T H E   N I H    C A T A L Y S T      M A R C H  – A P R I L   2002


Jacob Hochman

A major research focus of Jacob Hochman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been xenogenization (a process by which tumor cells are rendered immunogenic instead of tumorigenic), growth regulation, and metastasis of malignant lymphoma. His unique mouse model of these processes is the only one currently available that can also be used for molecular analysis of the infiltration of lymphoma through the blood-brain barrier into the brain and subsequent migration along the optic nerve sheath into the eye.

Among Hochman’s collaborators over the years are NIH scientists who have pressed for his nomination to be a Fogarty Scholar and with whom he will be working during his Fogarty tenure here (divided over several years; this year, from June to September).

With John Hanover, chief of the Laboratory of Cell Biochemistry and Biology, NIDDK, Hochman plans to continue studies on the role of nucleolar MMTV env-precursor proteins p14 and p21 in regulating tumorigenicity and immunogenicity of the experimental lymphoma model as well as in other lymphomas harboring MMTV genes.

With Michael Gottesman, chief of the Laboratory of Cell Biology, NCI, he plans to use MDR vectors for the selective overexpression of p14 and p21 in recipient cells of differing backgrounds and study their tumorigenic and immunogenic potential. The contribution, direct or indirect, of the MDR P-glycoprotein to metastasis in the lymphoma model to the brain and eyes will also be assessed.

With Michael Bustin, chief of the Protein Section, Laboratory of Metabolism, NCI, he plans to study the possible interaction of p14 and p21 with chromatin.

With Larry Wahl, chief of the Immunopathology Section, NIDCR, Hochman has initiated study of the role of matrix metalloproteinases in the metastasis of lymphoma cells into the brain.

Collaborating with NEI investigators, he will investigate lymphoma metastasis into and within the different compartments of the eye.



A program designed to introduce NIH scientists to entrepreneurship in biotechnology and science will be held Thursday, April 18, from 1:00 to 5:15 p.m. in the Masur Auditorium. A reception will follow.

"Moving from the Bench into Business: Entrepreneurship in Science" is aimed at anyone who has ever thought about starting a business after leaving NIH or transferring their discoveries to others for this purpose. The program will include:

The essential elements of a successful business plan

Presentations by entrepreneurs who transitioned from the bench to business

Resources available to young companies

Insight into the differences in workplace cultures

The opportunity to network with interested colleagues and biotech entrepreneurs

Admission is free, but registration is requested at the website.

The event will also be webcast.

Sign language interpretation provided on requestcall Christy Meek at (301) 451-6835. This program is sponsored by the Macklin Business Institute Center for Entrepreneurship of Montgomery College, NCI Office of Technology and Industrial Relations, NCI Center for Cancer Research, NCI Technology Transfer Branch, NCI Fellowship Office, NIH Office of Education, NIH Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, and the NIH Graduate Program Partnerships Office.



Physicians can now earn CME credits online, and at no cost, thanks to The Oncologist CME Online service.

This comprehensive collection of CME-accredited courses focuses on cancer, as well as risk management and supportive care. Physicians generally, and oncologists specifically, who are interested in fulfilling state board certification requirements without leaving their desks are invited to explore this service. The Oncologist CME Online also offers a portal to other online CME activities hosted by NIH.

Each registered user receives a unique online personal folder ("My CME") that maintains a collection of completed CME courses as well as access to printable certificates for completed courses. Completed course credits are forwarded to the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education for official acceptance and are then available to state board licensure agencies.

The NIH/Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences designates this educational activity for a period of 3 years in category 1 credit towards the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award.

Courses submitted for CME credit on or before December 31, 2002, will be recorded in 2002. Courses submitted for CME credit on or after January 1, 2003, will be recorded in 2003.

For more information, visit The Oncologist CME Online service website; register online.




The Foundation for the NIH and NCI will present the first annual Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) on Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. in the Natcher Building, Room A.

In this inaugural year of the program, the award will be made to extend the fellowship of a current postdoctoral CRTA recipient by one year. The intent of the extension is to allow the recipient to continue productive research that would otherwise be cut short were the fellowship appointment to end as scheduled.

In future years, NCI will hold an annual, national competition through which one or more starting CRTA postdocs will be honored as Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellows.





Long-term care (LTC) insurance is now an option for federal employees. Coverage includes but is not limited to care in a nursing home, assisted living facility, home, or hospice, as well as respite care.

Early enrollment runs from March 25 to May 15, 2002. Regular open enrollment runs from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2002.

A forum on the federal LTC insurance program, held at Natcher March 6, was videocast and can be viewed.

Questions can be directed to institute and center human resources offices.


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