T H E N I H C A T A L Y S T | J U L Y A U G U S T 1999 |
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Many Thanks (photo left): After speaking at the ceremony here in June to dedicate the cornerstone of the building he called into existence two years ago to spur AIDS vaccine developmentnow the Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research CenterPresident Clinton reached out in gratitude for the work done by NIH scientists. Here he shakes the hand of Joan Schwartz, chief of the NINDS Neurotrophic Factors Section and assistant director of the Office of Intramural Research, as Phil Chen (left), senior advisor for intramural research, and HHS Secretary Donna Shalala look on. (photo far left): Betty Bumpers, Bill Clinton, and former Senator Dale Bumpers (D-Ark) at Vaccine Research Center dedication. |
Need a special cell line? Have questions about a special technique? Want to know whos working on a particular disease or gene? Search rapidly through 2,603 1998 Annual Reports online
to get this type of information. The search is easy (free-form). You can
search on any combination you wish: last names, institutes, any word that
appeared in the title, keywords, or summary of the research projects.
Here's the website.
Money & Laundering The downside of more money
for biomedical research is the generation of more hazardous wastes. Preparation
is everything, according to NIEHS and the National Association of Physicians
and the Environment, two of nearly 40 cosponsors of a leadership conference
on "Biomedical Research and the Environment," to be held at
the Natcher Conference Center on the NIH Bethesda campus November 1 and
2, 1999. Rep. John Porter (R-Ill.) keynotes. For additional info and to
register, visit the website.
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology, a course sponsored by the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, will begin in the Lipsett Amphitheater on September 2nd. The course is held Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm to about 8:00 pm and runs through April 27, 2000. The course covers topics such as pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and transport, assessment of drug effects, drug therapy in special populations, and drug discovery and development. Lecturers include Carl Peck of Georgetown Universitys Center for Drug Development Science, Jerry Collins of the Food and Drug Administration, and the Clinical Centers Arthur J. Atkinson, Jr., who serves as course director and previously directed the Clinical Pharmacology Center at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) and the Upjohn Companys clinical drug development programs. Last year, 180 students enrolled. Registration is open to all interested personsfree of charge. Syllabus materials are provided for each lecture and certificates awarded at the end of the course to students who attend 75 percent of the lectures. Additional course info and a registration form are available
on the web. |
Away from OA: July 2324, 1999 8:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. NIH Natcher Conference Center, Building 45 This conference, organized by NIAMS, is designed to stimulate scientific collaboration. Researchers from various fields will review the current state of science regarding prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis (OA), examine prevention interventions, and identify opportunities for further investigation. An additional public session entitled "What You Can Do: Preventing Onset, Progression, and Disability of OA" will be held Saturday, July 24, 8:00 am12:00 noon. Register on the web or
call 301-495-5870. The conference will be videocast live via the web at
this website. |
NIH is now offering a centrally coordinated array of interpreting services under a contract between the Office of Research Services (ORS) and Sign Language Associates. All NIH employees, visitors, and patients, including those located at NIH facilities in Baltimore, may avail themselves of these services for meetings, special programs, lectures, campus-wide activities, and one-on-one interactions between supervisors and employees or doctors and patients. Originally offered through the Office of Equal Opportunity through a variety of mechanisms, interpreting services have been available at NIH since 1988. Under the new contract, the Special Program Services Office of the ORS Division of Support Services will serve as the point of contact for the provision of these services, monitor service quality, and assist in scheduling. For answers to any questions regarding the services
provided and to obtain a consumer manual on use of the contract, contact
Timothy Tosten, project officer, at (301) 402-8180. |
An Office Away from the Office The On-Campus Work Centeran office away from the officeis a resource available to all NIH employees, including those who work elsewhere and come to the NIH Bethesda campus for a meeting. Its a place to go before, between, or after meetings or conferences to work, use a computer, make a telephone call, log-in to e-mail, send a fax, or just plain think. The Center is designed for short-term use and is equipped with a fax and copier machine, telephones, and five workstations that hold five personal computers (including two Macs) and two plugs to accommodate individuals notebook computers. Two of the computersone PC and one Macare wheelchair accessible. The only requirement is that Center users sign in. The room is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m., and is located in Building 31, Room 1A1E09 (next to the
cafeteria).The Center is sponsored by the NIH Quality of Work Life Committee
and is maintained by ORS staff. CIT will respond to calls from Center
users. For more info, visit the website.
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by DENT |
Editor's Note: Catalyst cartoonist Alex Dent is now an extramural investigator at Indiana University Medical School, Indianapolis |