T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | M A Y J U N E 2002 |
At NIH, April showers often bring not just May flowers, but the equally pleasing election of intramural scientists to the ranks of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences. Among the 72 new members and 15 foreign associates elected to the Academy this year were:
All three scientists are NIH legends. Alter has made profound contributions to the study of hepatitis viruses and won the Clinical Lasker award in 2000. Bax has been one of NIHs most-cited chemistsbiophysicists, actuallyfor his pioneering methods in structural biology. Fraumeni is one
of the fathers
of epidemiological research at NIH, one of the most-cited scientists
in his field, and the co-discoverer of Li-Fraumeni syndrome (cancers associated
with germline p53 mutations). |
The Veterinary Resources Program is now offering standardized gross and histopathologic analyses of genetically engineered mouse strains, including serum chemistries and hematology. The workup is designed to evaluate the expected and unexpected phenotypes of the gene manipulations. Analysis will be performed on 18 age-matched mice, 6 each of wild-type, homozygote, and heterozygote. Currently covered by "membership fee," individual investigators will not be charged until FY 2004. Contact Michael
Eckhaus (301-496-4465)or Georgina
Miller (301-496-4465) for more information or to schedule submissions.
General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Annual
Scientific Conference will be held June
45 in the Masur Auditorium. Winners of the 2002 GMCRF
awards will present talks on the second day. For more information, see
the website or contact GMCRF
by phone(919) 668-8018or e-mail.
NIH Health and Safety Expo will be held June
11 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Starting in Masur Auditorium
with a talk on biodefense by NIAIDs Carole
Heilman, the Expo will afterward move down one floor to the Visitors
Information Center. |