T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | N O V E M B E R D E C E M B E R 2005 |
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of Early Rearing Experience on Stress and Dominance in Rhesus Macaques
Preceptor: James
Higley, Laboratory
of Clinical and Translational Studies, NIAAA
The stress response to a perceived threat and the coping
mechanism used to return to normal behavior is thought to be heavily influenced
by early experiences such as the quality of maternal care.
Copp looked at stress levels (measured by cortisol levels)
in rhesus macaques that were either reared normally by protective mothers (MR)
or raised by surrogates with minimal social interactions (SPR). She found that
as stereotypies, or repetitive motor movements, increased, the SPR animals showed
increased cortisol, while MR animals that showed low levels of these stereotypic
movements exhibited high cortisol. This was indicative of an abnormal response
to stress in the SPR group.
Interestingly, while MR animals used social contact as a
coping mechanism during stressful conditions, the SPR animals avoided social
contact. Copp believes that this may be due to SPR monkeys' finding it difficult
to initiate social behavior and also because they may not find such contact
The physiological response to stress has also been shown
to differ based on the dominance rank of the monkeys. All female rhesus monkeys
inherit their rank from their mothers, and Copp was therefore interested in
understanding ranking in the SPR group, whose members have no clear inheritance.
In a short study during a previous summer, she was able to demonstrate that
the SPR animals consistently ranked lowest in the group of MR and SPR animals.
She used this information in her current study to correlate stress levels with
rank or perception of rank in the case of SPR animals.
By measuring stress using MHPG (monoamine metabolite of
norepinephrine) levels in these monkeys, Copp found that in the MR group, increasing
MHPG levels correlated with increasing rank, while in the SPR group, increasing
MHPG levels correlated with decreasing rank. This suggested that the lower-ranking
animals of the SPR group perceived normal activities as more stressful than
the MR animals. This response may provide the reason for their lower ranking
within the group. However, larger studies are needed to confirm these findings,
as the small sample size of Copp's study meant that these correlations did not
reach significance.
"I will miss the monkeys," Copp said, talking
of her plans for graduate school while pointing to a picture of Stella, a mother
macaque, "but I have had two excellent summers here."
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Analysis of Chemokine Trafficking
Preceptor: Fred Indig,
Confocal Imaging Facility, Research
Resources Branch, NIA
Chemokines are a class of cytokines
that are secreted by cells that play an important role in human immune response
against foreign antigens. Chemokines that are endocytosed by cells such as macrophages
are degraded and presented as antigens on their cell surface. These chemokine
antigens can be recognized by either CD8+ or CD4+ T cells, which then become
activated to participate in the immune reaction. Recognition by the CD8+ or
CD4+ T cells requires that the antigen be presented on the cell surface by MHC
class I and class II molecules, respectively.
Antigens presented by MHC class I molecules
are degraded by cytoplasmic proteasomes, whereas MHC class II antigens are processed
in the lysosomes. Which pathway is used in the presentation of chemokine antigens
on macrophages?
With the assistance of Purevdorj
Olkhanud and Arya Biragyn of
the Laboratory of Immunology,
NIA, McCain addressed this question in her study of the intracellular
trafficking of a fluorescently tagged chemokine, MIP3a, in mouse macrophage cells. She followed the fluorescent chemokine
in these cells by first allowing them to bind MIP3a at 4° C and then inducing endocytosis of the chemokine by
shifting the cells to 37° C. McCain fixed the cells at various time points
after the shift to 37° C and stained them with antibodies against clathrin,
proteasomes, and lysosomes.
Her confocal microscopy images show
that MIP3a co-localized with clathrin within
two minutes of the 37° C shift, demonstrating that the chemokine
is internalized by clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Ten minutes after internalization,
the chemokine co-localized with both lysosomes and proteasomes but no longer
with clathrin.
This result led McCain to the unique
finding that by gaining access to proteasomes and lysosomes, the chemokine could
be presented by both the MHC class I and the class II pathways. By 60 minutes, almost all chemokine staining
was lost, suggesting that the cells are able to completely degrade this chemokine
within an hour.
"We could specifically target
cancer cells by tagging a toxic molecule onto a specific chemokine whose receptors
are highly expressed on tumor cells," McCain suggested, noting the implications
of the research for cancer immunotherapy.
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Functional Performance of Children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome
Amy Zolko, University of Maryland, College Park
Preceptor: Michaele
Smith, Rehabilitation Medicine Department,
Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) arises from a partial or full
deletion of band p11.2 on chromosome 17 and is characterized by a distinct pattern
of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and functional abnormalities.
Zolko's project aimed to provide physical therapists and
other involved health practitioners with detailed documentation of the level
of functional motor skills attained by children with SMS compared with age-matched
peers. Reasonable expectations regarding both the rate of skill development
and the achievable functional level could be translated into additional interventional
The research team used two assessment methods the
Pediatric Evaluation of Disabilities Inventory (PEDI) and the Peabody Developmental
Motor Scales (PDMS-2) to assess functional motor skills in SMS patients.
The PEDI is a parental questionnaire designed to monitor individual progress
in daily functional activities such as brushing teeth, dressing, walking, and
peer interaction. Used by clinicians, the PDMS-2 estimates a child s motor
competency on subtests that measure reflexes, locomotion, ability to sustain
body control, and object manipulation. Twenty-eight children, ages five months
to seven years, with confirmed SMS diagnosis were enrolled in the study and
monitored annually for several years.
Both the PEDI and the PDMS-2 showed that children with SMS
scored below the mean for their age group for all subtests. Nonetheless, they
eventually did achieve the desired milestones, such as running, skipping, and
stair climbing, only at a slower rate than normal children. However, it is not
certain that children with SMS will accomplish all the motor skills gained by
unaffected children or at what age they can be expected to achieve them. Typically,
children with SMS are not as coordinated as their unaffected peers.
The study suggested that children with SMS should be monitored
annually to detect any motor delay as they grow older and that prolonging physical
therapy may be effective in helping them obtain higher-level functional skills.
The investigators plan more studies to determine the effects of prolonged therapy.
Zolko is in her last year at the University of Maryland
at College Park and plans to pursue graduate study in physical therapy.
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Understanding the Evolution of Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses
These strains, known as vaccine-derived
polioviruses (VDPVs), have regained virulence and occasionally result in paralysis
and polio outbreaks. This increased risk is especially significant in developing
countries, where the oral construct is used almost exclusively due to its low
cost and easy administration.
Berkower and her colleagues set out
to elucidate the underpinnings of these changes. The team analyzed vaccine-derived
strains isolated from healthy children after OPV administration. The children
were given three doses of vaccine, and stool samples were collected approximately
once a week after each dose. Viral RNA isolated from stool samples was synthesized
into its complementary DNA via reverse transcription.
Subsequent DNA sequencing revealed
amino acid mutations in capsid proteins in or near antigenic regions matching
those of its wild-type predecessor or homotypic wild polioviruses.
The researchers point to errors made
by the RNA polymerase during replication of the viral genome as one cause of
the live attenuated Sabin 1 virus mutation.
They speculate that common antigenic
alterations in evolving OPV strains largely reflect attempts to eliminate fitness-decreasing
mutations acquired either during the original selection of the vaccine or already
present in the parental strains.
Studying the patterns of mutation of VDPVs may provide new insights into viral evolution, the researchers note, as well as better approaches to crafting future vaccine constructs and vaccination policies.
Berkower, now a student at Yale University,
spent the two NIH Summer Research program summers after her junior and senior
years at the Sidwell Friends High School in Washington, D.C. She plans to continue
her research endeavors at Yale.
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Prion Protein Protects Against Harmful Aggregation of Huntingtin
Rogawski worked on an intriguing connection between Huntington's
disease and the prion protein PrPC, which, in its misfolded, "infectious" form is responsible
for a family of fatal neurological illnesses, including mad cow disease.
Despite its potential to cause devastating disease, PrPC is found in the brains of most mammals and
may play an important role in neuronal functioning.
Rogawski investigated the normal function of PrPC and discovered that it helps protect neurons
from the symptoms of Huntington's disease. Huntington's is a neurodegenerative
disease caused by a mutation in the huntingtin gene.
The defective huntingtin protein aggregates inside brain
cells, eventually killing them.
Working with cultured cells that carried the mutant huntingtin
protein, Rogawski found that depleting PrPC accelerated the formation of huntingtin aggregates.
He observed that PrPC
affected the qualitative appearance of the aggregates. Cells with a normal complement
of PrPC tended to have one large hunting-tin
aggregate, whereas those that lacked PrPC had numerous, smaller aggregates.
He then showed that introduction of a mouse version of PrPC
into PrPC-depleted cells reduced the rate of aggregate formation.
The group's findings raise the possibility that PrPC may have a general neuroprotective function,
preventing unwanted protein aggregates from forming in otherwise-healthy neurons.