T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J U L Y A U G U S T 2001 |
Web Access Note: Although not all the sites are up to date, nearly all the Interest Groups have web sites that can be accessed at this site. |
Cell Biology Interest Group Meeting time: Once every four months Meeting place: Building 32, Library Contact: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz Phone: 402-1010; 402-1009 E-mail: <jlippin@helix.nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to CELBIO-L
Clinical Research Interest Group Meeting time and place: sponsors CC Grand Rounds once every other month Contact: Cliff Lane Phone: 496-7196 E-mail: <clane@nih.gov>
Genetics Interest Group Meeting time: Usually 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 pm; may sponsor several symposia a year Meeting place: Building 49, Conference Room A and B; symposia sites would vary Contact: Dan Kastner Phone: 496-8364 E-mail: <kastnerd@exchange.nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to <GIG-L@list.nih.gov>
Immunology Interest Group Meeting time: Each Wednesday (except summer), 4:15 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium Contact: Jon Yewdell Phone: 402-4602 E-mail: <jyewdell@nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to IMMUNI-L by joining the interest group at its web site |
Molecular Biology/Biochemistry Interest Group Meeting time: Yearly to consider speakers Meeting place: Building 8, Room 122 Contact: Reed Wickner Phone: 496-3452 E-mail: <wickner@helix.nih.gov>
Neuroscience Interest Group Meeting time: alternate Fridays, 4:30 pm Meeting place: Cloisters, Rathskeller Contact 1: Chip Gerfen Phone: 496-4341 E-mail: <gerfen@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Betsy Murray Phone: 496-5625, X-227 E-mail: <eam@ln.nimh.nih.gov>
Structural Biology Interest Group Meeting time and place: Announced to members by e-mail and regular mail Contact 1: Adrian Parsegian Phone: 496-6561 E-mail: <aparsegi@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Marius Clore Phone: 496-0782 To register for e-mail announcements: E-mail <kesselm@mail.nih.gov> |
AIDS Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Fulvia Veronese Phone: 496-3677 E-mail: <veronesef@od.nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to AIDSINTG-L
Apoptosis Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: To be arranged Contact 1: Colin Duckett Phone: 594-1127 E-mail: <ducketc@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Yves Pommier Phone: 496-5944 E-mail: <yp4x@nih.gov>
Behavioral and Social Sciences Interest Group Meeting time: Varies, in the fall and spring Meeting place: See NIH Calendar of Events Contact: Ronald Abeles Phone: 496-7859 E-mail: <abeles@nih.gov>
BSSR Methodology and Measurement Interest Group Meeting time: 1st or 2nd Tuesday, 8:30 am Meeting place: Building 45, Room 3AS10 Contact: Jared Jobe Phone: 435-0407 E-mail: <Jared_Jobe@nih.gov>
Bioethics Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday (except 2nd Monday following holidays; usually does not meet during summer), 3:00 pm Meeting place: Natcher, Room D, or Building 31, conference room; check yellow sheet or web site Contact: Miriam Kelty Phone: 496-9322 E-mail: <mk46u@nih.gov> Sign up at <http://BIOETHICSinterestgroup@list.nih.gov/>
Biomedical Computing Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Fridays, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Through August, Building 10, Room 9S235; varies after that Contact: Jim DeLeo Phone: 496-3848 E-mail: <jdeleo@nih.gov> Contact 2: Susan Harris Phone: 435-8721 ListServe: subscribe to BCIG-L
Biophysics Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies (often Building 10, Bunim Room Contact: Peter Basser Phone: 435-1949 E-mail: <pjbasser@helix.nih.gov>
Birth Defects and Teratology Interest Group Meeting time: Quarterly seminars Meeting place: Videoconference between Bethesda and Research Triangle Park, N.C. Contact: Megan Adamson Phone: 443-4354 E-mail: <madamson@willco.niaaa.nih.gov>
Breast Cancer Think Tank Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: Barbara Vonderhaar Phone: 496-3625 E-mail: <bv10W@nih.gov> Contact 2: JoAnne Zujewski Phone: 402-0985
Calcium Interest Group Meeting time: Usually Tuesday, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 49, Room 1A50 Contact 1: Arthur Sherman Phone: 496-4325 E-mail: <asherman@nih.gov> Contact 2: Indu Ambudkar Phone: 496-1478 ListServ: Subscribe to CALCIUM-L
Cancer CAM Research Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Jeffrey White Phone: 435-7980 E-mail: <jeffreyw@mail.nih.gov>
Chemistry Interest Group Meeting time: (Almost) monthly seminars Meeting place: Varies Contact 1: John Schwab Phone: 594-5560 E-mail: <schwabj@nigms.nih.gov> Contact 2: Kenneth Kirk Phone: 496-2619
Chromatin and Chromosomes Interest Group Meeting time: One Thursday a month, 11:00 am Meeting place: Building 5, Room 211 Contact: David Clark Phone: 496-6966 E-mail: <djclark@helix.nih.gov>
Clinical Immunology Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, last Wednesday, noon Meeting place: Building 10, Room 9S235 Contact: Oral Alpan Phone: 402-3447 E-mail: <oalpan@nih.gov>
Clinical Pharmacology Interest Group Meeting time: 2-3 times a year in conjunction with special lectures in the NIH Principles of Clinical Pharmacology course, 6:307:30 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Contact: Donna Shields Phone: 435-6618 E-mail: <dshields@mail.cc.nih.gov>
Cognitive Neuroscience Consortium Meeting time: Every two months, last Wednesday, 4:15 pm Meeting place: Building 31, Room 6C10 (starts 9/26/01; extramural program directors' forum: last Friday every 3rd month, 3:00 pm, NSC Building, Conf. Rm. 2120, starts 8/31/01) Contact: Emmeline Edwards Phone: 496-9964 E-mail: <ee48r@nih.gov>
Cornea Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday, 8:30 am Meeting place: Building 6, Room 409 Contact 1: Joram Piatigorsky Phone: 496-9467 E-mail: <joramp@intra.nei.nih.gov> Contact 2: Janine Davis E-mail: <davisj@intra.nei.nih.gov>
Cultural and Qualitative Research Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday, 9:15 am Meeting place: EPN, room varies Contact 1: Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts Phone: 594-6655 E-mail: <sheurtin@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Emeline Otey Phone: 443-1636 or 3728
Cytokine Interest Group Meeting time: three to four symposia/year Meeting place: Varies; one symposium/year at NCI-Frederick Contact 1: Howard Young Phone: 1-301-846-5700 E-mail: <youngh@mail.ncifcrf.gov> Contact 2: Warren Strober E-mail: <ws9j@nih.gov>
Developmental Biology Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: Tom Sargent Phone: 496-0369 E-mail: <tsargent@nih.gov> Contact 2: Peggy Zelenka E-mail: <zelenkap@intra.nei.nih.gov>
DNA Repair Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Tuesday, 12:30 pm Meeting/Videoconference: Natcher, Room H; GRC (Baltimore), Room 1E03; FCRDC, Building 549, Conf. Rm. A; NIEHS (Research Triangle Park, NC) Building 101, Room B200; SUNY, Stony Brook; Univ. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, TX; Lawrence Livermore (CA) National Laboratory; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington; Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; Univ. of Pittsburgh Contact 1: Kenneth Kraemer Phone: 496-9033 E-mail: <kraemerk@nih.gov> Contact 2: Vilhelm Bohr E-mail: <vbohr@nih.gov>
Domestic Violence Research Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced Contact: John Umhau Phone: 496-7515 E-mail: <umhau@nih.gov>
Drosophila Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Tuesday, 1:15 pm Meeting place: Building 6B, Room 4B429 Contact 1: Sue Haynes Phone: 295-9791 E-mail: <shaynes@usuhs.mil> Contact 2: Jim Kennison E-mail: <kennisoj@exchange.nih.gov>
Drug Discovery Interest Group Meeting time: Usually one Thursday a month, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 37, 6th-floor conference room Contact: John N. Weinstein Phone: 496-9571 E-mail: <weinstein@dtpax2.ncifcrf.gov>
Economics Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: James A. Schuttinga Phone: 496-2229 E-mail: <js41z@nih.gov> Contact 2: Agnes Rupp E-mail: <ar24f@nih.gov>
Endocrinology Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: George Chrousos Phone: 496-5800 E-mail: <George_Chrousos@nih.gov> Contact 2: Phil Gold Phone: 496-1945
End of Life Research Interest Group Meeting time: Typically Thursdays, 3:00 pm, on an as-needed basis Meeting place: Natcher, room as available Contact: Ann Knebel Phone: 402-6796 E-mail: <aknebel@nih.gov>
Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies (subscribe to ListServ for notices) Contact: Martina Vogel-Taylor Phone: 496-6614 E-mail: <martinav@nih.gov> ListServ: subscribe to Epidem-L at <listserv@list.nih.gov>
Fluorescence Interest Group Meeting time: Usually even Fridays, 4:00 pm; see website Meeting place: Building 10, usually Room 5N264 Contact: Jay Knutson Phone: 496-2557 E-mail: <jaysan@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Dan Sackett E-mail: <sackettd@mail.nih.gov>
Gene Therapy Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 2:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Auditorium Contact: Fabio Candotti Phone: 402-1833 E-mail: fabio@nhgri.nih.gov
Genomics and Bioinformatics Interest Group Meeting time: Usually one Thursday a month, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 37, 6th-floor conference room Contact: John N. Weinstein Phone: 496-9571 E-mail: <weinstein@dtpax2.ncifcrf.gov>
Glycobiology Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Diana Blithe Phone: 435-6990. E-mail: <blithed@nih.gov> ListServ: Subscribe to GLYCO-L@LIST.NIH.GOV
GTP Binding Proteins Interest Group Meeting time: Irregular Meeting place: FAES Social & Academic Ctr. Contact: R. Victor Rebois Phone: 496-2007 E-mail: <rebois@box-r.nih.gov>
Hard Tissue Disorders Interest Group Meeting time: Day varies, 9:30 am Meeting place: Building 30, Room 117 Contact: Pamela Robey Phone: 496-4563 E-mail: <probey@yoda.nidr.nih.gov> Contact 2: Michael Collins Phone: 496-4913
Head and Neck Cancer Interest Group Meeting time: To be announced Meeting place: Building 30, Room 117 Contact 1: Adrian Senderowicz Phone: 594-5270 E-mail: <adrian.senderowicz@nih.gov> Contact 2: Wendy Weinberg Phone: 301-827-0709 E-mail: <weinberg@cber.fda.gov>
History of Biomedical Research Interest Group Meeting time: Second Tuesday, 3:30 pm Meeting place: Varies; check web site Contact 1: NIH History Office Phone: 496-6610 Contact 2: Victoria Harden E-mail: <hardenv@od31tml.od.nih.gov>
Image Processing Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Thursday, 11:00 am Meeting place: Building 10, Room B1N256 Contact 1: Benes Trus Phone: 496-2250 E-mail: <trus@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Matt McAuliffe Phone: 594-2432
Imaging Ligand Development Consortium Meeting time and place: To be announced (every 3 months; steering committee meetings will be held every 2 months in the Neuroscience Center) Contact: Linda Brady Phone: 443-5288 E-mail: <LB@helix.nih.gov>
Integrative Neuroscience Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Thursdays, 4:00 pm Meeting Place: Building 49, Room 1A51 Contact: Betsy Murray Phone: 496-5625, X-227 E-mail: <eam@ln.nimh.nih.gov>
In Vivo NMR Interest Group Meeting time: Varies Meeting place: Building 10, Room B1N256 Contact: Jeff Duyn Phone: 594-7305 E-mail: <jhd@helix.nih.gov>
Java Interest Group Meeting time and place: See <http://jig.nih.gov> for upcoming events and talks Contact: Jai Evans Phone: 594-2900 E-mail: <evansj@helix.nih.gov>
Knowledge Management Interest Group Meeting time: 4th Wednesday, 2:30 PM (changes will be noted on NIH Calendar and KMIG website) Meeting place: Wolff Conference Room, Building 10, Room 11S235 Contact 1: Geoffrey Marsh Phone: 301-594-9683 E-mail: <geoff@mail.nih.gov> Contact 2: Robert Lomax E-mail: <lomaxr@mail.nih.gov> |
Lambda Lunch (Bacterial and Phage Genetics) Meeting time: Each Thursday, 11:00 am Meeting place: Building 36, Room 1B13 Contact: Susan Gottesman Phone: 496-3524 E-mail: <susang@helix.nih.gov> Anonymous FTP site:FTP.CU.NIH.-GOV directory "LAMBDA_LUNCH"
Light Microscopy Interest Group Meeting time: Monthly, Tuesday, noon Meeting place: Building 10, Room 4B51 Contact: James McNally Phone: 402-0209 E-mail: <mcnally@exchange.nih.gov>
Lymphoma and Leukemia Interest Group Meeting time: Varies Meeting place: Building 10, Room 12S235a Contact: Michael Bishop Phone: 435-2764 E-mail: <mbishop@mail.nih.gov.> ListServ: LLig-1
Mass Spectrometry Interest Group Meeting time: 1st & 3rd Thursday, 10:30 am Meeting place: Building 10, Room 7C101 Contact: Lewis Pannell Phone: 402-2196 E-mail: <L_Pannell@nih.gov>
Membrane Microdomains Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Tuesday, 12:00 noon Meeting place: Building 10, Room 9C209 Contact: Teresa Jones Phone: 496-8711 E-mail: <tlzj@helix.nih.gov>
Microarray Users Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact: Katherine Peterson Phone: 402-6537 E-mail: <petersonk@intra.nei.nih.gov>
Mitochondria Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday, 3:00 pm Meeting/Videoconference: Natcher, Room H; NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC; GRC, Baltimore; UC Davis; Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore Contact: Steve Zullo Phone: 435-3576 E-mail: <zullo@helix.nih.gov>
Molecular Modeling Interest Group Meeting time: See <http://mmignet.nih.gov> Meeting place: Building 12A, conf. rooms Contact: Peter Steinbach Phone: 496-1100 E-mail: <steinbac@helix.nih.gov>
Molecular Recognition and Quantitative Interaction Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Wednesday, 5:30 pm Meeting place: Building 6A, Room 4A05 Contact: Robert Crouch Phone: 496-4082 E-mail: <robert_crouch@nih.gov>
Motility Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Monday, 4:00 p.m. Meeting place: Building 10, Bunim Room (9S235) Contact: Jim Sellers Phone: 496-6887
Mouse Club Meeting time: 1st Tuesday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 31, Room 2A52, or Building 6A, Room 405 Contact: Heiner Westphal Phone: 402-0545 E-mail: <hw@helix.nih.gov>
Mycobacterial Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Mondays, 10:30 am Meeting place: Building 29, Room 121, or Twinbrook II, 2nd-floor conference room Contact 1: Clifton Barry Phone: 435-7509 E-mail: <clifton_barry@.nih.gov> Contact 2: Mike Brennan Phone: 496-9559
Nerve-Muscle Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Wednesdays, 9:00 am Meeting place: Building 36, Room 1B07 Contact 1: Matt Daniels Phone: 496-2898 E-mail: <mdaniels@codon.nih.gov>
Neural-Immune Interactions Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Mondays, 2:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Conference Room 4N230 Contact: Socorro Vigil-Scott Phone: 496-9255 E-mail: <vigilscs@intra.nimh.nih.gov>
Neurobiology Interest Group Meeting time: alternate Fridays, 4:30 pm Meeting place: Cloisters, Rathskeller Contact: Chip Gerfen Phone: 496-4341 E-mail: <gerfen@helix.nih.gov> ListServ: <http://intra.ninds.nih.gov/nig/>
Neuroinformatics Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday, 12:00 noon Meeting place: Building 49, Conference Room 1A/B Contact 1: Rochelle Small Phone: 594-9898 E-mail: <rochelle_small@nih.gov> Contact 2: Yuan Liu Phone: 496-3108
Pain Interest Group Meeting time: Varies Meeting place: Usually Building 49, Room 1B07 Contact: M. A. Ruda Phone: 402-4980 E-mail: <maruda@dir.nidcr.nih.gov>
PET Interest Group Meeting time: Each Friday, 2:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 1C520 Contact: Peter Herscovitch Phone: 402-4297 E-mail: <herscovitch@nih.gov>
Phage-Tech Interest Group Meeting time and place: Varies Contact 1: Steve Zullo Phone: 435-3576 E-mail: <zullo@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Carl Merril Phone: 435-3583
Pigment Cell Research Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Monday, 3:00 pm Meeting place: Building 49, 1st-floor Conference Room Contact 1: Bill Pavan Phone: 496-7584 E-mail: <bpavan@nhgri.nih.gov> Contact 2: Vincent Hearing Phone: 496-1564
Polyunsaturated Lipid Function Interest Group Meeting time: Usually 1st Wednesday of each month (journal club; resuming in September), 1:00 pm Meeting place: Flow Bldg. Conference Room, Rockville, 12501 Washington Ave. Contact: Norman Salem Phone: 443-2393 E-mail: <nsalem@niaaa.nih.gov>
Prostate Cancer Interest Group Meeting time: Each Tuesday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 2S235 Contact: Kathleen Simon Phone: 496-6353 E-mail: <simonk@mail.nih.gov>
Protein Trafficking Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 9S235 Contact 1: Harris Bernstein Phone: 402-4770 E-mail: <harris_bernstein@nih.gov> Contact 2: Peng Loh Phone: 496-3239
Proteome Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced, check website: <http://proteome.nih.gov> Contact: Donita Garland Phone: 496-6999 E-mail: <dgarland@helix.nih.gov>
Reactive Oxygen Species Interest Group Meeting time and place: Monthly seminars held in conjunction with Oxygen Club of the Greater Washington Area (info via NIH Calendar and members e-mail; also via Leslie McKinney <lmckinney@usuhs.mil> Contact: Mike Chiueh Phone: 301-402-2892 E-mail: <chiueh@helix.nih.gov>
RNA Club Meeting time: 1st Tuesday (except August), 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 41, Room C509 Contact 1: Carl Baker Phone: 496-2078 E-mail: <ccb@nih.gov> Contact 2: Susan Haynes E-mail: <shaynes@usuhs.mil>
Science Writing Interest Group Meeting time and place: To be announced Contact: Edward McSweegan Phone: 402-8370 E-mail <emcsweegan@niaid.nih.gov>
Signal Transduction Interest Group Meeting time: Alternate Fridays, 4:30 pm Meeting place: 5 Research Court, Room 2A08 Contact 1: John Northup Phone: 496-9167 E-mail: <drjohn@codon.nih.gov> Contact 2: James Battey Phone: 402-0900
Stem Cell Interest Group Meeting time and place: TBA; check website Contact 1: Peter Gasper Phone: 1-410-558-8260 E-mail: <gasperpe@grc.nia.nih.gov> Contact 2: Kevin Becker E-mail: <beckerk@grc.nia.nih.gov>
Synaptic and Developmental Plasticity Interest Group Meeting time: Wednesday, 12:00 noon Meeting place: Building 49, Room 1A50 Contact: Bai Lu Phone: 435-2970 E-mail: lub@codon.nih.gov
Therapeutic Oligonucleotides Interest Group Meeting time: Last Thursday, 4:00 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Room 2C116 Contact : Yoon Cho-Chung, Phone: 496-4020 E-mail: <chochung@helix.nih.gov>
Transcription Factors Interest Group Meeting time: 1st Thursday (except July-Sept.), 1:30 pm Meeting place: Building 49, Conference Room B Contact 1: Stoney Simons Phone: 496-6796 E-mail: <steroids@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Uli Siebenlist Phone 496-8917 ListServ: subscribe to TFACTORS
Tumor Angiogenesis & Invasion Working Group Meeting time and place: Posted at web site Contact 1: William Figg Phone: 402-3622 E-mail: <wdfigg@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Steven Libutti Phone: 496-5049
Veterinary Interest Group Meeting time: 3rd Thursday, 12:00 noon Meeting place: Varies Contact: Kay Jordan Phone: 402-4547 E-mail: <ekj@helix.nih.gov>
Viral Hepatitis Interest Group Meeting time: One Monday a month, 3:30 pm Meeting place: Building 10, 9S235 (Bunim) Contact: T. Jake Liang Phone: 496-1721 E-mail: <jliang@nih.gov>
Virology Interest Group Meeting time: Mini-symposia 1-2 times/year Meeting place: to be announced Contact 1: Klaus Strebel Phone: 496-3132 E-mail: <kstrebel@nih.gov> Contact 2: John Patton E-mail: <jpatton@niaid.nih.gov> ListServ: Contact <CBuckler@nih.gov>
Washington Area Yeast Club Meeting time: 2nd Wednesday, 5:15 pm Meeting place: Building 6A, Room 4A05 Contact 1: Reed Wickner Phone: 496-3452 E-mail: <wickner@helix.nih.gov> Contact 2: Alan Hinnebusch Phone: 496-4480 E-mail: <ahinnebusch@nih.gov>
Womens Reproductive Health Interest Group Meeting time and place: Every 4 months at times decided by the group. Contact: Phyllis Leppert Phone: 496-6515 E-mail: <LeppertP@nih.gov>
WorldWideWeb Interest Group Meeting time: 2nd Tuesday, 2:30 pm Meeting place: Building 10, Lipsett Contact 1: Sandy Desautels Phone: 402-6553 E-mail: <sandy_desautels@nih.gov> Contact 2: Dale Graham E-mail: <degraham@helix.nih.gov>
Xenopus/Zebrafish Interest Group Meeting time: Last Monday (except summer), 3:30 pm Meeting place: Building 6B, Room 429 Contact 1: Brant Weinstein Phone: 435-5760 E-mail: <bw96w@nih.gov> Contact 2: Ajay Chitnis E-mail: <chitnisa@mail.nih.gov>
X-ray Crystallography Interest Group Meeting time: Quarterly, announced by e-mail, 2:00 pm Meeting place: Building 5, Room 127 Contact: Xinhua Ji Phone: (301) 846-5035 E-mail: <jix@ncifcrf.gov>