T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J A N U A R Y F E B R U A R Y 2006 |
Discoveries that add to the body of knowledge about normal and abnormal biological functions and behavior
Identification of disease genes
Identification of genes implicated in overall susceptibility
to prostate cancer and of multiple loci that distinguish between more- and less-aggressive
and life-threatening disease (NHGRI)
Identification of the genePIP5K3 that, when mutated, causes
Francois-Neetens mouchetée fleck corneal dystrophy, providing new inroads
into corneal biochemistry and physiology and the role of endosome-totrans-Golgi
network transport in cellular metabolism (NEI)
Delineation of the clinical, physiological, and pathological effects of a motor
neuron disease caused by mutations in the p150glued
subunit of dynactin, a protein essential for axonal transport, reinforcing the
suspicion that axonal transport is impaired in many neurodegenerative disorders
Identification (in studies involving Caucasians in Tennessee) of a functionally
relevant polymorphism in the regulatory region of the CYP2J2 gene that
confers a lower risk of hypertension (NIEHS)
Variants of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene were found to be
associated with a two- to fourfold increased risk of sporadic and familial melanoma,
particularly among individuals with multiple variant alleles and those with
fewer additional risk factors (NCI)
Data from the International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium link genetic variation
in TNF and IL-10 with increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, particularly
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, suggesting that common polymorphisms in TNF and
IL-10key cytokines for the inflammatory response and Th1-Th2 balancecould
be susceptibility loci for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; the findings underscore the
importance of using consortia for investigating the genetic basis of chronic
diseases such as cancer (NCI)
Results from the Spanish Bladder Cancer Study and meta-analyses show that the
GSTM1 null genotype increases the overall risk of bladder cancer and the
NAT2 slow-acetylator genotype increases risk particularly among cigarette
smokers, providing compelling evidence for the role of common polymorphisms
in cancer etiology; these polymorphisms could account for up to 31 percent of
bladder cancers (NCI)
Continuing studies of specific mutations in the LRRK2 gene establish
that a significant number of Parkinson s disease patients have a genetic predisposition,
raising the possibility of genetic testing for this disease and facilitating
the development of cell-based and animal-based models to explore etiology and
related therapies (NIA, NHGRI, NIMH, NCBI)
Discovery of a new gene, FANCM, which is mutated in one subgroup of patients
with Fanconi anemia (FA), provides evidence for direct enzymatic movement of
the complex of FA proteins along DNA and suggests drugs that enhance the FA
DNA damage response as a potential therapeutic option; the discovery also sheds
light on how DNA damage signals are transmitted in the FA pathway and
in repair pathways involved in certain cancers and aging (NIA)
Identification of a common variant of plasma membrane calcium pump PMCA2 that
modifies the severity of age-related hearing loss caused by a mutation in the
gene encoding cadherin 23, raising the possibility that this or other variants
of PMCA2 may underlie individual variability of hearing loss associated with
more common causes such as noise or aging (NIDCD, NHLBI)
Evidence that mutations in a gene located on chromosome 12 cause stuttering,
a disorder of unknown origins (NIDCD)
Haplotype linkage of TPH2 (the gene for tryptophan hydroxylase 2) to
depression and suicide attempt in three of four ethnically diverse populations,
moving the field closer to identifying specific genetic loci that contribute
to this vulnerability (NIAAA)
Evidence that the short variant of the gene that codes for the serotonin transporter
protein in the brain is associated with poorly regulated amygdala response and
impaired emotional reactivity, thus increasing vulnerability to persistent bad
moods and stress-induced depression (NIMH)
Important new animal models
A low-calorie diet was found to lessen the severity of dopamine nerve cell damage
and motor dysfunction in a monkey model of Parkinson's disease, possibly by
inducing increased production of two different nerve cell growth factors in
the brain (NIA, CC, NIMH)
Demonstration that the Drosophila melanogaster
homolog of a gene (DSCR1) in the chromosomal region involved in human Down syndrome
is crucial for maintaining the function and integrity of mitochondria, suggesting
that the increased level of DSCR1 may contribute to the mitochondrial dysfunction
in Down syndrome (NINDS)
Demonstration that the Stat family transcription factors Stat5a and Stat5b are
essential for normal lymphoid development: The development of T cells, B cells,
and NK cells was severely impaired in mice in which these transcription factors
were deleted using Cre-lox technology (NIAMS, NIDDK)
Demonstration in a rat model of craving and relapse that cocaine craving induced
by exposure to cocaine cues was higher 30 days after withdrawal than one day
after, reflecting time-dependent increases in the responsiveness of the central
amygdala ERK pathway to cocaine cues, with implications for neuroadaptations
related to other responses such as food craving or fear (NIDA)
A double-mutant mouse modelloss of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
gene allele in addition to serotonin transporter (SERT) knockoutdisplays
exacerbated brain monoamine deficiencies and increased stress; the model serves
to elucidate the role of serotonin in the actions of antianxiety and antidepressant
drugs and the mechanism underlying epistatic interactions between SERT and BDNF
polymorphisms in human psychiatric disorders (NIMH, NICHD, NIAAA)
Demonstration of the first replication of the BK virus, a human pathogen, in
an animal model (squirrel) (NIDDK, CC, NCI, CBER)
Discovery that the cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is critical
in mediating the development of asthma in a murine model and that a TSLP receptor
fusion protein can block development of lung inflammation, with therapeutic
implications (NHLBI, NIAID)
Basic discoveries in cell, molecular, and structural biology with implications for the treatment of human disease
Discovery that abnormal prion protein lacking a GPI anchor into the cell membrane
may be unable to signal cells to start the lethal disease process associated
with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies;
this anchorless prion protein promoted the formation of amyloid plaques
in brain tissue but did not cause clinical disease, which may have implications
for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (NIAID)
Discovery that CCR5, the receptor exploited by HIV for initial infection and
subsequent disease progression, also functions in West Nile virus (WNV) pathogenesis,
but in a beneficial way: to clear virus from the brain and to limit mortality,
raising the possibility that HIV inhibitors that act by blocking CCR5 may render
patients more susceptible to WNV (NIAID)
Discovery that hemoglobin C protects against malaria by disturbing the expression
of a key parasite protein, PfEMP-1, that promotes adherence of infected red
blood cells to the lining of blood vessels in the brain and other critical tissues,
causing inflammation and circulatory obstruction (NIAID)
Elucidation of the travels
of glucose transporter 4 between the adipose cell interior and the plasma membrane in response to
insulin (NICHD, NIDDK)
Finding that ocular-specific antigens are typically expressed in human thymic
tissue but in widely varying degrees, suggesting that differences in susceptibility
to autoimmune uveitis are at least partly the result of different levels of
thymic expression of uveitogenic antigens (NEI, NIAID)
Use of a toxin from tarantulas to characterize the molecular mechanism by which
voltage-activated potassium channels detect and react to changes in membrane
voltage, a key but poorly understood aspect of how voltage-dependent channels
carry out their essential signaling functions throughout the brain and other
body systems (NINDS)
Determination that the clearance of the neurotransmitter glutamate is slower
in the hippocampus of younger animals, which permits glutamate to travel longer
distances and increases the importance of glutamate receptors that are located
beyond the synapse in the developing brain (NINDS)
Discovery of a novel physiological mechanism for the production of tissue-specific
glucocorticoid receptors, providing insights into the anti-inflammatory action
of glucocorticoids, one of the worlds most prescribed class of drugs (NIEHS)
Elucidation of the regulation of genes that control cellular senescence, immortalization,
tumor suppression, and organismal aging in studies of the expression of tumor
suppressor p16 during replicative senescence (NIA)
Manipulating the growth conditions and thus the structure and toxic properties
of amyloid-b peptide fibrils, which accumulate in the brains of patients with
Alzheimer's disease, with implications for the development of treatments for
Alzheimer's disease (NIDDK, NIA, DBEPS)
Identification of a novel mechanism controlling directional cell migration that
is distinct from chemotaxis and depends on Rac protein activity, a finding relevant
to the field of tissue bioengineering
The uncovering of a novel mechanism explaining how dietary deficiency of docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA), an w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid highly
enriched in neuronal membranes, can upset the interaction between the Akt signaling
pathway and membrane phospholipid levels, thereby compromising neuronal survival;
these findings underscore the neurological deficits associated with w-3
fatty acid deficiency and support protective effects of DHA in pathological
models such as brain ischemia or Alzheimer's disease (NIAAA)
Elucidation of the pathway by which stress may induce reinstatement of cocaine-seeking
behavior in detoxified cocaine addicts and underlie the co-morbidity between
addiction and other stress-related psychiatric disorders: Foot-shock stress
caused the release of corticotropin-releasing factor in rats, which, in the
cocaine-experienced cohort, induced glutamate release and dopamine activation,
triggering relapse (NIDA)
Demonstration that the mNotch1 intracellular domain can functionally replace
that of mNotch2 in vivo, suggesting that these key signaling molecules are functionally
redundant (CBER)
The finding that loss of memory CD4+ T cells during acute SIV infection is considerably
more marked than previously thoughtrapid and throughout the body, not
just in mucosal tissuewith critical implications for vaccine development
and interventional therapies (VRC, NIAID)
The finding that CCR5-tropic HIV virus infection of immature dendritic cells
(DC) allows the development of a reservoir of infected DCs that infect T cells
efficiently upon maturation (VRC, NIAID)
Identification of the superior colliculus as the region of the brain that not
only generates saccadic eye movements but also contributes to directing attention
to specific features in the visual field, providing a first step towards understanding
the circuits in the brain that underlie visual attention and how perception
is affected when there are deficits in shifts of attention (NEI)
Discovery that myosin-XVa, a protein found to be defective in some forms of
deafness, delivers whirlin to the tips of stereocilia of auditory sensory cells
and is a key event in hair-bundle morphogenesis (NIDCD, NHLBI)
Identification of a protein complex involved in the trafficking of NMDA receptors,
contributing to the understanding of this process in normal and disease states
Identification of the genes that encode receptors for bitter tastants and demonstration
that bitter taste is hard-wired in dedicated cells at the periphery (NIDCR)
Elucidation of the structure of amyloid fibrils of human amylin, present in
90 percent of patients with Type 2 diabetes (NIAMS)
Awakening of the mobile somatic "Sleeping Beauty" transposon system
(jumping genes) to expose the weak points in cancer genes and gain insights
into better treatment approaches (NCI)
Identification of cross-talk between nitric oxide (NO) and thrombospondin-1
in NO-mediated regulation of angiogenesis, with implications for therapeutic
approaches to angiogenic aspects of cancer progression (NCI)
Elucidation of the underlying mechanisms of hemolysis-associated pulmonary hypertensionwhich
occurs in 30 percent of patients with sickle cell disease and is a major cause
of mortality in this populationand its strong association with high hemolytic
rate, arginase release from red cells, iron overload, and kidney disease (NHLBI,
Discovery of cannabinoid receptors (CB1) in hepatocytes whose activation by
endocannabinoids stimulates fatty acid synthesis, suggesting that the endocannabinoid
anandamide contributes to diet-induced obesity and that the fatty acid synthase
pathway may be a common molecular target for central and peripheral metabolic
regulation (NIAAA)
Brain scan evidence that sniffing oxytocin (compared with placebo) dampens amygdala
response to threatening scenes, especially to threatening faces, as well as
communication between the amygdala and upper brainstem fear-response sites,
suggesting a pivotal role for oxytocin in regulating social fear and its possible
value in treating autism, which has been linked to overactivation in the amygdala
when looking at faces (NIMH)
Clarification of the neural mechanism underlying the risk for schizophrenia
conferred by COMT gene variants (NIMH)
Demonstration by fMRI that the amygdala of patients with Williams syndromewho
have 21 missing genes on chromosome 7 and atypical responses to people and events
expected to induce fear and anxiety undergoes less activation than that
of healthy volunteers when confronted with pictures of threatening people and
more activation when confronted with threatening scenes with no social component;
three areas of the prefrontal cortex were implicated in this atypical amygdala
response (NIMH)
Elucidation of the "yin-yang" regulation of synaptic plasticity
by proneurotrophins and mature neurotrophins through activation of two different
receptors, with implications for understanding a wide range of cellular processes
Study of the locust olfactory system to elucidate the manner in which neural
circuits process sensory information (NICHD)
Elucidation of the antiviral protein kinase PKR (and other stress-responsive
protein kinases) activation pathway (NICHD)
Elucidation of the role of Notch signaling in neural development (NICHD)
Develop new or improved instruments and technologies for use in research and medicine
Advances in imaging
The use of real-time MRI to treat congenital aortic coarctation in an animal
model demonstrated the clinical potential of this single modality to diagnose,
treat, and promptly identify complicationswithout exposing children and
staff to ionizing radiation (NHLBI)
Development of an automated systemvirtual colonoscopy computer-aided polyp
detectionthat can locate precancerous polyps on CT scans with high sensitivity
comparable with that of optical colonoscopy, a minimally invasive procedure
that may increase the use of asymptomatic screening (CC)
Application of a comprehensive image reconstruction methodology to the first
human positron emission tomography data acquired from the NIH High Resolution
Research Tomograph (CC, CIT, NIMH, NINDS)
Development of a registration, segmentation, and three-dimensional fusion tool
to support radiofrequency ablation treatment planning (CC, CIT)
Demonstration that disparate NMR and X-ray crystallography measurements yield
quantitatively consistent information about the motion of a small, rigid protein
Design of an electron paramagnetic resonance imaging system that allows for
noninvasive in vivo functional imaging in small animal models for the investigation
of tissue oxygen concentrations and the development of tumor treatment strategies
Development of novel diagnostic methods using new kinds of spectroscopic imaging:
high-throughput Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging of tissue microarrays,
coupled with the statistical pattern recognition of spectra indicative of endogenous
molecular composition, enabling histopathologic characterizations of, for example,
prostatic tissue without need for dyes or molecular probes and differentiating
between benign and malignant prostatic epithelium (NIDDK, NCI)
Localization of the minor capsid protein L2 of the human papillomavirus, a possible
vaccine antigen, by cryoelectron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction
Advances in bioinformatics
Development of a computer search tool that rapidly compares DNA sequences among
animal species and identifies those sequences that have remained essentially
unchanged during evolution, a strong indication that the DNA segment is essential
to gene function (NINDS, NIMH))
Complete sequencing of the canine genome, opening the door to comparative studies
of cancer susceptibility genes in dogs and humansspecies whose malignancies
resemble one another in clinical presentation, histology, and biology (NHGRI)
Advances in biotechnology
Replication and production of infectious hepatitis C virus (HCV) from a cloned
viral genome in tissue culture, providing an in vitro means to better study
the biology of HCV and to screen a wider range of potential therapeutic compounds
Development of a method for circulating endothelial cell isolation and validation,
used to probe vascular disease, which includes multiple marker verification,
high-sensitivity mRNA amplification, and confirmation of endothelial-specific
genes by microarrays and real-time PCR (CC, NHLBI, CIT)
Creation of a model to improve understanding of the molecular mechanisms for
optimal transport of metabolites through large channels (NICHD, CIT)
Synthesis of a compound that blocks the effects of anthrax lethal toxin at the
protective antigen channel in cell and animal studies, paving the way for rational
design of new drugs to treat inhalational anthrax (NICHD, NIAID)
Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies that can neutralize
the protective antigen toxin of Bacillus anthracis
Development of new or improved approaches for preventing or delaying the onset or progression of disease and disability
Discovery that farnesyltransferase inhibitors, a class of experimental anticancer
drugs, prevent a crucial event in the development of progeria, raising the hope
that these agents may be used to treat children with this otherwise-fatal genetic
disorder (NHGRI)
Characterization of heart lesions in rats associated with ingestion of ephedrine
and caffeine, the active ingredients in ephedra-based dietary supplements, contributing
to the FDA's ability to evaluate the heart toxicity of ephedra-containing herbal
medicines and the banning of such dietary supplements (NIEHS)
Findings from the ongoing Agricultural Health Study that farmers who use agricultural
insecticides experience lasting neurological symptomsincluding headaches,
fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, cognitive problems, poor balance, hand tremors,
and numbnesseven when they are no longer using the products, exposing
the health effects of everyday agricultural chemical use, in contrast to previous
studies that focused on pesticide poisoning or high-dose exposures (NIEHS, NCI)
Development of a clinical protocol to evaluate the efficacy of erythropoietin
in reducing infarct size and left ventricular remodeling in patients with large
myocardial infarctions, with the aim of preventing such common clinical complications
as congestive heart failure and arrhythmia (NIA)
Continuing studies of of monoclonal antibody for IL-2 receptor blockade in patients
with uveitis suggest that treatment-related induction of CD56bright
is responsible for the therapeutic lessening of inflammation and that CD56bright
may be the body's natural agent in calming uveitis and other autoimmune conditions
such as multiple sclerosis; a Phase III study of the IL-2 receptor blocker daclizumab
to treat uveitis is in preparation (NEI)
Identification of a novel mechanism by which inflammatory mediators (prostaglandin
E2) activate growth-promoting
pathways, shedding light on the relationship between inflammatory processes
and tumor progression and the observed association between the use of anti-inflammatory
agents and a reduced incidence of colon cancer; the findings may provide a molecular
framework to evaluate new anticancer chemopreventive strategies (NIDCR, NIAID)
Data gathered from studies involving more than 70,000 individuals show that
minorities participate in clinical research at the same rate as non-Hispanic
whites when they are made aware of the study and meet the medical requirements,
countering the widely held notion that minorities are less willing to participate
and suggesting that minority involvement in clinical research is more a matter
of access than attitude (CC, OBSSR)
Demonstration that infused nitrite solutions prevent hepatic and cardiac ischemia-reperfusion
injury and infarction in mice (NHLBI, CC, NIDDK)
Results from a nested study within the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study show
that the risk of subsequent primary thyroid cancer among survivors who received
upper-body or head and neck radiotherapy increases with rising therapeutic radiation
doses up to 20 to 29 grays, with declines at higher doses consistent with a
cell-killing effect; these findings support long-term follow-up of childhood
survivors of any cancer treated with radiotherapy, not just Hodgkin's lymphoma
Vaccine development
Development of a recombinant, live, attenuated respiratory syncytial virus vaccine
for intranasal administration that proved to be well-tolerated, immunogenic,
and protective against a second vaccine dose in infants one to two months old
Testing of the VRC's HIV preventive prime-boost vaccine strategy in three Phase
I/II clinical trials conducted by three international networksthe HIV
Vaccine Trials Network, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, and the United
States Military HIV Research Program (VRC)
Development of a recombinant DNA vaccine candidate against West Nile Virus,
developed under a CRADA with Vical, Inc.,
now in Phase I clinical trial (VRC)
A DNA prime-recombinant adenoviral boost vaccine targeted at one of the influenza
viral proteins, nucleoprotein (NP), induced strong antibody and T-cell responses
in mice and protected against lethal challenge with highly pathogenic H5N1 virus,
demonstrating that gene-based vaccination with NP may contribute to protective
immunity against diverse influenza viruses (VRC, CBER)
Identification of a gene in Moraxell catarrhalis
responsible for the biosynthesis of endotoxin, enabling the creation of a highly
immunogenic, endotoxin-free knockout mutant without endotoxin with promise as
a vaccine candidate or vaccine vehicle (NIDCD)
of new or improved ways to diagnose disease and disability
Women who tested positive for human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 or 18 were
at higher risk of developing cervical cancer over the next 10 years than were
women who tested positive on a general screen for oncogenic HPV types but negative
for those two specific types, suggesting that HPV screening that distinguishes
HPV16 and HPV18 from other oncogenic HPV types may be useful clinically in deciding
how best to manage women with these HPV infections (NCI)
Gene expression patterns
Development of a novel genetic model to identify genes that interact in head
development in a dosage-specific manner, including BMP, hedgehog pathway members,
and Zic gene family members (CBER)
Gene expression profiling of human bone and soft tissue sarcomas to delineate
tumor classes and identify associated genes of potential biological and therapeutic
interest (NHGRI, NCI)
The use of gene expression profiling and artificial neural networks to predict
survival in neuroblastoma patients, including the identification of 19 predictor
genes to distinguish between lower and higher survival potential in already
stratified high-risk patients (NCI)
Development of new or improved ways to treat disease and disability
Demonstration that intermittent administration of IL-2 prolongs the lifespan
of naïve and central memory CD4 T cells in HIV-infected patients (CC, NIAID,
Combination chemotherapy and infusion of autologous stimulated lymphocytesadoptive
cell-transfer therapy after nonmyeloablative but lymphodepleting chemotherapyachieved
tumor regression in patients with refractory metastatic melanoma
A pilot study of nitisinone in patients with alkaptonuria, an inborn error of
metabolism, achieved a 95 percent reduction of homogentisic acid, the accumulation
of which causes the destruction of large joints and cardiac valves characteristic
of the condition; a larger clinical trial with clinical outcome measures is
now ongoing (NHGRI, CC, NEI)
Development of nucleoside analogs that block DNA synthesis beyond the point
of HIV-1 incorporationdelayed chain terminationand should therefore
be relatively resistant to excision and effective against drug-resistant HIV-1
reverse transcriptases, suggesting a research direction to complement already
approved HIV-1 therapies (NCI)
Development of drug-device combination therapyheat-activated chemotherapy
encapsulated in a liposomal vector and delivered intravenouslyto enhance
effectiveness of local thermal ablation in the treatment of unresectable liver
cancer (CC, NCI)
Identification of the enzyme that regenerates the 11-cis vitamin A required
for light sensitivity of the retina, with implications for gene therapy for
treating inherited blindness caused by RPE65
mutations; clinical trials are planned (NEI)
Determination in primate studies that intravenous infusion of sodium nitrite,
a drug designed to increase levels of the regulatory molecule nitric oxide,
can prevent the cerebral vasospasm that may follow surgery for intracranial
aneurysm (NINDS, NIDDK, CC, NHLBI)
Demonstration that inhaled nitrite reverses hypoxic neonatal pulmonary hypertension
in sheep (NHLBI, CC, NIDDK)
Demonstration that neonatal multisystem inflammatory disorder is highly responsive
to agents that inhibit IL-1, a significant advance in the treatment of autoinflammatory
disorders (NIAMS)