T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J U L Y A U G U S T 2005 |
The 2005 NIH Research Festival is set for October 18 through October 21. http://ccr.cancer.gov/staff/staff.asp?profileid=7275 NIH and Bethesda FDA/CBER investigators may submit poster abstracts online through July 31. Posters can address any area of research conducted within the NIH Intramural Program, but the Research Festival Organizing Committeeco-chaired this year by scientific directors Sheldon Miller (NEI) and Robert Wenthold (NIDCD)requests a limit of one poster submission per first author. The opening plenary session on Tuesday, October 18, at 9 a.m. in Masur Auditorium will feature the high-impact research of four early-career NIH investigators. Their research ranges from the structure of molecules (Susan Buchanan, NIDDK) to gene silencing (Shiv Grewal, NCI) to cell biology (Orna Cohen-Fix, NIDDK) to clinical investigation (Mark Gladwin, NHLBI). Other events during this 4-day annual showcase of intramural research will include cross-cutting symposia and poster sessions; special exhibits on resources for intramural research; the Job Fair for NIH postdoctoral, research, and clinical fellows; the Festival Food & Music Fair; and the Technical Sales Association scientific equipment tent show. For a preliminary schedule of events and online poster registration, visit the Research Festival website. The deadline for online poster submission is July 31. Applicants will receive e-mail confirmation that their abstract has been received and will be notified of acceptance by e-mail in mid-August. For more information about poster registration, contact Paula Cohen, Research Festival Logistics Coordinator, OCPL/OD, at 301-496-1776 or by e-mail. |
NCCAM has launched a new online Continuing Education Series in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). This user-friendly seminar series offers health-care professionals and the public the opportunity to learn more about CAM therapies and the state-of-the-science about them through video lectures by experts in their fields. Health-care professionals can earn CME credits; the course is free and can be found at this website. DIRECTOR'S PIONEER AWARD SYMPOSIUM The first annual NIH Directors Pioneer Award Symposium takes place on Thursday, September 29, 2005, in Masur Auditorium. The event will feature talks and a roundtable discussion by the inaugural group of Pioneer Award recipients, selected in 2004, as well as the announcement of the 2005 awardees. The day begins with opening remarks by NIH Director Elias Zerhouni at 8:15 a.m. and ends with an informal reception at 3:00 p.m. Slated to speak on their exceptionally creative and innovative approaches to major biomedical research challenges are:
For the tentative agenda, see this website. Attendance is free, and there is no need to register. For an overview of the Pioneer Award and its place on the NIH Roadmap, see this website.. |