T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J U L Y A U G U S T 2004 |
Web Access Note: Although not all the sites are up to date, nearly all the Interest Groups have web sites that can be accessed at this site. |
Cell Biology Interest Group Meeting time: Not specified Meeting place: Building 32, Library Contact: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz Phone: 402-1010; 402-1009 E-mail: <jlippin@helix.nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to CELBIO-L
Clinical Research Interest Group Meeting time and place: sponsors CC Grand Rounds once every other month Contact: Cliff Lane Phone: 496-7196 E-mail: <clane@nih.gov>
Genetics Interest Group ** Meeting time and place: Two all-day symposia a year to be announced Contact: Dan Kastner Phone: 496-8364 E-mail: <tf60y@nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to <GIG-L@list.nih.gov>
Immunology Interest Group Meeting time: Each Wednesday (except summer), 4:15 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium Contact 1: Jennifer Cannons Phone: 435-1907 E-mail: <jcannons@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Margaret Mentink Kane Phone: 594-2345 E-mail: <mmentink@niaid.nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to IMMUNI-L by joining the interest group at its web site
Molecular Biology/Biochemistry Interest Group Meeting time: Yearly to consider WALS speaker nominations Meeting place: By e-mail Contact: Carl Baker Phone: 496-2078 E-mail: <ccb@nih.gov>
Neuroscience Interest Group Meeting time and place: Check website Contact 1: Chip Gerfen Phone: 496-4341 E-mail: <gerfenc@intra.nimh.nih.gov> Contact 2: Bruce Cumming Phone: 42-8097 E-mail: <bcg@lsr.nimh.nih.gov>
Structural Biology Interest Group Meeting time and place (2004-05): Usually 3rd Thursday, 4:00 pm, Building 50; notices by e-mail and on the SBIG website Contact 1: Susan Buchanan Phone: 594-9222 E-mail: <skbuchan@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Sanford Markey Phone: 496-4022 E-mail: <s.markey@nih.gov> To register for e-mail announcements, join SBIG at <www.nih.gov/sigs/sbig>
** Last years listingnot verified or updated. |
14-3-3 Proteins Interest Group Meeting time: Usually the third Wednesday, 4:005:00 pm Meeting place: Building 40, First-floor Conference Room Contact 1: Surajit Ganguly Phone: 496-8423 E-mail: <surajit@codon.nih.gov> Contact 2: David C. Klein Phone: 496-6915 E-mail: <klein@helix.nih.gov>
Advanced Technologies Interest Group Meeting time and place: Check the website Contact: Steven Hausman Phone: 402-1691 E-mail: <hausmans@mail.nih.gov>
AIDS Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Fulvia Veronese Phone: 496-3677 E-mail: <veronesf@od.nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to AIDSINTG-L
Apoptosis Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 49, Room 1 50/59 AB Contact 1: Richard Youle Phone: 496-6628 E-mail: youle@helix.nih.gov Contact 2: Yves Pommier Phone: 496-5944 E-mail: <yp4x@nih.gov>
Behavioral and Social Sciences Interest Group Meeting time: Varies; mainly sponsors lecture series Meeting place: See NIH Calendar of Events Contact: Ronald Abeles Phone: 496-7859 E-mail: <abeles@nih.gov>
Bioethics Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday (except 2nd Monday following holidays; usually does not meet during summer), 3:00 pm Meeting place: Natcher, Room D, or Building 31, conference room; check yellow sheet or web site Contact: Miriam Kelty Phone: 496-9322 E-mail: <mk46u@nih.gov> Sign up at <http://BIOETHICSinterestgroup@list.nih.gov/>
Biomedical Computing Interest Group Meeting time: Third Thursday, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 2C116 (Medical Board Room) Contact 1: Jim DeLeo Phone: 496-3848 E-mail: <jdeleo@nih.gov> Contact 2: Susan Harris Phone: 435-8721 E-mail: <sharris@mail.cc.nih.gov> ListServe: subscribe to BCIG-L; website: <http://www.nih-bcig.org>
Biophysics Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies (often Building 10, Bunim Room) Contact: Peter Basser Phone: 435-1949 E-mail: <pjbasser@helix.nih.gov>
Biosciences Business Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, 12:001:00 pm Meeting place: Building 37, 4th Floor Conference Room (4041/4107) Contact 1: Val Bliskovsky Phone: 435-7249 E-mail: <bliskovv@pop.nci.nih.gov> Contact 2: Gil Ben-Menachem E-mail: <gilben@mail.nih.gov>
Birth Defects and Teratology Interest Group Meeting time: Quarterly seminars Meeting place: Videoconference between Bethesda and Research Triangle Park, N.C. Contact: Megan Adamson Phone: 443-4354 E-mail: <madamson@mail.nih.gov>
Calcium Interest Group Meeting time and place: Not regularly scheduled at this time Contact 1: Arthur Sherman Phone: 496-4325 E-mail: <asherman@nih.gov> Contact 2: Indu Ambudkar Phone: 496-1478 ListServ: Subscribe to CALCIUM-L
Cancer CAM Research Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Jeffrey White Phone: 435-7980 E-mail: <jeffreyw@mail.nih.gov>
Chemistry Interest Group Meeting time: Periodic seminars Meeting place: Varies Contact 1: John Schwab Phone: 594-5560 E-mail: <schwabj@nigms.nih.gov> Contact 2: Kenneth Kirk Phone: 496-2619
Chromatin and Chromosomes Interest Group Meeting time: One Tuesday a month, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 41, Conf. Room Contact: David Clark Phone: 496-6966 E-mail: <clarkda@mail.nih.gov>
Chronobiology Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Wednesday, monthly, 4:005:00 pm Meeting Place: Building 36, Room 1B13, or USUHS Rm A2054 Contact: Steven Coon Phone: 496-8293 E-mail: <coons@mail.nih.gov>
Clinical Applications of Stem Cells Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced; contact <cmoyers@nhlbi.nih.gov>to be added to the Listserv Contact: Cynthia Dunbar Phone: 496-1434 E-mail: <dunbarc@nhlbi.nih.gov>
Clinical Immunology Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, last Wednesday, noon Meeting place: Building 10, Room 9S235 Contact: Oral Alpan Phone: 402-3447 E-mail: <oalpan@nih.gov>
Clinical Pharmacology Interest Group Meeting time: 2-3 times a year in conjunction with special lectures in the NIH Principles of Clinical Pharmacology course, 6:30 approx. 7:45 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Contact: Donna Shields Phone: 435-6618 E-mail: <dshields@mail.cc.nih.gov>
Cognitive Neuroscience Consortium Meeting time: Every two months, last Wednesday, 4:15 pm Meeting place: NSC Building, Conference Room A (starts September 2003; Extramural Program Directors' forum: last Friday every 3rd month, 3:00 pm, NSC Building, Conf. Room 2120, starts October 2003) Contact: Emmeline Edwards Phone: 496-9964 E-mail: <ee48r@nih.gov>
Cultural and Qualitative Research Interest Group ** Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday of February, April, June, September, November, 9:30 am Meeting place: As announced Contact 1: Sabra Woolley Phone: 435-4589 E-mail: <woolleys@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts Phone: 594-6655 E-mail: <sheurtin@mail.nih.gov>
Cytokine Interest Group Meeting time: three to four symposia/year Meeting place: Varies; one symposium/year at NCI-Frederick Contact 1: Calman Prussin Phone: 496-1306 E-mail: <cprussin@niaid.nih.gov> Contact 2: Robert Seder E-mail: <rseder@mail.nih.gov>
Dendritic Cell Interest Group Meeting time and place: TBA Contact: Uri Lopatin Phone: 496-7473 E-mail: <uri@nih.gov> Contact 2: Brian Kelsall E-mail: <bkelsall@mail.nih.gov>
Diabetes Interest Group Meeting time: Once a month, days and times to be announced Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium Contact: Renee Rabben Phone: 496-6289 E-mail: <ReneeR@intra.niddk.nih.gov> Contact 2: Derek LeRoith E-mail: <derek@helix.nih.gov>
DNA Repair Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Tuesday, 12:30 pm Meeting/Videoconference: Natcher, Room J; GRC (Baltimore), Room 1E03; FCRDC, Building 549, Conf. Rm. A; NIEHS (Research Triangle Park, NC) Building 101, Room B200; SUNY, Stony Brook; Univ. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, TX; Univ. of Texas, Galveston; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA; Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington; Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Contact 1: Kenneth Kraemer Phone: 496-9033 E-mail: <kraemerk@nih.gov> Contact 2: Vilhelm Bohr E-mail: <vbohr@nih.gov>
Domestic Violence Research Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced Contact: John Umhau Phone: 496-7515 E-mail: <umhau@nih.gov>
Drosophila Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Tuesday, 1:15 pm Meeting place: Building 6B, Room 4B429 Contact 1: Sue Haynes Phone: 301-295-9791 E-mail: <shaynes@usuhs.mil> Contact 2: Jim Kennison E-mail: <James_Kennison.nih.gov>
Drosophila Neurobiology Interest Group Meeting time: Every other Friday, 12:00 noon (starting September 10) Meeting place: Porter Neuroscience Research Center (Building 35), Room BB-1000 Contact: Benjamin White Phone:435-5472 E-mail: <WhiteB@intra.nimh.nih.gov>
Drug Discovery Interest Group ** Meeting time: Usually one Thursday a month, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 37, 6th-floor conference room Contact: John N. Weinstein Phone: 496-9571 E-mail: <weinstein@dtpax2.ncifcrf.gov>
Economics Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: James A. Schuttinga Phone: 496-2229 E-mail: <js41z@nih.gov> Contact 2: Agnes Rupp E-mail: <ar24f@nih.gov>
Endocrinology Interest Group ** Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: George Chrousos Phone: 496-5800 E-mail: <George_Chrousos@nih.gov> Contact 2: Phil Gold Phone: 496-1945
End of Life Research Interest Group Meeting time: Typically Thursdays, 3:00 pm, on an as-needed basis Meeting place: Natcher, room as available Contact: Alexis Bakos Phone: 594-2542 E-mail: <bakosa@mail.nih.gov>
Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies (subscribe to ListServ for notices) Contact: Martina Vogel-Taylor Phone: 496-6614 E-mail: <martinav@nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to Epidem-L at <listserv@list.nih.gov>
Epilepsy Interest Group Meeting time and place: Seminars and annual Data Blitz session announced by e-mail and on website Contact: Mike Rogawski Phone: 496-8013 E-mail: <epilepsySIG@nih.gov>
Fluorescence Interest Group Meeting time: Usually even Fridays, 4:00 pm; see website; join to receive upcoming events e-mail Meeting place: Building 10, usually Room 5N264 Contact: Jay Knutson Phone: 496-2557 E-mail: <jaysan@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Dan Sackett E-mail: <sackettd@mail.nih.gov>
Gene Therapy Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Thursday, 2:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium Contact: Fabio Candotti Phone: 435-2944 E-mail: <fabio@nhgri.nih.gov> Contact 2:Robert Kotin E-mail: <kotinr@nhlbi.nih.gov>
Genomics and Bioinformatics Interest Group Meeting time: Usually one Thursday a month, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 37, 6th-floor conference room Contact: John N. Weinstein Phone: 496-9571 E-mail: <weinstein@dtpax2.ncifcrf.gov>
Glycobiology Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Diana Blithe Phone: 435-6990. E-mail: <blithed@nih.gov> ListServ: Subscribe to GLYCO-L@LIST.NIH.GOV
GTP Binding Proteins Interest Group Meeting time: Irregular Meeting place: FAES Social & Academic Ctr. Contact: R. Victor Rebois Phone: 496-2007 E-mail: <reboisv@nidcd.nih.gov>
Handheld Users Group (HUG) ** Meeting time: Every third Monday, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, NIH Library training room Contact: Ben Hope Phone: 594-6473 E-mail: <tallguy@nih.gov>
Hard Tissue Disorders Interest Group Meeting time: Day varies, 9:30 am Meeting place: Building 30, Room 117 Contact: Pamela Robey Phone: 496-4563 E-mail: <probey@dir.nidcr.nih.gov> Contact 2: Michael Collins Phone: 496-4913
Head and Neck Cancer Interest Group ** Meeting time: To be announced Meeting place: Building 30, Room 117 Contact 1: Adrian Senderowicz Phone: 594-5270 E-mail: <adrian.senderowicz@nih.gov> Contact 2: Wendy Weinberg E-mail: <weinberg@cber.fda.gov>
Health Services Research Interest Group Meeting time: Quarterly (day, time, and place to be announced); the group will have its second meeting in early September (time and place TBA) Contact 1: Emily DeVoto Phone: 496-6615 E-mail: <DeVotoE@od.nih.gov> Contact 2: Jack Stein Phone: 443-4060 E-mail: <js413y@nih.gov>
HIF (Hypoxia Inducible Factor) Interest Group Meeting time: Last Thursday, 11:30 am1:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, room varies Contact : Tawnya McKee Phone: 301-846-1943 E-mail: <mckee@ncifcrf.gov>
History of Biomedical Research Interest Group Meeting time: Second Tuesday, 1:00 pm Meeting place: Varies; check web site Contact 1: Office of NIH History Phone: 496-6610 Contact 2: Victoria Harden E-mail: <hardenv@od.nih.gov>
Image Processing Interest Group Meeting time and place: Distributed by e-mail and on <image.nih.gov> Contact 1: Benes Trus Phone: 496-2250 E-mail: <Benes_Trus@nih.gov> Contact 2: Matt McAuliffe Phone: 594-2432
Imaging Ligand Development Consortium Meeting time and place: To be announced (every 3 months; steering committee meetings will be held every 2 months in the Neuroscience Center) Contact: Jamie Driscoll Phone: 443-5288 E-mail: <jdrisco1@mail.nih.gov>
Integrative Neural-Immune Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced Contact: Socorro Vigil-Scott Phone: 496-9255 E-mail: <vigilscs@intra.nimh.nih.gov>
Integrative Neuroscience Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Thursdays, 4:00 pm Meeting Place: Building 49, Room 1A51 Contact: Bruce Cumming E-mail: <bgc@lsr.nei.nih.gov>
In Vivo NMR Interest Group Meeting time: Varies Meeting place: Building 10, Room B1N256 Contact: Jeff Duyn Phone: 594-7305 E-mail: <jhd@helix.nih.gov>
Knowledge Management Interest Group Meeting time and place: Quarterly; other details to come; check the website (which is in the process of being updated) Contact 1: Geoffrey Marsh Phone: 301-594-9683 E-mail: <geoff@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Paul Beatty E-mail: <pbeatty@mail.nih.gov>
Lab Managers Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, noon Meeting place: Varies Contact: Dawn A. Walker Phone: 402-7149 E-mail: <walkerd@exchange.nih.gov>
Lambda Lunch (Bacterial and Phage Genetics) Meeting time: Each Thursday, 11:00 am Meeting place: Building 37, Room 6107/6041 Contact: Susan Gottesman Phone: 496-3524 E-mail: <susang@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Robert Weisberg E-mail: <rweisberg@nih.gov Anonymous FTP site:FTP.CU.NIH.-GOV directory "LAMBDA_LUNCH"
Light Microscopy Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, Tuesday, noon Meeting place: Building 10, Room 4B51 Contact: James McNally Phone: 402-0209 E-mail: <mcnallyj@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Christian Combs Phone: 496-0014
Mass Spectrometry Interest Group Meeting time: 1st & 3rd Thursday, 10:30 am Meeting place: Building 10, Room 7C101 Contact: Jeff Kowalak Phone: 496-4242 E-mail: <jkowalak@intra.nimh.nih.gov>
Membrane Microdomains Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Tuesday, 1:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 9C209 Contact: Paul Roche Phone: 594-2595 E-mail: <rochep@pop.nci.nih.gov>
Membrane Protein Interest Group Meeting time: Usually one Wednesday a month, 1:00 pm; check website: <http://www.nih.gov/sigs/mpig> Meeting place: Building 5, Room 127 Contact: Reinhard Grisshammer E-mail: <rkgriss@helix.nih.gov>
Microarray Users Group Meeting time and place: Usually first Wednesday; Journal Club meets weekly or bimonthly, as the group decides Meeting place: Varies Contact: Katherine Peterson Phone: 402-5678 E-mail: <petersonk@nei.nih.gov>
Mitochondria Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday, 3:00 pm Meeting/Videoconference: Natcher, Room H; NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC; GRC, Baltimore; NIST, Admin. Bldg, Room B113, Gaithersburg, MD; VA Hospital, Cleveland; Podell Auditorium, Beth Israel Medical Center, NYC; Baylor Univ.,Texas; Louisiana State University Health Science Center Contact: Steve Zullo Phone: 435-2810 E-mail: <zullo@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Salvatore Alesci E-mail: <alescis@mail.nih.gov>
Molecular Modeling Interest Group Meeting time: See <http://mmignet.nih.gov> Meeting place: Building 12A, conf. rooms Contact: Peter Steinbach Phone: 496-1100 E-mail: <steinbac@helix.nih.gov>
Motility Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Jim Sellers Phone: 496-6887 E-mail: <sellersj@nhlbi.nih.gov>
Mouse Club Meeting time: 1st Tuesday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 6A, Room 4A05 Contact: Heiner Westphal Phone: 402-0545 E-mail: <hw@helix.nih.gov>
Muscle Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Thursdays, noon Meeting place: Building 40, Room 1203 or 1205 Contact: Andres Buonanno Phone: 496-0170 E-mail: <buonanno@helix.nih.gov>
Neurobiology Interest Group Meeting time and place: TBA Contact: Chip Gerfen Phone: 496-4341 E-mail: <gerfenc@intra.nimh.nih.gov> ListServ: <http://intra.ninds.nih.gov/nig/>
Neuroinformatics Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced Contact 1: Stephen Koslow Phone: 443-1815 E-mail: <koz@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Barry Davis Phone: 402-3464 E-mail: <barry_davis@nih.gov>
Pain Interest Group Meeting time: Tuesday, 3:00 Meeting place: Building 30, Room 117 Contact 1: Raymond Dionne Phone: 496-0294 E-mail: <rdionne@dir.nidcr.nih.gov> Contact 2: Michael Iadarola E-mail: <miadarola@dir.nidcr.nih.gov>
PET Interest Group Meeting time: Friday, 2:00 pm; see website for seminar listing Meeting place: Building 10, Room 1C520 Contact: Peter Herscovitch Phone: 451-4248 E-mail: <herscovitch@nih.gov>
Phage-Tech Interest Group ** Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: Dean Scholl E-mail: <dscholl@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Carl Merril Phone: 435-3583
Pigment Cell Research Interest Group ** Meeting time: One Tuesday every other month, lunch meeting 12:001:30 pm; once a year a daylong meeting Meeting place: Building 40, Room 1201-1203 Contact 1: Bill Pavan Phone: 496-7584 E-mail: <bpavan@nhgri.nih.gov> Contact 2: Marjan Huizing Phone: 402-2797 E-mail: <mhuizing@mail.nih.gov
Polyunsaturated Lipid Function Interest Group Meeting time: Usually 1st Wednesday of each month, as announced (journal club; resuming in September), 1:00 pm Meeting place: Flow Bldg. Conference Room, Rockville, 12501 Washington Ave. Contact: Norman Salem Phone: 443-2393 E-mail: <nsalem@niaaa.nih.gov>
Prostate Cancer Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, Tuesday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 2S235 Contact: Sildiz Ali Phone: 496-6353 E-mail: <alis@mail.nih.gov>
Protein Trafficking Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 pm Meeting place: Building 50, Room 2328 Contact 1: Harris Bernstein Phone: 402-4770 E-mail: <harris_bernstein@nih.gov> Contact 2: Peng Loh Phone: 496-3239
Proteomics Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly 1st Friday seminars Meeting place: Building 50; check website: <http://proteome.nih.gov> Contact: Donita Garland Phone: 496-6999 E-mail: <dgarland@helix.nih.gov>
Reactive Oxygen Species Interest Group * Meeting time and place: Monthly seminars with Oxygen Club of the Greater Washington Area (info via NIH Calendar, members e-mail, and <Jayasree.Nath@NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL>) Contact 1: Mike Chiueh Phone: 496-3421 E-mail: <chiueh@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Mike Espey Phone: 496-7511
RNA Club Meeting time: 1st Tuesday (except August), 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 41, Room C509 Contact 1: Carl Baker Phone: 496-2078 E-mail: <ccb@nih.gov> Contact 2: Susan Haynes E-mail: <shaynes@usuhs.mil>
Signal Transduction Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Wednesdays, 5:00 pm Meeting place: 5 Research Court, Conference Room Contact 1: John Northup Phone: 496-9167 E-mail: <drjohn@codon.nih.gov> Contact 2: James Battey Phone: 402-0900
Stem Cell Interest Group Meeting time and place: Monthly seminars to rotate through Baltimore, Bethesda, and Frederick campuses; check website Contact 1: Minoru Ko Phone: 1-410-558-8359 E-mail: <kom@grc.nia.nih.gov> Contact 2: Nadya Lumelsky Phone: 301-451-9834 E-mail: <nadyal@intra.niddk.nih.gov> Contact 3: Colin Stewart Phone: 301-846-1755 E-mail: <stewartc@ncifcrf.gov>
Stroke Branch Interest Group/Seminar Clinical Stroke Rounds (year-round) Meeting time: Wednesdays, 8:30 am Meeting place: Suburban Hospital Stroke Branch Seminars (September through May Meeting time: Thursdays 3:30 pm Meeting place: Building 36, Conf. Room 1B13 Contact 1: John Kylan Lynch Phone: 496-1187/1714 E-mail: <LynchJ@ninds.nih.gov> Contact 2: Zurab Nadareishvili Phone: 496-6231
Synaptic and Developmental Plasticity Interest Group Meeting time: Wednesday, once a month, 12:00 noon Meeting place: Building 49, Room 1A50 Contact: Bai Lu Phone: 435-2970 E-mail: <bailu@mail.nih.gov>
Systems Biology Interest Group ** Meeting time: Every second Thursday, 3:004:30 pm (starting September 11, 2003) Meeting place: Natcher, Room 2AS10 Contact 1: Victor Pollara Phone: 402-1620 E-mail: <pollarav@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Martin Meier-Schellersheim Phone: 496-5046 E-mail: <mms@niaid.nih.gov>
Technology Transfer Interest Group Meeting time: First Tuesday each month, 3:00 pm Meeting place: 6011 Executive Blvd., suite 325 Contact 1: J.P. Kim Phone: 435-5377 E-mail: <kimj@od6100m1.od.nih.gov> Contact 2: Robert Baughman Phone: 496-1779 E-mail: baughmar@ninds.nih.gov
Therapeutic Oligonucleotides Interest Group Meeting time: Last Thursday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 2C116 Contact: Yoon Cho-Chung Phone: 496-4020 E-mail: <chochung@helix.nih.gov>
Tobacco and Nicotine Research Interest Group ** Meeting time: Bimonthly (date and time vary) Meeting place: Executive Plaza North Contact: Matthew Fritts Phone: 594-6637 E-mail: <frittsm@mail.nih.gov>
Transcription Factor Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Thursday (except July-Sept.), 2:00 pm Meeting place: Building 50, ground-floor Conference Room (Room 1227) Contact 1: Stoney Simons Phone: 496-6796 E-mail: <steroids@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Uli Siebenlist Phone 496-8917 ListServ: subscribe to TFACTORS
Tumor Angiogenesis & Invasion Working Group Meeting time and place: Posted at web site Contact 1: William Figg Phone: 402-3622 E-mail: <wdfigg@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Steven Libutti Phone: 496-5049
Viral Hepatitis Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Monday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Bunim Room (9S-235) Contact 1:Ed Doo Phone: 301-451-4524 E-mail: <dooe@niddk.nih.gov> Contact 2: Barbara Rehermann Phone: 301-402-7144
Virology Interest Group Meeting time: 4th Tuesday, 12:15 p.m.; minisymposium in November Meeting place: Building 29B, Room A/B Contact 1: Alison McBride Phone: 496-1370 E-mail: <amcbride@niaid.nih.gov> Contact 2: Carolyn Wilson E-mail: <wilsonC@cber.fda.gov> ListServ: Contact <CBuckler@nih.gov>
Washington Area NMR Interest Group Meeting time: Three times a year, gerehermannnerally in December, February, and May Meeting place: Building 5, Room 127, or the Cloister (Building 60) Lecture Hall Contact: Robert Tycko Phone: 402-8272 E-mail: <robertt@niddk.nih.gov>
Washington Area Yeast Club Meeting time: 2nd Wednesday, 4:30 pm Meeting place: Building 6A, Room 4A05 Contact 1: Reed Wickner Phone: 496-3452 E-mail: <wickner@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Alan Hinnebusch Phone: 496-4480 E-mail: <ahinnebusch@nih.gov>
Womens Health Special Interest Group Meeting time and place: Usually one Friday a month, 11:30 am12:30 pm Meeting place: Varies; see website for upcoming lectures Contact: Vicki Malick Phone: 301-496-7989 E-mail: <malickv@od.nih.gov>
WorldWideWeb Interest Group This group is still seeking someone to take on the administrative activities to keep the group going smoothly. Interested? Contact: Dale Graham E-mail: <degraham@helix.nih.gov>
X-ray Crystallography Interest Group Meeting time and place: See biweekly newsletter: <http://mcl1.ncifcrf.gov/nihxray/ Contact: Fred Dyda Phone: 402-4496 E-mail: <dyda@ulti.niddk.nih.gov>
Zebrafish/Xenopus Interest Group Meeting time and place: Monthly, rotating through participating labs; space is limited Contact: Tom Sargent Phone: 496-0369 E-mail: <sargentt@mail.nih.gov> ** Last years listingnot verified or updated.
IGs on the Horizon | |
R Users Group Contact: Terry Cox Phone: 496-6583 E-mail: <TAC@NEI.NIH.GOV> According to Terry Cox, who is organizing a mailing list and meetings, R is a free, open source system for statistical analysis and graphics (see <http://www.r-project.org/>). Among the packages that have been written for R is Bioconductor, an open source set of software for bioinformatics.
Biomedical Enabling Sciences and Technologies (BEST) Cluster Contact: Mohammad Al-Ubaydli Phone: 451-6716 E-mail: <alubaydl@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov> Not an official IG umbrella, BEST is a coordinated cluster of IGs that thus far includes the Biomedical Computing IG, the Advanced Technologies SIG, the Knowledge Management IG, the Handheld Users Group, and the Microarray Users Group. |
Scientific Integrative Medicine Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced Contact 1: David Goldstein Phone: 496-2103 E-mail: <goldsteind@ninds.nih.gov> Contact 2: Eleanor Hanna E-mail: <hannae@mail.nih.gov> The general goal of this new group is to foster patient-oriented clinical research that leads to the prevention or presymptomatic treatment of multisystem disorders. The group will sponsor seminars led by members and invited speakers, grand rounds within institutes and the NIH Clinical Center, and lectures for the broader NIH community.
Considering starting a new Interest Group? Contact Celia Hooper by e-mail or by fax: 301-402-4303. Need to correct your groups listing? Contact CITs web publishing group.