T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | S E P T E M B E R O C T O B E R 2001 |
The July-August 2001 issue of The NIH Catalyst included charts of NIHs shared resources for the intramural community. Not listed were the resources available to all NIH scientists (and often to others) that are housed at the NCI-Frederick campus on the grounds of Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., 37 miles from the NIH Bethesda campus. Heres a partial list.
Advanced Biomedical Computing Center: Includes sequence
analysis, databases, molecular modeling and visualization, crystallography.
To establish an account or get info on technical support and training seminars,
contact the ABCC Helpdesk by e-mail
or at 301-846-5555. ABCC Director Stan
Burt can be reached by e-mail or at 301-846-5763..
Clones Database: Contains referral information for obtaining
cDNA clones from microarray experimentation.
Resources Branch Preclinical Repository: Stores and distributes
bulk cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, and cytokine standards. Check the website
for other NIH repositories as well and contact Craig
Reynolds with questions or comments.
Models of Human Cancers Consortium Repository (program director
John Sharp): An NCI-funded repository
and distribution center for mouse cancer models and associated strains.
Laboratory Animal Production Program
(project officer Clarence Reeder):
Provides animals for use in scientific research: inbred and athymic mice and
rats; hybrid mice; surgical services.
Molecular Diagnostic
Services for HIV and SIV (contact Jeffrey
Lifson, AIDS Vaccine Program, SAIC-Frederick): Measurement of viral loads
from SIV-infected monkey plasma and determination of HIV RNA concentrations
in human plasma.
Biological Products
Laboratory RepositoryHIV reagents (contact Jeffrey
Lifson): Reagents for use in AIDS vaccines, including HIV p7 and p24 capture-assay
kits, large-volume production and purification of retroviruses, monoclonal antibodies,
and antisera to SIV and HIV.
Research Technology Program: Includes an array
of resources available to NCI investigators and accessible to other ICD on a
space-available basis, through special arrangement with the NCI Project Office
(contact David Goldstein by e-mail
or at 301-846-1108). These are:
Laboratory of Molecular Technology, which provides standard and high-throughput core sequencing, microarray, molecular diagnostics, and specialized oligonucleotide synthesis.
Image Analysis Laboratory, which provides electron and confocal microscopy services.
Protein Chemistry Laboratory, which provides amino acid sequencing, protein digestion, and separation of resultant peptides by HPLC, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and macromolecular interactions using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (BIAcore analysis).
NMR Spectroscopy, which provides determination of molecular structures in solution using an NMR paradigm developed in-house.
Veterinary Pathology and Histotechnology Services, which offer a full range of services, including animal necropsies, routine and special histological preparations, histopathologic evaluation, and assistance in experimental design.
For general information about NCI-Frederick research support services and cost estimates, contact Marjorie Strobel or David Goldstein by e-mail or at 301-846-1108.
Other resources available through the Developmental Therapeutics Program (directed by NCIs Edward Sausville), including pilot and clinical grade production of biologicals, screens for antitumor and antiviral compounds, and generation of animal tumor models, can be found via this website.