T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | N O V E M B E R D E C E M B E R 2000 |
In this issue, we are asking for your reactions in four areas: keeping ahead of research advances, tapping into the human genome, tech transfer, and ways to improve the Catalyst. Send your responses on these topics or your comments on other intramural
research concerns to us via e-mail:
1. What do you think the Intramural Research Program should be doing to stay one step ahead of new developments in biomedical research?
2. Give us your rants and raves regarding your experience tapping the working draft of the human genome. What has worked well? What new tools would make it easier for scientists to use the data?
3. In your experience, what are the potential pitfalls and rewards of patenting and technology transfer at NIH?
4. The Catalyst staff and editorial advisory board meet in December. Do you have any suggestions for us for improving the Catalystmore coverage in certain areas, less in others, a new type of feature?
The NIH Catalyst is published bimonthly for and by the intramural scientists at NIH. Address correspondence to Building1, Room 209, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892. Ph: (301) 402-1449; fax: (301) 402-4303; e-mail: <catalyst@nih.gov>. |