T H E   N I H    C A T A L Y S T     J U L Y  – A U G U S T   2003


If you have a photo or other graphic that reflects an aspect of life (including laboratory life) or a quotation that scientists might appreciate that would be fit to print in the space to the right, why not send it to us via e-mail: <catalyst@nih.gov>; fax: 402-4303; or mail: Building 2, Room 2W23.

Also, we welcome "letters to the editor" for publication and your reactions to anything on the Catalyst pages.


In Future Issues...

More Details on Research Roadmap

A Progress Report on Stem Cells

Mouse Cancer Genetics

Kids' Catalyst

[Consider this the launch of what will be the occasional "Kids’ Catalyst," our response to the reader suggestion that the back page present something to whet the scientific appetite of NIH offspring. This one is geared to the older end of the K–12 set (and maybe to their parents as well)—Ed.]


If your computer does nothing but display, well, junk while you’re eating dinner, there is another way. Be forewarned that the sights on this website are quite compelling, so you may be neglecting your homework for . . .

Periodic Art: Royal Society of Chemistry, London. I always thought periodic charts were kinda neat. All of those numbers and letters, meaning something, but . . . isn’t it time for lunch? Turning away is not so easy with this stunning combination of chemistry and art. This is a collection of element-appropriate artistic renderings that get to you, and you mysteriously know where gold is. If you spend another second you will find the American flag, and you just have to roll over it to find out why. Download the screensaver and you’ll have a different element waiting for you when you come back. It’s an alluring alchemy that some of your more eclectic art and chemistry teachers might also appreciate.

Jennifer White, NIGMS

Here are three of the 132 creations of the Visual Elements Periodic Table. Can you guess which elements they represent?


The NIH Catalyst is published bi-monthly for and by the intramural scientists at NIH. Address correspondence to Building 2, Room 2W23, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892. Ph: (301) 402-1449; fax: (301) 402-4303; e-mail: <catalyst@nih.gov>.

Michael Gottesman
Deputy Director for Intramural Research, OD

John I. Gallin
Director, Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center,
and Associate Director for Clinical Research

Lance Liotta
Chief, Laboratory of Pathology, NCI


Celia Hooper

Fran Pollner

Shauna Roberts

Peter Kozel

Nicole Kresge
Jennifer White



Jorge Carrasquillo, CC
David Davies, NIDDK
Dale Graham, CIT
Hynda Kleinman, NIDCR
Elise Kohn, NCI
Susan Leitman, CC
Bernard Moss, NIAID
Michael Rogawski, NINDS
Joan Schwartz, NINDS
Gisela Storz, NICHD


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