T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J A N U A R Y F E B R U A R Y 2002 |
The NIH Catalyst, the research news publication for and about the NIH intramural community, seeks a few good interns (one or two at any given time). Anyone interested in exploring an alternative career in science writing or in acquiring new skills should consider a detail to work on the Catalyst. With the support of their home institutes, full-time detailees can relocate to Building 2, Room 2W23, for up to three months. At the Catalyst, you can learn all aspects of producing a news magazine, including:
Arrangements for
those who want to straddle their lab and the Catalyst office are
also easily made, as are accommodations for those who want to continue
basically full time in the lab and fulfill discrete assignments for the
Catalyst. Contact Fran
Pollner (301-402-7248). |
The NIH Library in Building 10 offers full-text online journals and a slew of services and resources. Some of the more recent provisions follow.
For more about Library
services, subscribe to the NIH Librarys news alert e-mail service
by e-mailing this site with
the message: subscribe NIHLIB-L your name. To unsubscribe, use the message:
unsubscribe NIHLIB-L. E-mail the library
or call 301-496-2184 with comments.
A workshop on teaching called "Success in the Classroom" will be held February 25, another in a series of "Survival Skills Workshops" sponsored by the NIH Fellows Committee, in conjunction with the NIH Office of Education and the Office of Research on Womens Health. Participants will learn the basics of course design, such as selecting a textbook, developing a syllabus, and designing exams. The next workshop, March 18, is on "Career Options," and will feature outside speakers on the options available after training in research, such as teaching, science law, publishing, administration, and research in industry. Workshops are open to all NIH fellows and are held in Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium, from 8:3011:30 a.m. No need to preregister. For more info, contact
Debbie Cohen or Margaret
Mentink-Kane at (301) 594-2345. |
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