T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | M A R C H A P R I L 2006 |
by Tara Kirby |
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last summer, when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast,
research at Tulane University in New Orleans and other institutions was imperiled
too. Not only were researchers displaced from their laboratories, but also in
many cases equipment and irreplaceable research materials were lost.
NIH quickly responded to the humanitarian and medical needs
of those affected by Katrina. (See editorial, "Responding
to Hurricane Katrina," The NIH Catalyst, September-October 2005.)
It was also recognized that researchers would need help
to continue (or even salvage) their research programs. In addition to special
policies for affected NIH grantees, NIH extended help from its intramural program.
In a memo dated Sept. 4, 2005, Deputy Director for Intramural
Research Michael
Gottesman encouraged investigators to "provide research homes"
for displaced researchers and their trainees. Scientific directors were asked
to help intramural investigators with logistics and financial support for bringing
Gulf Coast colleagues to NIH.
Knepper was one investigator who responded to this call. Chief of the Laboratory
of Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism at NHLBI, Knepper encountered a colleague
at an American Heart Association meeting in late SeptemberL. Gabriel Navar,
chair of the Department of Physiology at the Tulane University School of Medicine.
Navar had relocated to the University of Mississippi Medical School in Jackson,
Miss., to regroup after the hurricane.
Navar introduced Knepper to his postdoctoral fellow, Fady
Botros, who needed a space to work, as well as computer and library resources,
to revise a paper and plan future experiments. Botros had returned to the New
Orleans suburbs a week after Katrina hit and had been attempting to work at
home. Knepper offered to host Botros, and while the offer was effortless, the
administrative arrangements "turned out to be pretty tricky," Knepper
recalled in an interview with The NIH Catalyst.
But, as the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a
way. NHLBI was committed to helping
displaced researchers, and Scientific Director Robert
Balaban "said 'Do it'," reported Knepper. "We had Fady on
a Washington-bound plane within three days.
Botros arrived at NIH on October 10 and spent three weeks
in Knepper's lab. He exchanged ideas with people in the lab and learned about
the NIH intramural program. Botros also presented a talk on his research at
Tulanethe role of heme oxygenase in regulating renal microcirculation
and renal function. In addition to the mutually beneficial interactions with
Knepper's group, Botros also received material support. "'NHLBI was generous"
in providing support for his visit and travel expenses, he says.
In early November, Botros returned to Louisiana. Knepper observed, "I would have been
happy to have him stay much longer, but he needed to go back to rejoin his wife"a
Ph.D. student at Louisiana State University displaced to Baton Rouge"and
help in the cleanup." Botros took back the fruits of his collaborationprotocols
and antibodies for his future studies. He looked forward to continuing his collaboration
with Knepper, but "everything was delayed," he said, "because
the situation was worse than I expected" when he returned to New Orleans.
It would be several months before Botros could continue
his research. When he returned to New Orleans, recovery efforts by his labmates
were stymied because the facilities and power plant were still nonoperational.
It was not until early December that they were allowed to retrieve items from
the lab spaces. "We could go in twice a day for an hour each time and under
supervision," explained Botros, "because the building was not safe."
Navar's group members returned to their lab in January,
but still could not conduct experiments due to continued utility outages. Botros
was finally able to restart his research on February 7, more than five months
after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Still, he was one of the lucky ones;
two-thirds of the medical school was still closed at that time, he said. Some
investigators were able to find temporary work space in those buildings that
were open.
Navar noted the need still in early March for major electrical
work to reroute the main control panels and generators, but he anticipated that
the entire medical school would be open by the end of that month. He praised
Knepper and NHLBI for their "gracious assistance" and expressed
gratitude for the many groups and individuals who rushed to support the Tulane
research community.
Botros calls his time at NIH "a great research and
life experience. He was "happy," he says, "to be in a normal
research environment after the disruption" visited upon him and his labmates.
downplays his own role and credits "the nature of the NIH community to
be open, compassionate, and eager to share. Many, many people," he said,
"helped to make Fady's visit possible."
are spotty, but at least 20 other NIHers offered lab and/or housing space
to researchers displaced by the hurricane or the families of patients
dispatched to the Clinical Center. Hundreds volunteered to provide needed
services on-site in the Gulf Coast. And the postbac community organized
relief efforts that resulted in the shipment of money, household
supplies, toys, clothing, and food to the Gulf Coast, as well as more
than 30 large boxes of clothing and food to a local charity working with
people evacuated to the Washington, D.C.-Maryland area.