Expanding Programs
Graduate Students
Im responding
to the second question on the back page of the July-August 2000
issue on ways the new director of graduate program partnerships
can improve and expand programs for graduate students.
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR)
research initiatives include "training scientists for medical rehabilitation
research." I would recommend that NIH support this goal by facilitating
PhD-level training/fellowships between the Clinical Center (CC)
Medicine Department and programs such as the Rehabilitation
Sciences program at University of Maryland and the developing Clinical
Leadership program at George Washington University [in Washington,
This type
of arrangement may be supported in many ways such as work commitment/tuition
reimbursement agreements (for intramural scientists) and laboratory
rotations. Investing in the clinical research expertise of the CC
staff and students/scientists from participating local universities
would prove to honor the goals of NCMRR and benefit the patient
and scientific community at large.
Harris-Love, CC
Your recommendation
that NIH support PhD-level research training for clinical scientists
is very appreciated. It strongly reflects the current thinking and
a future goal of the Graduate Program Partnership Office (GPP).
The multi-institutional
partnering model you envision for the MCMRR and universities
is one rapidly emerging across the nation and world. As the
GPP initiates new graduate training programs, we look to the
leadership of the NIH faculty and fellows for their scientific direction
and ideas.
looks forward to working with you and many others to move graduate
training ideas into graduate degree programs.
DeLong, Ph.D., Director, GPP
Antiviral Drug Resistance
HIV Drug Resistance Program
(DRP) of the National Cancer Institute will hold its First HIV
DRP Symposium, "Understanding Antiviral Drug Resistance,"
at the Westfields International Conference Center, Chantilly, Va.,
near Dulles Airport. The program begins with dinner Sunday, December
3, 2000, and closes after lunch Wednesday, December 6.
The symposium
will assemble researchers who work in diverse viral systems yet
share a common interest in mechanisms of antiviral drug action and
resistance. Each session will focus on a different class of molecular
targets for antiviral therapy, with emphasis on normal structure
and function, interactions with antiviral drugs, and the evolutionary
basis and specific mechanisms of viral resistance. For more information,
see the meeting web
Early registration
is encouraged. Contact symposium coordinator, Margaret Fanning by
phone 301-846-1995 or e-mail.
by November 10 to request assistance, assistive devices, or sign
language interpretation. 
AWIS Seminar Series
annual seminar series of the Bethesda chapter of the Association
of Women in ScienceStrategies for Success in Scienceannounces
the following 20002001 schedule.
September 19, "Exploring Bioinformatics Careers: Paths
in the Neurosciences and Molecular Biology."
October 31, "A Report on the Status of Women Faculty in
Science at MIT: An Update."
January 25, "Employment Opportunities for Scientists at
Other Federal Agencies."
March 6, "Science and Business: Working in Industry."
April 26, "Career and Family: Challenges and Rewards."
All seminars
are held in the Chapel at the Cloisters (Building 60). Light refreshments
are available from 4:30 pm, and seminars usually start at 5:00 pmexcept
for October 31, when refreshments will be served at 3:30 pm and
the presentation will begin at 4:00 pm. For more information, call
Marion Zatz at 301-594-2379 or Mini Varughese at 800-446-0035. 
a Focus on Ability
showcase the skills and talents of 7.8 million workers with disabilities,
two events will take place on the NIH campus in October in conjunction
with "National Disability Employment Awareness Month."
The kick-off
is Wednesday, October 4, with a fast and furious game of basketball
played by 10 persons in wheelchairs. The NIH Police are challenging
the Baltimore Ravens Wheelchair Basketball Team! Tip-off
time is high noon on the Building 1 parking lot. Ruth Kirschstein,
NIH principal deputy director, will throw the first jump ball. For
those who cant make the noon game, another match is scheduled
for later that evening in the Building 10 Gymnasium, on the 14th
A Disability
Awareness Fair will be held Tuesday, October 24, in the Building
10 Visitors Center, where national and local vendors will display
disability-related resources and services from 11 am to 2:30 pm.
The objective
is to highlight the benefits of tapping into the labor pool of persons
with disabilities and provide practical information and resources
about assistive technologies to NIH community.
For assistance
or special accommodations, call Carlton Coleman, of OEO, at 496-2906.
Fellows Create
Job Network
NIH Fellows Job/Alumni Network is a new online resource for
NIH fellows nearing completion of their fellowships and looking
for job leads. The Network will soon be accessible through the Fellows
Committee web page
and is seeking volunteers to provide info about potential employers.
If you are
a postdoctoral fellow leaving NIH and would like to serve as a contact
for other fellows seeking jobs in the future, or if you would like
to advertise a temporary or permanent position, please send the
following information to this e-mail
1) Type of
job (such as research, administrative, teaching, marketing/sales)
2) Relevant
scientific areas (molecular biology, pharmacology)
3) Name,
address, phone number, and e-mail address
4) Any
other relevant information (in brief format)
The database
is maintained by volunteers from the Web Subcommittee of the NIH
Fellows Committee. Information supplied from volunteers will be
posted for a period of up to two years. The database will grow only
with input from NIH fellows, who are encouraged to submit their
job information as they depart NIHor at any time they have
knowledge of an opening. 
of Life.The
third annual "Faces and Phases of Life" weekly seminar
series, sponsored by the NIH Work and Family Life Center (WFLC),
in conjunction with the Employee Assistance Program, kicks off in
September. The October schedule follows.
Your Child Apply to College," Tuesday, Sept. 26, 12:001:30,
Bldg. 31, Rm. 6C10
Basics of Collaborative Problem-Solving," Tuesday, Oct. 3,
12:001:30, Bldg. 31, Rm. 6C6
Nuts and Bolts of Choosing Child Care," Wednesday, Oct. 11,
12:001:30, Bldg. 31, Rm. 6C6
Coping Skills (and Avoiding the Pitfalls)," Tuesday, Oct. 17,
12:302:00, Bldg. 31, Rm. 6C10
an Individual Development Plan," Wednesday, Oct. 25, 12:002:00,
Bldg 31, Rm. 6C10
are free and videocast. To
register for a seminar, call 301-435-1619 or e-mail.
A full schedule is available at the WFLC
web site.
Program. The two-year-old pilot NIH Lactation Program
has been so successful that come October it becomes a permanent
WFLC program.
far, the WFLC lactation consultant has assisted more than 300 women.
Services include:
Prenatal breastfeeding education classes taught at various locations
on campus
Telephone support while on maternity leave
Return to work consultation
lactation rooms, equipped with breast pumps, are in buildings 10,
31, 45, 49, Rockledge II, the Neuroscience Research Center at 6001
Executive Blvd, and a temporary location in the EPN-EPS complex.
information and an online registration form are available online
and from the lactation programs administrator Jane
Balkam at (301) 435-7850.
is in Building 31, Room B3C15. For more information about services
and programs, call 301-435-1619 or visit the web
Fair. A resource fair, "Real People, Real Choices:
Quality of Work Life at NIH" will be held Thursday, October
5, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. at the Building 10 Visitor Information
Center (lower level exhibit area).
by the NIH Quality of Work Life Committee, the fair will showcase
the services of 26 NIH offices and organizations created to help
enhance the quality of life of NIH employees. Included are:
NIHs family-friendly workplace policies
On-campus childcare centers
Childcare and elder-care resource and referral services
Programs that make the campus safe
R&Ws new concierge service
Alternative dispute resolution
Linda Breen Pierce, author of Choosing Simplicity: Real People
Finding Peace & Fulfillment in a Complex World, will speak
at noon in Lipsett Auditorium. For more information, call 301-435-1619
or visit the WFLC web site.

Interest Group Forming Around End-of-Life Issues
organizational meeting for the End-Of-Life Special Interest Group
will be on Wednesday October 4 at 4PM in Bldg 31, Room 6C7. For more
information, contact Ann Knebel
at 301-402-6796 or <>. |
New Flag |
Wyatt (center), OIR executuve director, was sworn in as assistant
surgeon in August by Deputy Surgeon General Kenneth Moritsugu, as
his wife, Linda, lends a steadying hand.
Dent was an NCI postdoc from 1992 to mid-1998 and Catalyst cartoonist
since the publication began in 1993. Notorious for his trenchant humor
about the life of NIH postdocs, his cartoons are now inspired by being
an assistant professor and PI
at Indiana University School of Medicine. The above cartoon dramatizes
some of the difficulties of starting out as a PI. The author would
like to emphasize that the pessimistic tone portrayed in the cartoon
is to be taken tongue-in-cheek and, importantly, the author does not
wish to dissuade anyone from entering the scientific profession. |
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