, to map important drug-resistance genes, we
will look for loci with signatures of selection such as chromosomal regions
with reduced polymorphism.
Indeed, we have already shown reduced diversity in a large
chromosomal region surrounding a gene for a chloroquine-resistance transporter
on chromosome 7, suggesting spread of drug-resistant parasites from one or two
parasites have a complex life cycle, with asexual replication in the human host
and mandatory sexual recombination in the mosquito host. The sexual stages are
vital phases in malaria parasite transmission and are the targets of various
interventions such as transmission-blocking vaccines.
parasites have a haploid genome in the human host. The switch from asexual replication
to sexual differentiation is therefore likely to involve signal transduction
and gene regulation.
we used genetic mapping to identify a candidate gene that plays an important
role in parasite sexual development. We are now using genetic mapping, microarrays,
and other approaches to study the regulation of this complicated process and
gain knowledge to inform the development of strategies for malaria control.