T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | M A R C H A P R I L 2006 |
P E O P L E |
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received his Ph.D. in cell biology from the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine in New York in 1991. He did postdoctoral training in the
Laboratory of Persistent Viral Diseases, NIAID, and became a tenure-track investigator
in 1998. He is currently a senior investigator in the Laboratory
of Persistent Viral Diseases at Rocky Mountain Labs.
Despite the remarkable capacity of the immune system to
recognize and clear most infectious agents, we are all chronically infected
with viruses that have escaped immunological eradication.
Although most chronic viral infections are relatively innocuous,
immunological escape of viruses such as hepatitis C virus and the human immunodeficiency
virus causes a great deal of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
During my postdoctoral studies in Bruce
Chesebro's laboratory, I investigated genetic resistance to Friend virus
infection in mice and found that even the most resistant strains of mice were
unable to completely clear infection.
I became fascinated with the problem of chronic infections and realized that a better understanding of the basic mechanisms by which this retrovirus established and maintained persistence could aid in the development of vaccines and therapies against some of our most dangerous viruses.
Much of my early work focused on using the Friend model
to determine mechanisms of protection by live-attenuated vaccines. It was known
that live-attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) provided the best vaccine
protection from SIV in the nonhuman primate model for HIV, but that model was
not well suited for mechanistic studies.
Using live attenuated Friend virus we showed that complete
protection, defined as protection from both acute disease and the establishment
of chronic infection, required immune CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and also virus-neutralizing
Each of these components provided essential, nonoverlapping
functions. Although live-attenuated vaccines are considered too dangerous to
use as vaccines in humans, the description of how live-attenuated Friend virus
worked provides an experimental framework indicating the types of responses
required for a successful retroviral vaccine.
In addition to prevention of chronic infections, I have
also been very interested in immune control of established chronic infections.
We found CD4+ T cells and IFN-g
to be crucial for control of chronic Friend virus and the prevention of relapses.
Interestingly, although CD8+ T cells were critical for recovery from acute infection,
they played no role during chronic infection.
As we began to probe more deeply the functions of CD4+ and
CD8+ T cells during chronic infection, we made the intriguing discovery that
chronic infection induced regulatory CD4+ T cells that suppressed CD8+ T cell
Subsequently, other labs reported similar findings for HIV
and other chronic viral infections in humans, suggesting that the induction
of regulatory T cells may be a common mechanism of escape.
Now that we have determined why the CD8+ T cells are impotent,
our studies are focused on determining the molecular mechanisms of suppression,
both at the level of the CD4+ regulatory T cells and the CD8+ effector cells.
We recently developed an in vitro suppression assay to facilitate
our mechanistic studies, and results recapitulate much of what we observe in
We are also using our in vivo model to determine ways to
specifically inhibit the regulatory T cells, render the CD8+ T cells resistant
to suppression, and reactivate immune responses during chronic infection.
Our goal is to modulate the immune response to enable the
complete clearance of chronic infections.
We recently achieved thousand-fold reductions in chronic
Friend virus levels using immunocytotherapy combined with CD137 co-stimulation.
will use the data from our mechanistic studies to further develop and refine
our immunotherapeutic approaches, and we hope to translate our findings to therapies
for chronic infections in humans.
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My main contributions to the study of the epidemiology of
dementia have been to identify cardiovascular risk factors of late-life dementia
and the value of studying these risk factors in midlife. Another research focus
has been to elucidate the relationship of migraine to structural brain changes
in midlife.
I started my research on the epidemiology of brain aging
in 1990, when I accepted an appointment at Erasmus University in the Netherlands.
There I worked as a research scientist on a community-based study of dementia.
I was also the scientific coordinator of multicenter prospective studies on
the epidemiology of dementia involving a consortium of major European centers.
While in the Netherlands, I established a population-based
cohort of individuals with and without migraine for the study of migraine-related
risk factors and structural brain changes.
My research program since joining NIA in 1999 has focused
on the interaction between the vascular and neuronal systems as reflected in
biomarkers of subclinical and clinical disease. Related cognitive function studies
and structural measures of brain neuropathology in large population-based studies
have been important in these investigations.
Thus far, my research has shown that vascular dementia and
Alzheimer's diseasecurrently diagnosed as two different types of dementiashare
common risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, and elevated C-reactive
This clinical picture is further corroborated by findings
from an autopsy database, which I maintain in collaboration with investigators
in the Honolulu Asia Aging Study (HAAS).
The clinical and pathologic characteristics of brains in
older persons suggest that by old age, a human brain has accumulated different
types of vascular and neurodegenerative lesions, all of which may contribute
to the clinical picture of dementia.
Further, based on the HAAS, I have shown that risk factor
profiles in midlife are associated with the risk for late-life brain aging,
suggesting that neurodegenerative processes begin earlier than previously thought.
My research aims in the coming years include disentangling
the heterogeneous pathology, on the one hand, and the shared risk factors, on
the other, of subtypes of dementia.
Using bioimaging, molecular markers, and clinical measures,
I intend to identify brain-aging traits that cluster within and across biologic
I will also investigate the interaction between genetic
and environmental markers of vascular health, inflammation, cellular nutrition,
and oxidation as they relate to brain-aging traits, as well as explore the role
of early-life experiences in shaping the trajectory of brain aging.
These questions will be tested not only in the HAAS, but
also in two studies I have been involved in since coming to NIA. The first,
which is jointly led with Tamara
Harris, NIA, is AGES-RS (Age Gene-Environment SusceptibilityReykjavik
Study). This is a large population-based study established in 1967 by the Icelandic
Heart Association and conducted in Reykjavik.
Beside the advantage of a relatively genetically homogeneous
population and excellent collaborators, we have data on early-life experiences
of the cohort, through both the Reykjavik Study exams in midlife and the archival
material available in Iceland.
AGES-RS focuses on four systems that are vulnerable to aging
and diseasethe neurocognitive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and metabolic/body
composition systems. Base-line data collection on about 5,800 men and women
has just been completed, and a follow-up is in planning. This study is also
supported in part by other collaborators in the NIA, NEI, NIDCD, NHLBI, and
NINDS programs.
The second study I'm involved in is ACCORD,
the largest randomized treatment trial in older people with diabetes; it's funded
by NHLBI to test the efficacy of intensive vs standard treatment in reducing
cardiovascular disease and mortality in diabetics.
I have added a cognitive and an MRI component to investigate
whether interventions that aim to maximize improvement in hyperglycemia, blood
pressure, and lipid levels result in a change in brain function and structure.
through observational studies and randomized trials, I hope to better understand
how vascular factors play a role in common late-life dementia and whether there
are avenues to pursue for intervention.
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Liu received
his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1995 and carried
out his postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Michael Karin at the University
of San Diego. He joined the Department of Cell and Cancer Biology, NCI, in 1998
as a tenure-track investigator and is currently a senior principal investigator
at the Cell and Cancer
Biology Branch, CCR, NCI.
My training has been in the field of apoptosis and signal
transduction, focusing first on the regulation of activation-induced apoptosis
of T cells and then on cellular stress-induced JNK activation and TNF signaling.
Since coming to NCI, my research has focused on two themes:
1) Molecular mechanisms of TNF
signaling. TNF is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays a critical
role in diverse cellular events. Under the influence of TNF signaling, cells
may variously undergo proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.
In the past few years, my group has made several critical
discoveries about TNF signaling. For instance, we found that the key effector
molecule of TNF signaling, RIP, is cleaved by Casps-8 during apoptosis and that
this cleavage plays a major role in modulating the outcome of life and death
in TNF-treated cells.
Moreover, RIP cleavage is a key factor in switching the
path of cell death from necrosis to apoptosis. In addition, we also found that
TRAF2, another key effector of TNF signaling, recruits IKK complex to TNFR1
complex to activate the NF-kB pathway.
Currently, my group is studying mechanisms of TNF-induced
necrosis. I am especially interested in what controls the switch between apoptosis
and necrosis in cells after TNF treatment.
2) Regulation of apoptosis.
Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a common phenomenon during development
and occurs to rid the organism of harmful or unwanted cells. Apoptosis is crucial
in enabling organisms to maintain cellular homeostasis. Deregulation of apoptosis
is involved in many diseases; for instance, inefficient apoptosis has been found
in many different cancers.
Since all cells have the genetic machinery required to commit
suicide, the ability to selectively regulate this process has profound implications
for treating disease.
Because more and more evidence indicates that irregular
cell growth often leads to apoptosis, we believe that in addition to promoting
growth signals, inactivation of apoptosis is essential for normal cells to become
tumor cells. This process can be achieved by either increasing a signal that
actively blocks apoptosis or generating a defective mutation in the cell death
Identification of these apoptosis-inactivating targets in
different cancers will greatly enrich our knowledge of tumorigenesis and help
inform the development of new cancer therapies.
that end, a major research interest of mine is to identify the genes that protect
cancer cells from apoptosis and decipher the mechanisms of their actions.
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received his Ph.D. from the University of London, U.K., in 1995 and was a postdoctoral
fellow at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, N.Y. He was recruited to the Laboratory
of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, NCI, in 1999. He now leads the
Cell Biology of Genomes Group.
Much progress has been made during recent decades in deciphering
genome sequences and elucidating the basic molecular mechanisms involved in
gene regulation. Although these efforts have been very successful, they have
also made it clear that these pieces of information are insufficient to understand
how genomes work in vivo.
To do so, we must understand genome function at a global
scale, and we need to uncover how genomes function in the context of the cell
nucleus in living cells.
My laboratory seeks to elucidate the fundamental principles
of how genomes are organized in vivo and how this organization contributes to
gene regulation.
To begin to analyze the cell biological properties of genomes,
we developed in vivo imaging methods to study the dynamics of gene expression
for the first time in living cells.
Using these tools, we discovered that almost all aspects
of nuclear organization and function are highly dynamic. For example, we were
able to show that transcription factors find their specific binding sites within
the genome by simple 3-D diffusion during which they scan the genome for their
preferred binding sites.
Our measurements of interaction dynamics of proteins revealed
that most transcription factors interact very transiently and rapidly with chromatin
inside of living cells. These findings have led to a paradigm shift in how we
think about gene expression in that they indicate that most regulatory gene
expression events are stochastic.
The methods we developed have now become standard tools
in the field and are powerful approaches to interrogate how genomes function
in vivo. Our current efforts are aimed at visualizing and measuring the dynamic
interplay of a complete transcription complex in a living cell and understanding
how polymerases are dynamically regulated in vivo.
To this end, we are combining in vivo imaging methods with
computational stimulation and modeling techniques to gain a quantitative view
of gene expression in a living cell.
A second aspect of our work addresses the fundamental question
of how genomes are spatially organized inside the cell nucleus. This is of great
relevance because it is now clear that the position of chromosomes and of single
genes within the nuclear space is nonrandom.
Our studies have contributed to the idea that how genomes
are organized in the nucleus is related to their functional status.We showed
that chromosomes are arranged differently in different tissues and that their
position within the nucleus changes during differentiation.
One of our most import findings was the discovery that the
position of chromosomes near each other contributes to the formation of cancer
translocations in which chromosomes break and undergo illegitimate joining events,
giving rise to fused chromosomes.
We are now expanding these studies by developing experimental
systems in which we can induce and follow in single cells the fate of damaged
chromosomes. These systems will allow us to query the cell biological mechanisms
that lead to formation of cancer translocations.
These studies have clearly demonstrated that the cellular
organization of genomes is critically important for proper genome function.
One of the most important questions now is to understand how the fundamental
principles of nuclear organization contribute to physiological genome function.
To address this problem, we are investigating how genome organization is established, maintained, and altered in physiological processes, including various diseases and during differentiation. These efforts will ultimately lead to an understanding of how genomes actually work inside of living cells.
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received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Indiana University, Bloomington, in
1989 and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
before becoming director of the Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory at Hoffmann-La
Roche in 1991. In 1996, he established the Protein Engineering Section at the
NCI-FCRDC. He is currently head of that section and a senior investigator in
the Macromolecular Crystallography
Laboratory, NCI-FCRDC.
My research is divided roughly equally between two main
projects: 1) "maximum likelihood" methods for protein expression
and purification and 2) structural proteomics of type III secretion (the transport
of virulence factors from the pathogen directly into the host cell) in Yersinia
pestis, the causative agent of plague.
It is widely
recognized that poor solubility of recombinant proteins in heterologous expression
systems is a major bottleneck in structural and functional proteomics projects.
Although I was not the first to recognize that the solubility
of recombinant proteins can sometimes be improved by fusing them to highly soluble
partners, my section conducted the first systematic study of this phenomenon
under rigorously controlled experimental conditions.
This work led to the discovery that Escherichia coli
maltose binding protein (MBP) has an amazing ability to improve the solubility
and promote the proper folding of its fusion partners.
These early experiments also shattered the dogma that any
highly soluble protein can function as a solubility enhancer; the two other
soluble fusion partners that were tested in this study, glutathione S-transferase
(GST) and thioredoxin, were far less effective than MBP.
The current objective of my research in this area is to
learn why some highly soluble proteins are much more effective solubility enhancers
than others. I believe that understanding the underlying mechanism of the solubilizing
effect is the key to realizing its full potential as a means of circumventing
the inclusion body problem.
Although MBP is a powerful solubility enhancer, it is not
a particularly good affinity tag for protein purification. For this reason,
my group experimented with the incorporation of supplemental affinity tags within
the framework of an MBP fusion protein.
The main challenge, from an engineering standpoint, was
to identify locations in which accessory tags could be placed without interfering
with the ability of MBP to enhance the solubility of its fusion partners.
Fortunately, it was possible to identify several permissive
sites for the addition of accessory tags. This enabled us to explore various
strategies for generic protein purification, and our efforts have recently culminated
in the development of a simple process using a dual His6-MBP tag that appears to be suitable for
The MBP moiety improves the yield and enhances the solubility
of the passenger protein while the His-tag facilitates its purification.
Recognizing that most affinity tags have the potential to
interfere with structural and functional studies, we also assumed a leading
role in the development of tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease as a reagent for
removing affinity tags.
We have shown that, contrary to popular belief, many different
amino acid side chains can be accommodated in the P1¢ site of a TEV protease recognition site
with little or no impact on the efficiency of processing.
The wild-type protease readily cleaves itself at a specific
site to yield a truncated enzyme with greatly diminished activity, but we managed
to overcome this problem by making amino acid substitutions in the vicinity
of the internal cleavage site.
We also determined the crystal structures of TEV protease
complexed with a peptide substrate and an inhibitor, which revealed the structural
basis of its stringent sequence specificity.
Our success in producing large quantities of crystallization-grade
proteins led to a small-scale structural genomics project aiming to solve the
three-dimensional structures of proteins involved in type III secretion in Y.
Because the type III secretion system (TTSS) is essential
for virulence, the resulting structural information could be used to develop
effective countermeasures for this potential instrument of bioterrorism.
We have already solved 12 novel structures and are in the
process of solving more, including several protein-protein complexes. In one
case, we have already begun the process of structure-based drug development.
One of the cytotoxic effector proteins that Yersinia
injects into mammalian cells via the TTSSYopHis a potent eukaryotic-like
protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase). YopH
dephosphorylates several proteins associated with the focal adhesion in eukaryotic
cells, thereby enabling the bacterium to avoid phagocytosis and destruction
by macrophages.
In collaboration with Terrence
Burke Jr. (Laboratory
of Medicinal Chemistry, CCR), we identified several tripeptide analogs that
inhibit YopH with IC50
values in the low micromolar range. Thus far, we have managed to crystallize
one of these compounds with the enzyme and solve the co-crystal structure at
2.2-Å resolution.
addition, we determined a high-resolution structure (1.5 Å) of the YopH
PTPase in complex with a nonhydrolyzable hexapeptide substrate analog, which
promises to provide yet another starting point for the development of inhibitors.
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received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Maryland, College Park,
in 1994 under the mentorship of Michael Fisher and Ralph Nossal of the University
of Maryland and Robert
Balaban of NIH. He joined the Laboratory
of Cardiac Energetics, NHLBI, in 1995 and is currently a senior investigator
in that lab.
My research interest has always been the development of
imaging technologies with potential applications in humans. In the early part
of my NIH experience, I had the opportunity to work with a high-field MRI scanner.
The high magnetic resonance frequency, which is proportional
to the field strength, yielded various interesting electromagnetic wave propagation
phenomena in the body, including disruption of the uniformity of image sensitivity
in the human chest.
With theoretical modeling and human scans at 1.5 tesla,
3 tesla, and 4 tesla, my colleagues and I showed that the optimal field strength
for imaging the heart was around 2 tesla. I then continued to develop MRI techniques
and in particular techniques for studying the biomechanics of the heart and
vascular system.
One technique called DENSE (Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated
Echo) is capable of mapping at high resolution the motion of the heart wall
and the walls of major arteries, revealing the stress loading and compliance
of the tissue in these areas. Such information is useful in diagnosing heart
disease and in learning about the mechanical factors in atherosclerotic lesion
formation and rupture.
A challenging problem in cardiac mechanics is how to map
the muscle fiber structure of the heart noninvasively. My postdoc and I observed
an interesting effect from a nanoparticle MRI contrast agent that is closely
related to the capillary and fiber structure of the myocardium. We then discovered
a simple and robust way to map the myofiber structure in vivo; it is based on
the correlation between the image intensity and capillary orientation when the
contrast agent is present.
My high magnetic field experience led to an interest in
tissue electrical properties, which vary greatly among different types of tissue
and therefore can provide great image contrast. I realized that in a high magnetic
field an ultrasound pulse traveling in tissue should generate weak but detectable
electrical signals, due to the Lorentz force on the charged molecules.
If the ultrasound is focused, as in ultrasonic imaging,
then the electrical signal also forms an image that reveals electrical conduction
properties of tissue. I called this Hall
effect imaging and made devices that demonstrated 3-D imaging with this
In the long term, I see many exciting ideas to be explored
in the field of imaging. We all know that the human body is amenable to the
propagation of several forms of energy waves, including ultrasound, radiofrequency
electromagnetic, infrared and much higher frequency X-ray, and even gamma ray
Biomedical imaging either relies on the interaction of these
energy waves with tissue to provide image contrast or uses them to carry information
out of the body to the detectorsand frequently both.
agents greatly widen the information content of the image and often lead to
new imaging techniques. The recent progress in monochromatic X-ray sources opens
new areas of X-ray imaging and contrast agent development. I hope to continue
to explore new ideas and contribute to the growing capabilities of noninvasive
imaging in biology and medicine.