T H E   N I H   C A T A L Y S T     N O V E M B E R   –   D E C E M B E R  2005


Demystifying Medicine

The 17-week Demystifying Medicine course begins January 10, 2005, and will be held from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Building 50 ground-floor auditorium (Rooms 1227 & 1233). Classes will be available through Breeze.

For academic credit, register with FAES; otherwise, registration is at the Listserv. The schedule appears below and also at the website.

For more info, contact Win Arias.

Date Speakers Subject
10 Harvey Alter (CC)
Barbara Rehermann (NIDDK)
Hepatitis C: A Silent Global Disease
17 Ruth Kirschstein (OD)
Ellie Ehrenfeld (NIAID)
Polio: Past and Present
24 Steven Holland (CC)
John Robbins (NICHD)
Tuberculosis: The Ever-present "White" Plague
31 David Henderson (CC)
Kanta Subbarao (NIAID)
Avian Influenza: Another Pandemic?
7 Ron McKay (NINDS)
Cynthia Dunbar (NHLBI)
Stem Cells: Frontiers and Applications
14 Gary Nabel (NIAID)
John Robbins (NICHD)
Diseases of Potential Terrorism: Ebola and Anthrax
21 Henry Masur (CC)
John Coffin (NCI)
HIV: Advances and Retreats
28 Tom Wellems (NIAID)
Rick Fairhurst (NIAID)
Malaria: The Number-One Killer
7 Elias Zerhouni (OD)
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (NICHD)
Imaging: A New Frontier for Organs and Cells
This session held in Wilson Hall, 3rd floor, Building 1
14 John Hardy (NIA)
Katrina Gwinn-Hardy (NINDS)
Parkinson's Disease: The Shaking palsy
21 Baruch Blumberg (Fox Chase)
Jay Shapiro (Hopkins/NASA)
Astrobiology: Clinical and Basic Research
28 George Kunos (NIAAA)
Barry Hoffer (NIDA)
Addiction: Cannabinoids and Other Drugs
4 Philip Gordon (NIDDK)
Jack Yanowski (NICHD)
Obesity: A National Epidemic
11 Elizabeth Nabeil (NHLBI)
Francis Collins (NHGRI)
Genetics, Aging, and Heart Disease: New Insights
18 Richard Anderson (NCI)
Snorri Thorgeirsson (NCI)
Win Arias (NICHD)
Hepatocellular Cancer: An Increasing Global Problem
25 Alan Schechter (NIDDK)
Jeffrey Miller (NIDDK)
Sickle Cell Anemia: Treating a Molecular Disease

Michael Gottesman (OD/NCI)
Win Arias (OD/NICHD)
and others

Finale: Symposium on career Opportunities for PhD Postdocs
NIH/Duke Training Program in Clinical Research

Applications are being accepted for the 2006–2007 NIH-Duke Training Program in Clinical Research, The deadline for applying is March 1, 2006.

Geared to physicians and dentists who want formal clinical research training, the program is geared to part-time study as a complement to concurrent clinical training.   

Courses are presented via videoconference at the CC. Academic credit may be applied toward the degree requirement (24 credits of graded course work and a 12-credit research project) for a Master of Health Sciences in Clinical Research from Duke University School of Medicine.

Applications are available in the Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education, Building 10, Room B1L403. Additional information is available at the website.

or by mail; send questions to this address.

Enrollment is limited. Individuals seeking funding for participation should check with their IC. Successful applicants will be notified by July 1, 2006.    n

PRAT Fellowships http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Training/PRAT

The NIGMS Pharmacology Research Associate (PRAT) program is now accepting applications for positions to begin October 2006. Applications must be received by December 16, 2005.

PRAT is a three-year competitive research fellowship to support training at NIH or FDA laboratories for postdoctoral fellows whose research focuses on the pharmacological sciences and related areas. Fellows with more than one year of research experience at NIH or FDA are not eligible.

Applicants must identify a preceptor any willing tenured or tenure-track scientist at NIH or FDA in their application. For more information or application materials, contact the PRAT program assistant at 301-594-3583 or by e-mail.

Gender and Lung Function

The Women's Health Special Interest Group is hosting a talk on "Gender Differences in Lung Function and Response to Environmental Agents," presented by Darryl Zeldin, senior investigator, NIEHS. The talk and ensuing discussion will take place Friday, December 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall, Building 1, 3rd floor. For sign language interpretation, contact Vicki Malick five days before the seminar.



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