T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | N O V E M B E R D E C E M B E R 2003 |
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Back in the Day: Former NCI director Vince DeVita displays the senior faculty of the NCI Medicine Branch, circa 1975: (left to right) George Canellos (now at Harvard), Bruce Chabner (Massachusetts General Hospital), Phil Schein (University of Pennsylvania), DeVita ("with more hair and polyester"), and Bob Young (Fox-Chase Cancer Center). DeVitas talk not only tracked the rise of chemotherapy and the decline in cancer mortality, it was a paean to dozens of his NCI colleagues and the Friday afternoon Society of Jabbering Idiots |
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CC Director John Gallin salutes former and current NIH scientists and a half-century of transforming research |
text by Fran
photos by Bill Branson
Vince DeVita put it this way: "Its nice to come home."
And in one way or another, each of the speakers who took the stage to commemorate the CCs 50th anniversary expressed an affection for the daily working environment at NIH and its research hospital that conjured up the image of home:
The collaborative and feisty spirit among colleagues reminiscent of the best
kind of sibling camaraderieand squabbling
The perseverance, warmth, and mutual regard that characterized the relationships
between the physician-researchers and the patients undergoing experimental treatments,
sometimes extending through decades of follow-up
The culture of NIH, like that in a nurturing family, that supported the pursuit
of new ideas and personal intellectual expansion
They all saw the paststudded with the gems of biomedical research that contributed enormously to science and human healthas prologue to the future.
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director, NHGRI (at NIH since 1993): Whats next after youve
mapped the human genome?a human haplotype map to chart the variants
that contribute to common diseasesan international project involving
six countries and support from 18 NIH institutes
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chief, CC Infectious Diseases Section (at NIH since 1969); Co-discoverer
of the Australia antigen, eradicator of posttransfusion hepatitis, and
poet: "When I came to NIH as a lowly fellow, I saw that patients
were turning yellow . . ."
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Neufeld, professor and chairman, biological chemistry, UCLA David
Geffen School of Medicine (at NIH 19631984)) devoted to the study
of lysosomal enzyme deficiencies, recalled the "inadvertent mix in
the Petri dish of Hurler and Hunter cells, which together produced a normal
patternproving that two wrongs can make a right"
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Fauci, NIAID director (at NIH since 1968): Seeing AIDS patients
for the first time on the CCs 11th floor, "I didnt fully
appreciate this was a new disease, but I was anxious because I couldnt
understand it. . . . I turned over my (host immune defense) lab to the
study of HIV"
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Charney, chief, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Research Program, NIMH
(at NIH since 2000): Collaborative proof-of-concept trials are underway
that aim at new targets to fight depression, an underappreciated, crippling
disorder that can potentiate conditions like heart disease, diabetes,
and osteoporosis
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Spiegel, NIDDK director (at NIH since 1973), world-renowned for
his research in G-protein dynamics and hormone disorders, paid homage
to his NIH mentor G.D. Aurbach, who purified parathyroid hormone and launched
the study of signal transduction disorders
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McFarland, director, Clinical Neurosciences Program, NINDS (at
NIH since 1976): "[Early on], multiple sclerosis is inflammatory;
later its degenerative. . . . There are both upregulated and downregulated
genes. . . . The key is to conduct small trials of innovative therapies"
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Anderson, director, Gene Therapy Laboratories, USC Keck School of
Medicine (at NIH 19651992), shown with the first gene therapy patientage
4 in 1990whose adenosine deaminase levels are still normal. He asks:
"Why is it that she has been able to develop a T-cell response to
new antigens? Did some stem cells get in there? Can T cells de-differentiate
and be reeducated?"
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Hersey distinguished professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School (NIH:
19551968; hangout: CC, 7th floor, cardiovascular physiology lab):
Thanks to the disobedience of a patient on self-activated carotid sinus
nerve stimulation, it was learned that ST segment elevation decreases
in the midst of an ongoing infarctand the concept of myocardial
salvage was born. With b-blockade and fibrinolysis,
acute MI mortality dropped from 18 to 7 percent
Nabel, scientific
director for clinical research, NHLBI (at NIH since 1999): Genomics and
stem cells are involved in much of cardiovascular disease research at
the CC today. Researchers are correlating gene polymorphisms with drug
sensitivity and with the propensity for restenosis, and injecting endothelial
progenitor cells into ischemic scar tissue to repair vascular damage
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professor of medicine, epidemiology, and public health, Yale University
(at NIH 19631988, as NCI director from 1980): Lead author of the
1970 Annals
of Internal Medicine report establishing that some advanced cancers
could be cured by combination chemotherapy, a strategy that launched the
era of cancer survival, with rates going from 0 to 80 percent today for
some cancers
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chief, Metabolism Branch, NCI (at NIH since 1956, when, according to the
textbook in the background, "the function of the lymphocyte [was]
still obscure"): Developer of anti-TAC, the first antibody to a cytokine
receptor (IL-2Ra)used clinically in the
management of cancer, transplant rejection, and autoimmune disease and
in studies underway at six NIH institutes. The IL-2/IL-15 interface now
commands much of his attention. The T cell, Waldmann says, "is the
sun of the immunological system"
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Rosenberg, chief, Surgery
Branch, NCI (at NIH at this post since 1974): A 30-year odyssey to develop
cancer immunotherapy has established that this approach can achieve cures;
tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and tumor-specific antigens are central
to a strategy whose latest development involves nonmyeloablative conditioning
followed by adoptive transfer of antitumor lymphocytes targeting specific
tumor antigens