T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | M A R C H A P R I L 2004 |
Cherry Graziosi,
program assistant, |
Long-distance learning for medical professionals has been made a lot easier, thanks to the NIH Clinical Center (CC) Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education. Established in May 2003, the office currently directs five distance-learning courses. Heres the line-up:
The Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education also administers the Clinical Research Curriculum Certificate program. Fellows and other allied health-care professionals who successfully complete the mandatory portion of the program receive a certificate. An additional commendation is awarded with the completion of at least one of four supplemental or elective components. The mandatory components of this certificate program are:
The supplemental or elective components are:
to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research. Begun in
1995 with 25 students, the course attracted more than 650 health-care professionals
in the 20032004 academic year, including students participating from as
far away as Lima, Peru. To date, 3,417 health professionals have availed themselves
of this program, which teaches medical researchers how to design and conduct
a successful clinical trial.
In addition to the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center Detachment in Lima, other off-site locations this year include Meharry Medical College in Nashville; Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta; Childrens National Medical Center, George Washington University Medical Center, and Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.; the State University of New York Medical University in Syracuse; the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas; and the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan.
Clinical Research
Training. All clinical principal investigators with a protocol approved
through the CC are required to take the course and successfully complete a final
of Clinical Pharmacology. Established in 1998, this course provides
an introductory review of pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and transport, assessment
of drug effects, drug therapy in special populations, and contemporary drug
development. In addition to the NIH location in Bethesda, Md., five off-site
locations participated in the 20032004 course: Georgetown University School
of Medicine, Washington, D.C.; Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis;
NIA, Baltimore; Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago; and the David
Geffen School of Medicine of the University of California, Los Angeles. The
program has enrolled 1,574 students since its inception and runs from September
through April, one day a week, at the CC.
NIH-Duke Training Program in Clinical Research.
Designed primarily for clinical fellows and other health professionals who are
training for careers in clinical research, this course teaches research design,
statistical analysis, research ethics, and research management. Its taught
at the CC via videoconference from Duke and also by adjunct faculty on campus.
Thus far, 31 students have received a Master of Health Sciences in Clinical
Research from Duke University.
The University of Pittsburghs
Training in Clinical Research Program. Like the NIH-Duke program, this
program offers advanced training in clinical research through ideoconferenced
courses at the CC. The University of Pittsburgh confers either a Master of Science
Degree upon completion of core curriculum courses plus 15 credits of elective
courses. The university also offers a certificate to those who do not take the
full course but complete an extensive summer program and seminars.
CC Director John Gallin observes that improving clinical research training is a major initiative of the NIH Roadmap, introduced by NIH Director Elias Zerhouni last November.
"In the past," Gallin says, "researchers relied on mentors to teach them how to conduct clinical trials. We have established a formalized training program to fill this critical gap, and were extending it worldwide."
For more information on
any courses or programs offered by the Office of Clinical Research Training
and Medical Education, call 301-496-9425.