T H E   N I H    C A T A L Y S T     J U L Y  –  A U G U S T   2001


Number of Participants/


Type of Program/Selection
Undergraduate Scholarship Program Undergrads from disadvantaged backgrounds


Scholarships. Laboratory training at NIH during summers; postgraduate training one year for each year of scolarship award. Selection competitive and central
Loan Repayment Programs Ph.D.s, M.D.s, and D.D.S.s in AIDS, clinical, or other research 108
Student loan repayment. Candidates recruited by ICs for research positions, but competitively centrally selected for loan repayment benefits
NIH/FAES Summer Student Program Area high school students 25 new, 15 returning
Adrian Martinez, FAES
Summer lab research experience with weekly presentations. Central selection; support from ICs
HHMI/NIH/FAES teacher training Area high school teachers 17
Adrian Martinez, FAES
Lab experience; weekly meetings with the director of the Office of Science Education and the deputy director for intramural research. Central selection
HHMI Research Scholars 2nd or 3rd year medical and dental students 42 (5–10 returnees) Laboratory research experience. Central selection by mentors' panel
Clinical Research Training Program M.D.s and D.D.S.s with one year of clinical rotations 17
Training in the conduct of clinical research. Selection by central committee
NIH Academy Recent college graduates 10

Postbaccalaureate training with emphasis on health disparities. Central selection, with support from ICs

Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship Program Juniors in engineering 12
R. Lutz, director
Laboratory research experience in biomedical engineering. Central selection. Foundation for the NIH support
Graduate Program Partnerships Ph.D. and M.S. students 154
Doctoral and masters-level research training. Students selected by university in partnership with NIH

1. Postbac
3. Postdoctoral

1. Postbacs
2. Postbacs and Masters
3. Postdocs
1. 250
2. 100
3. 3,200
1. Training to cultivate interest in science careers
2. Training for technicians
3. Training to support research careers
Clinical electives program 2nd or 3rd year medical and dental students 35
Rotations in 23 areas, including individualized research tutorials
Summer internship program High school, college, and grad students 700
Laboratory research training, with selections made by individual investigators
Summer research fellowship program Medical and dental students 100
Laboratory research training, with selections made by individual investigators
Office of Education website All levels of trainees for all institutes <http://www.training.nih.gov> Information and online applications for training programs; positions available


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